Chapter 7: Time to say Goodbye

"Duck!" Saiyuri quickly bent down and flung out her legs, succeeding in tripping Jyo and Midori before a hail of kunais punctured their skin. The grey eyed woman ignored the pricks from the rocks under her skin. With a speed of an animal, Saiyuri's hands flew into motion.

"Kori no Jutsu!"

Ice sprung out from the ground and plunged into the chest of an enemy from above.

Ram, dog, snake

Saiyuri's katana appeared in her hand with a small spew of clouds. She quickly sliced it through the air, the head of her enemy falling at her feet. Blood sprinkled on her face, but she didn't dare stop. If she did, she knew that it was her life that was going to end. She quickly stabbed another enemy in the back, finishing him off with a grotesque slice to his throat.

Perspiration clung to her temples. Knowing that it was safe for the moment, Saiyuri brought up her arm and wiped the sweat from her face. She turned around to face her two friends on the ground.

Midori stared at the body with wide eyes, her mouth moving as if to say something. Jyo didn't dare look at the bodies, instead he was gazing at Saiyuri with a look of disbelief and concern.

"You…the enemies—killed…by her-herself," Jyo stuttered, his words made no sense.

"You guys have to fight." Saiyuri hardened her voice. "You have to take this seriously. This isn't training anymore, this is the real deal. And I--" With a flick of her wrist, her katana came up to her face, blocking a kunai. "Now fight!" She jumped away, trying to deal with the enemy.

The leaf-nin somberly threw some kunais at her. Saiyuri immediately avoided them, twirling around, making sharp turns. As he continued to throw them, she memorized his attacks, trying to find an opening.


Quickly, Saiyuri lunged forward, her katana swerving upwards. She caught the leaf-nin by the chest, her katana neatly making a diagonal wound on his chest.

He cried out and flew back from surprise. Saiyuri didn't waste time. She streaked forwards and plunged her katana into his gut. With a twist of her wrist, she made the wound deeper.

Once she had finished him off, she ran into the middle of the battle, knowing that this was where she was going to get more of the fight. She looked around, her grey eyes analyzing the area. Many of the mist draftees were failing. Some bodies laid on the ground, while others were ripped apart. Her lip curled in disgust as she saw a leaf-nin.

Those animals.


Recognizing that attack, Saiyuri swerved her head around, trying to catch a glimpse of Kanagawa-sensei, hoping o find him attacking an enemy. But she was dead wrong. It was the other way around.

Saiyuri's eyes widened in horror as a gray haired man had a sparkling hand, a hand covered with energy and electricity. The blue-white covered hand went through Kanagawa-sensei's stomach.

"No!" She screamed in horror, dropping her katana in the process. "Kanagawa-sensei!" Saiyuri screeched, tears pouring out of her eyes as she made a dash to her mentor.

"Kori no Jutsu!" Ice flew at the grey-haired man.

She skidded on the rocks, sliding next to her teacher's side. Pain grasped her heart and squeezed it till she was sobbing. Saiyuri hesitated at touching his face, not knowing whether or not if a simple touch was going to hurt him. Her eyes went to his waist and saw blood flowing from his wound. A choking sound made her head whip up. Blood slithered out of his mouth.

"K-kit," He was choking on his own blood, some of it splattering at her. "Give me…you—your hand…" Immediately, Saiyuri gave it to him, knowing that he wanted comfort. It was the only thing she could give him at the moment.

"Kanagawa-sensei," Her throat clenched. "Don't leave me…don't die…" She sobbed.

He didn't say a word as he held tight to her hand. His lips moved slightly, murmuring words under his breath. Knowledge began to flow through her veins, through her brain like water. Saiyuri's eyes went blank as she drank it all greedily.


Her teacher shoved her away roughly before her head was cut off by the gray-haired man. Kanagawa let out a roar of pain as the man's katana sliced his chest. Saiyuri screamed and shoved the offender away, forgetting that she was on the battlefield.

