Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I claim to own X-Men or any of the Characters. They belong to Marvel comics. I do own the characters you won't recognise, for example Jack Sampson and Rini Stanford-Summers and Taylor Summers and James Stanford.

My husband and my best friend

Charles Xavier, the founder and owner of the mansion used as a school for Mutants, he sighed as a Mr. RJ Sampson, a lawyer, sat in the chair opposite him. Mr. Sampson was a man with black hair with liberal amounts of white hair streaking though the short and groomed strands.

He was the lawyer of the late James Stanford and Taylor Summers, the once co-owners of the most powerful and sorted after computer and Technology Company, Stanford & Summers Enterprises.

Sampson had come in regards to a contract drawn up and signed by James Stanford and Taylor Summers, a contract that was made almost twenty one years ago.

Sampson was accompanied by Alexander Summers, younger and only sibling of Scott Summer AKA Cyclops. He was currently running part of the Stanford and summers enterprises.

He needed his brother; it was time to bring the family back into the business. It was also about time; Alex thought that the last of the Stanford's should be taking part of the responsibility of running the company as well.

Charles asked "And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Mr. Sampson, and of course Alex?" Sampson pinched the bridge of his nose; unknowing Charles was currently scanning his thoughts.

What he heard made Charles's eyes widen. Oh this was not good, not good at all. He knew of two members of his staff and two X-Men that were going to be especially unpleased by this.

'Oh hell, why me, why is it me that had to be the lawyer of James Stanford and Taylor Summers? This is wrong, so very wrong; this contract should have never been drawn up. But I was just the lawyer; it was none of my damned business. I just hope I don't get the back lash for this'

He cringed as he thought in particular 'How the hell am I supposed to tell the oldest son of Taylor Summer's and the oldest granddaughter of James Stanford, that old coot, that they have to marry and produce an heir uniting the Stanford and summer's bloodlines before they can receive their inheritance, namely their shares of the company Stanford & Summers?'

Alex had been thinking 'Scott is so gonna shit and die when he hears about this. At least he won't be the only summers forced into an arranged marriage. I wonder if anyone would object if I tempted to use my optic blasts to burn a hole in the wall to escape. I'm a coward, but so what. Oh fuck the shit is gonna hit the fan. This is not fare, I'm the innocent party here damn it'

Charles chuckled "I would every much prefer and appreciate it if you restrained your self from using your powers to blast a hole in my mansion Alex. And I think it high time you tell your brother of your powers, that you share the same powers."

Alex looked sheepish, but that looked turned guilty. "But I don't want to rub in his face, the fact I can control my powers, and he can't" Alex said. He added "I feel crappy professor that I can see in colour, without the aid of glasses, with only the occasional headache when I'm in the sun, to hinder me."

Charles replied "You wouldn't be rubbing it in his face Alex. Your brother has sorted out the problem and can now control his powers. But I will leave it to him to tell you the whole story"
He added "You mentioned that you get headaches?" Alex nodded "Yeah. Really bad ones, but it isn't on a regular basis, only when I'm in the sun. I also feel a throbbing behind my eyes and have to suppress the urge to let rip with my optic blasts."

Charles looked thoughtful before he told Alex "Well, in that case when we have finished our business here, I would like you to go to a medical bay, and talk to Doctor McCoy. He will provide you with glasses like your brothers. But you would only need them whilst out in the sun, like Scott only does now."

In after thought he added "In fact how about you go there right now? I'll call for Hank to come and get you and he will lead you to the medical bay. And of course Scott will be waiting for you when you return."

Alex nodded and watched as Charles closed his eyes and mentally summoned Hank. Sampson asked "What is going on Alex?" Alex replied "It's nothing Jack. I'm just going to pay a visit to the medical bay, and then I'll be coming back."

Sampson frowned and asked "Why do you need to go the medical bay. Are you sick, because you had looked fine a few moments ago?" Alex shook his head and replied with a chuckle "No Jack. I am just going to the medical bay to get some glasses to help with my headaches"

He added "You know that both I and Scott are mutants and that we have optic blasts, lasers that shoot out of our eyes" Alex finished "Well I need a pair of sun glasses specially designed to help me whist out in the sun, as it is the suns solar energy that powers up my optic blasts."

Jack nodded in understanding. He knew the summer's boys were mutants, Scott the eldest having known and had his powers active many years longer then Alex. He had no problem with it, he was not against mutants.

They all turned when a knock came at the door. Charles called out "Enter Hank." Hank McCoy, or better own as 'The Beast' entered, shocking Jack. Hank eyed him in amusement and replied as he chuckled "Yes I know it is shocking isn't it? Most mutants are not as obvious as I my self am."

Sampson shook his head and replied "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it is just I'm not used to being in the company of mutants, accept for Alex, but he shoots lasers out of his eyes. I would not have known if I hadn't seen him use it once."

Hank nodded in understanding. He turned his gaze upon Alex and smiled. Alex was a spitting image of Scott, only he had blond hair whilst Scott had dark brown. But both shared the same beautiful blue eyes.

Hank said "Come along you; let's get you kitted out with a set of glasses. Charles explained the situation to me. You really should've come sooner, your lucky so far that you've been able to control it."

Alex looked sheepish as he nodded and stood up and followed Hank out of Charles's office. Once they were gone Charles mentally summoned Scott. He would call for Marie AKA Rogue, after he had seen Scott. It would take Scott to calm her down once she discovered what would happen.