Last time:

Music to Lord Sesshomarus ears. She would be his willingly or not. He would mark her tonight. He walked over to her and studied her curves. She looks like a temptress in that kimono.

Chapter 5

Kagome lay still on the cold white marble floor. She couldn't move, her whole body hurt her tears seeking out the blood staining the perfect flooring. Sesshomaru dipped his finger in the now salty blood, bringing it to his nose he smelt fear and it was his Heaven. Lord Sesshomaru picked the girl up by her arm level to his face, leaving a stain of her own blood on her. Kagome looked in to his eyes. What was she going to do? She had no escape; she was helpless so she did the only thing that came natural to her.


Lord Sesshomaru yelled out as he through her to her bed, gasping for the stolen air that was taken from her lungs. Sesshomaru looked at his right hand which the first layer of his skin was burnt away. Kagome lay on her stomach until she was flipped around to her back, Sesshomaru straddling her hips. He felt the burn on his hand start to heal. Kagome went up to hit him with her miko powers but he caught her wrist, burning his hands he pinned them down above her head.

"Get off me"!! Kagome yelled while struggling from his grasp. Sesshomaru leaned down to whisper in her ear but didn't get a chance. "NO, STOP"!! She screamed and started to cry with so much force that she threw Lord Sesshomaru off with a blast of her powers. A mystic pink and purple force surrounded her like a bubble. Sesshomaru landed on his feet, his poison seeping out from his finger nails.

Walking over to her Sesshomaru touched the force that was surrounding her. It disintegrated right before her eyes. "Oh no" Kagome whispered. "No, please" she pleaded. Sesshomaru climbed back on top of her but that didn't stop her form kicking and punching him. They where like little taps for the Demon Lord. The acid dripped on to Kagomes Kimono deteriorating it until it touched her skin. She screamed and even though her scrams where heard through the castle no one came for her.

She was alone.

She had to fend for herself because no one else was going to do it.

Her kimono was ripped off of her, to shreds pieces laying every where on the marble floor. She wore no bra and no underwear. Screaming more was becoming natural for her. It was echoing through her room. His sharp finger nail cut in to her torso down to just above her belly button.

Sesshomaru bent his head down to her bloody stomach licking it up and it healed instantly. Kagome lay motionless with her Lord above her. She cried. It hurts she thought. Her cries got caught in her throat leaving her mouth wide open with no sound coming out. Kagomes eyes shut tightly tears pushing their way out and down her beautiful face.

Sesshomaru tore off his clothes. "No" Kagome barley whispered. Moving her head to the right then to the left "You can't do this" crying out.

Sesshomaru didn't answer he didn't need to because he knew he could have her and he would very soon. She belonged to him.

More reviews or I'll leave it here :)

Not really I like it.

So the next chapter is going to have a rape story in it. Warning you now.