"Kanagawa-sensei!" Saiyuri protectively sheltered him from the gray haired man. She had a good look at him.

There was a scar that slashed down his left eye. It was ugly, grotesque and sickening. His eyes were mismatched. One of them was the color of blood while the other was as dark as death. The emotion in his eyes was expressionless and dead.

"I-I did-didn't give the U-Uchi--"

The man disappeared. Saiyuri heard a sickening slice and she whipped around to see Kanagawa's head sliced off. She stared in disbelief, her eyes wide as tears cascaded down her face.

"Nonsense is no use in the world." The man's face was deep and deadly.

Kanagawa-sensei's dead…

Kanagawa-sensei's dead…

Kanagawa-sensei's dead…

Kanagawa-sensei's dead…

The thought and image of his death kept running through her mind like a broken record, forever embedding itself deep within her brain. He was really gone—forever.


Pain, fury and adrenaline pumped into her body, swirling around like a vortex with power and strength. Agony filled her eyes as she screamed with vengeance. Saiyuri let out deep and harsh breathes, the pain slowly dimming into a dull ache. Her blood eyes were on, and she relished it. Suddenly, as if a switched had flipped, words came out of her mouth, words that she has never known before.

"Tora Kori no Jutsu!"

A huge block of ice appeared before her. It was steaming from the blazing sun, but it never did melted, never did have water slithering down the corners. She looked at it with a dead panned gaze, watching as it began to form into a shape of a tiger. The back of this unusually tiger reached three inches above Saiyuri's head.

The gray haired man was alarmed and flew back a couple of steps, regarding the creation and the creator with a studying look.

Both the animal and Saiyuri lashed at the masked murderer with pure fury.

"Kage bunshin no Jutsu!"

Clouds spewed out from around the three, slowly maneuvering out of the way to show six blocks of ice. Steam arose from the ice, the sun piercing through the sculpture. The heat went well with the ice, because slowly it began to shape into more tigers.

The tigers snarled and roared at the man, icicles spewing out of their mouth and at the murderer.

"Kawarimi no Jutsu!" A wooden log replaced the man.

Saiyuri scanned the area, determined to find the man who killed her mentor. Pure adrenaline rushed through her veins as the knowledge Kanagawa-sensei had give her rushed through her brain. A rustle of clothes above her made Saiyuri tilt her head. She looked up and saw the man coming down from above, a serious expression on his face as he threw down weapons at Saiyuri.

They were all connected with explosion notes. In a second they surrounded her—

And exploded.

She went flying through the air, her creations bombed into glass shards as they melted into water by the man's destruction. Saiyuri landed hard on the dirt, rolling past fights with a speed that wouldn't allow her to stop. Throwing out her hands, Saiyuri forced herself to come to a stop, the skin on her hands ripping open and bleeding.

Once she had finally come to a stop, she let out a breath of agony. Slowly she sat up, looking down at herself to see that the first layer of skin on her hand was gone, leaving her hands bleeding profusely. The scratches and scathes on her legs were unbearable to look at it.

Luckily, one of her ice tigers had survived. The grey haired man was versing him, equal in battle, strength and stealth.

"Midori!" Saiyuri heard a hoarse scream.

She weakly turned her head to find her beloved friend slashed viciously with numerous types of weapons. She was like a voodoo doll with knives and sharp objects puncturing her delicate skin. For a moment, Midori stood there, the weapons sticking out of her like needles. She then took her fall, another faired haired was the one who brought her down.

A masculine looking twin.

Jyo's face was stricken in agony, but then switched fast to anger. He screamed and blindly ran at the fair boy. A look alike of Midori, but with short blond hair and red eyes full of rage.

Saiyuri watched in wretched hopelessness as a black blur streaked across the field. Jyo was savagely thrown aside like a rag doll.

But that didn't stop the green eyed boy. Jyo snarled in fury and charged at the tall dark haired man.


