Author's Note: This is my first Fanfic. I hope everyone enjoys.

These Characters are the sole origination of JK Rowling

"Ginny, could I please leave the twins with you? I have to make a run to Diagon Alley. I just can't watch them when I have major shopping to do." Hermione Granger said to her best friend Ginny Potter. Hermione had just bustled in from the chimney with her twins, Evangeline and Rory. Hermione's thick luxuriant chestnut curls were no longer the bushy mess they were at Hogwarts. Her liquid brown eyes were as beautiful as ever, full of life and sparkle. The awkward, girl was replaced by a beautiful woman that knew what she wanted and where she was going.

"Of course! Little Harry and Molly will be delighted to have company this evening!" Ginny giggled, tossing her fiery red curls.

"Thank you! Is there anything I can pick up for you while shopping?" Hermione asked, with an expression of great relief upon her face.

"As a matter of fact, I need a new broom servicing kit for Harry. The managers of his Quidditch team have just purchased the new Firebolt 3000 for the entire team and reserve members. He is in awe of that broom and has forbidden the children to come near it!" Ginny replied with a smile and a dimple.

"Broom serving kit, got it!"

"Hermione," Ginny said gently, with her smile faltering just a bit, "you know he's returned to England?"

"Ginny, there's no point in discussing it. My mind was made up a long time ago, there's nothing for us to talk about." Hermione responded briskly.

"Nothing to talk about!?!? How could you say that?"

"Ginny, don't! Not now, please. I have shopping to do, and then I have a shift to cover at St. Mungo's. Besides, you know he hates Aurors, as far as he's concerned, that's what we will always be to him. Me, you, Ron, Harry, he doesn't care that we have been placed on sabbatical, he knows that we can, and will be called out to work at a moments notice."

"Hermione, you're not listening. We all have separate careers now. He's changed, he doesn't feel the same way. We have all changed since the war," but that was all Hermione permitted Ginny to say.

"He used me Ginny, how could you take his side? You know what, just forget it. I have Evangeline and Rory to think about now."

"Okay Hermione, and just to let you know, Cho and Ron are having the family dinner this weekend. Please let St. Mungo's know that you will need Sunday of. They will hit the roof when they realize that I will be taking Sunday off also." Ginny said matter-of-factly.

"Okay, I'll return in a few hours, I love you." Hermione said to Ginny, then she grabbed her twins and hugged them, cooing "I love you's" to them. None of the survivors of the war left each other without saying I love you.

"Auntie 'Mione, can you bring back some chocolate frogs for us?" Molly asked standing in line for her kiss and hug.

"Yes darling, I will." Molly beamed at the other three and beckoned them to follow her to the backyard.

"Hermione, think about what I said. You can't avoid him forever. He will eventually hear all about it from someone else." Ginny said softly.

"Ginny, he won't know, because he won't care." With that, Hermione disapparated.


"Mr. Malfoy, what can I do for you this afternoon?" Mr. Olivander asked as Draco walked into the newly built shop.

"I'm here to purchase a new wand." Draco said simply. His handsome, chiseled, pale face was emotionless. Gone was the cheeky spoiled brat, in his place stood a very tall, brooding man, with flashing silver eyes, and platinum blond hair that had grown long. It was pulled back in a neat French braid and secured by a leather thong. One would have thought Draco cold and emotionless, but if you looked hard enough, you could see the remains of a smirk that drove his arch enemies to distraction.

"A new wand," Mr. Olivander stated, peering with those large eyes that seemed to see and know everything, "ah yes, the war. Some of my finest work has been lost to that war."

Draco didn't know what to say to this strange speech, but he wanted very much to be on his way. He had lots of things to do, places to go, and people to see. Once he got his business affairs sorted out, he would find her.

"Then maybe we could pick up where we left off." He muttered aloud.

"What was the sir?" Olivander quizzed.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Draco replied. He stood there, letting the magical tape measure, measured everything and then some of his body. While waiting to be told to try out wands, he noticed two flaming red heads walk past. His heart beat excitedly! That was it! He would visit the Weasley twins joke shop to find out what he needed to know!

A small smile broke out on his face as he realized that he had a little bit of direction back to her. He needed her, he wanted her.

"I should have told her I loved her." He whispered out loud.

"Speak up young man, I can't hear you." Olivander said.

"Sorry Mr. Olivander, I was speaking to myself." Mr. Olivander shook his head and tsked. Finally he directed Draco to try out wands. After some time, he ended up with a 14 inch wand, birch, with dragon heartstring center. Draco paid Olivander, thanked him and left the shop.