This is a new story I wanted to write… I don't own anyone in this story,, So happy reading

Chapter one:

The beginning

"I want to leave now, thank you for your hospitality". His eyebrows rose with anger but the blue eye beauty didn't see. Kagome found the floor very amusing. She turned to pack her things and head on her way out to where she didn't even know. The only thing on her mind was the incident from last night, with Sesshomaru. Before she took her second step Sesshomaru was in front of Kagome blocking her way. She turned slightly to go around him, but he grabbed her arm which she gasped from the slight pain where his fingers were pinching her skin.

"Hey, wh-"

"NO"! Sesshomaru was not going to let her just leave when she wanted, who did she think she was. She was his to do whatever he wished of her. ' And what of your pride, should you really take a women being demon or not forcefully' his conscience was at it again making his eyes begin to taint with red.

Kagome looked into his eyes seeing little slits of red bleeding there way into them. Her heart raced and she knew he could hear it.

'What happened to the gentle passionate silver haired man who had shared last night with me'. Kagomes mind was swirling her heart beating so fast and she wasn't taking in enough oxygen she began to see black. She felt light headed and her body was tingling.

Sesshomaru watched as the petite women in his grasp started to go limp, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She was becoming pale. With out waiting for the final results of what was happening he swept her up bridal style and took her to her room where he laid her down with that gentleness he showed her last night. Her hair fell over her face and he took a clawed finger and moved her hair out of her face and looked at her sleeping form, how he wanted her, to taste her again. He was disappointed when she pulled away last night and he didn't get to claim her as his own, but he knew that he would have her.

Never has anyone had the affect on him as she did. 'This human'. As he watched her, he noticed since she passed out her breathing had even out and her heart was beating as it normally did. He had been accustomed to everything about her. Even if she has only stayed in his presence for 3 weeks. Thoughts of last night replayed in his head, it was in the garden he found her wandering around, slightly raining. Well enough to where Kagomes hair was a little more than damp.

She was lying in the grass, eyes closed but not asleep. She was more relaxed than he had ever seen her in her stay. She opened her mouth to allow the sweet water to drip into her mouth. Sesshomaru never saw someone so, peaceful. His eyes scanned over her body she wasn't in her clothes that he gave to her. Instead she was in some kind of night gown but a lot shorter, and it was yellow and pink like spring time colors. It was probably from her big yellow bag she had brought along. It was sticking to her and Sesshomaru could see her upper thigh.

He started thinking of the things he wanted to do to her. He wanted to run his fingers up her thighs and squeeze them to make her moan. When he looked back up to her face her eyes where open. He felt embarrassed for the situation she found him in but he did not let his mask fall.

"Its raining, you will come inside now" Sesshomaru demanded more than asked.

"Excuse you" Kagome replied now standing and her dress clung to her most inappropriate Sesshomaru thought.

Kagome continued when Sesshomaru didn't reply." I heard what you said but you could at least ask if I want to come in, which I don't. So I will stay out her as long as I wish".

Sesshomaru didn't like what she was saying to him so he slammed her up against a tree behind her. "Let –"

"You will not speak to me so in my home; you will listen since you are a guest here". One hand was wrapped around her neck and the other held her hands above her head. He moved his body to where it was pressed firmly to Kagomes. She started to breathe heavy through her nose, her chest pumping out and in, out and in. He released his hold on her neck but kept her pinned to the tree. His face came close to her neck and he breathed in her scent. It was driving him crazy her fear mixed in with Sakura blossom flowers. So fresh, she was so pure. And he wanted to be the one to have her first.

Kagomes wet body was pressed firmly to the tree when Sesshomaru released her neck. She didn't comprehend what was happening but she felt his hand come up underneath her back to release the poking pressure from the bark of the tree. 'what is he doing, i- is he inhaling in my neck'. Kagome didn't know what to think. She tried to wriggle her way down to the ground and at the same time she said "Please Sesshomaru".

He understood and he let her go. They looked into each others eyes, but his Lord ruined it by turning around back to the castle.

"Sesshomaru, wait please". She jogged half way to him. He turned back towards her, he didn't even notice that the rain had picked up more. And Kagome was no drenched in water, little drips where falling off her lips and the temp had dropped down at least 7 degrees, when she breathed you could see it as if she where smoking, in an instant Sesshomaru was there standing before her. He quickly gathered her in his arms and passionately took her lips. 'They are so soft' he though.

Kagome was on her tip toes, and Sesshomaru being 6'5 was bending down. Holding her close he wanted to take her to his room; and without another thought there they where, in hers. He wanted to have her scent all around him so even when he slept by her side he would be surrounded in her serenity, that waved off her like tumbling waves.

Kagome felt the rain run down her back and in an instant the wetness was replace by cozy softness, when she opened her eyes she saw all black but as she got adjusted she recognized the place and her room in the castle. She tried to move but Sesshomarus weight held her down.

Sesshomaru noticed her uneasiness and nibbled at her neck which made her moan. Hi hands slid down her breasts and ran over her belly button. He felt her goose bumps rise as his hands slid further down to capture the hem of the dress and bring it up to her hips. He rose to look at her beauty, he saw some contraption covering her pussy, and he wanted to see it so badly.

Kagome felt Teeth run along her neck, next a hand caressed down in between her boobs. "Feels so good, give into him' her mind was saying but she new deep down she just couldn't. Her lower stomach felt tingly she needed some sort of release. She felt her sun dress being lifted up "oh god". She said allowed.

Sesshomaru heard this but choose to ignore it since he new it was from pleasure. The same hand that lifted her dressed went down to her sweet spot.

"No". Kagome said loudly but didn't yell. She wiggled her hand out and grabbed his, when she did this he lifted up and allowed her to move to the side. She rolled over to the other side of the bed; let her legs hang over the side of the bed as she sat up. Sesshomaru had never been rejected but this little miko was different.

"Sorry, I just can't". Kagome got up and walked to the door. Sesshomaru wasn't one for letting anyone just walk away from him but he let her leave. But he didn't want to leave the room, so he laid down, closed his eyes and relaxed. Replaying the night over. He had a bad feeling that he wouldn't smell her gripping scent much longer. His eye shot open and for a slight second there where small rivers of red, then it disappeared. "She wouldn't leave me'.

I like this first chapter hopefully you did to... Comments are wonderful :D

Reborn Child