Same death as her mentor

"Jyo!" Saiyuri screamed, her voice hoarse and scratchy as she tried to get up. He suffered and died the same way as Kanagawa-sensei. Tears streamed down her face as she continued to scream in despair.

Her friends died and she didn't have the strength to protect them. Her battered body was full of pain and agony as she tried to stand up, the wounds on her flesh peeling open and stretching. Waterfall of tears continued their way downwards, a story of pain. Pure hatred filled her veins, pure unadulterated anger made Saiyuri snarl like an animal. The knowledge Kanagawa-sensei passed down to her was now to be used—

For revenge.

Saiyuri shrieked like a banshee, her hand flying outwards as her katana twitched on the ground, sixty feet away from her. The object was flung out of the ground, twirling around like a baton, slicing a few enemies before hitting the palm of her hand.

The two who had slaughtered Saiyuri's friends turned and watched as Saiyuri dashed at them with a look of odium. Their eyes were filled with bewilderment and disbelief.

"Tora Kori Bunshin no Jutsu!" Multiple ice tigers poofed into the area, ganging up on the enemy. They roared icicles but the dark haired ninja deflected the useless attack.

"Kanton: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" He melted all the ice and sprung in the air.

Saiyuri's grey eyes caught the handseals the dark haired boy activated. Something twitched in her head and Saiyuri copied those moves, her fingers creating a circle as she brought it close to her mouth. "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" She blew through her fingers and watched as fire flew outwards towards him.

A wicked grin appeared on her face as she saw the fire sing his clothes.

Suddenly, the two were close and at a front to front combat.

He whipped out his leg, his foot catching Saiyuri's arm with a painful strike. The attack numbed her arm, her shoulder, causing the ligament to become useless. Saiyuri clenched her fist and swung it to his right ear, boxing it to a point where she knew it would cause pain.

He winced, but didn't falter. His fist came out and punched her in the gut. Saiyuri flew back with a speed that rivaled light, crying out in pain as her spine hit a tree. The back of her head snapped back and hit the trunk.

Slowly and awkwardly, she came to her feet, her hand grabbing at her head. Suddenly, she got a good look at the battlefield, her eyes widening in horror. She shook her head in disbelief, not being able to grasp at what was happening.

The Mist Village had forfeited.


Saiyuri turned quickly, crying out in pain as her leg screeched in pure agony. She looked down to see that there was a bone sticking out from the skin, protruding as if it were the kage itself. Saiyuri quickly limped away, trying to avoid her enemy.

But he didn't let her.

"Who are you?" He screamed in rage and punched her jaw.

Before his hand came in contact with her jaw, Saiyuri muttered a jutsu, allowing her jaw to be covered with ice before he touched it. Unfortunately, he broke through it and still got though. Saiyuri flew back and skidded at the corner of the battlefield, nearly close to where the Mist nins had escaped.

Saiyuri wanted to take the chance and escape. But as if he knew what she was doing, the dark haired man grabbed the front of her shirt and threw her across the grassy plain of the battlefield, away from her people.

It seemed as if God wasn't on her side this time.

He was never on her side.

She rolled on the ground, crying out in pain as her bone bent and touched the ground. Saiyuri was on her stomach. She placed her pale hands on the ground, pushing herself upwards in a slow pace, her body screeching. She didn't get up, her body was weak and tired, her supply of energy dead.

Slowly, she looked at the horizon, watching as the white flag was minimizing sorrowfully.

Determination went through her as she tried to get up and follow her village, the draftees. When she had successfully gotten to her feet, she was instantly surrounded by the enemies. She glared at them, curling her lip in disgust as they watched her with shock, suspicion, analyzing her features.

"We meet again, Silverfish."


A/N: I have a confession to make. I am getting sick and tired of writing Naruto fanfictions): It's pretty sad because I feel like dropping everyone of my fanfictions. But I'm not going to. At least I'm trying not to. I've gone to fictionpress and planning staying there.

I don't know whether or not I will continue my stories. I will TRY, but don't expect me to succeed. xP