Summary: Harry gets the chance to save everyone he lost in the second war along with everyone else

Spoilers: 1st through 5th book

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; if I did I wouldn't have killed of Sirius Black

Reviews: reviews more then welcome all constructive criticism welcome

On to the story : )

Padfoot, Moony and explanations

Chapter two

The next morning after a full breakfast, Harry left the Leaky cauldron and headed to Potter manor.

The manor was on an unplottable land, it was half the size of Hogwarts, had one whole floor dedicated to guest rooms, the master bedroom was on the third floor with two other guest rooms, the swimming pool along with various rooms that Harry didn't know what they were for, the ground floor has the entrance hall which has a large fireplace that is used for floo'ing, to the right of the fireplace are large double doors that lead into a hall for meetings and balls, off the sides off the entrance hall are halls leading to stairways leading up and down, a library, small living area a larger living area, small dining room and a large dining room that could comfortably fit 200 people in, the manor also includes a kitchen (Duh) weapons room, training area, gym astronomy tower, a portrait room that includes portraits of James and Lily, on the grounds was an outside swimming pool, a lake, a forest and stables it also has its own Quidditch pitch.

After apperating in, and informing the house elf's on who he is, he headed up to the master bedroom as it was his now. When he had finished unpacking his things he went down to the kitchens to get some lunch he only looked round when the elves looked at him strangely when they saw him cooking,

"Does master not like our cooking?" the head elf asked with his head bowed

"Oh of course I do, but I like to cook for myself occasionally it's something I enjoy doing." Accepting his answer the elves went back to their work, Harry engaged them in a conversation about styles of cooking, when he had finished eating they had all got more comfortable with each other and at Harry's coaxing had started to call him by his name instead of master..

Harry then left the manor to track down Sirius, he knew that he would be heading to surrey to see him but that won't be for another couple of weeks so he had no idea where he would be, deciding the best way to find him would be to start at Azkaban, when he got there using the information Sirius had told him about his escape he headed to the forest, "Great this could take a long time." He commented, he transformed into his wolf form sniffing the scent that he hoped was his godfather as it didn't smell human or animal he headed off in to the direction following his nose all the way (AN woah imagery I just got an image of a group of people following a nose lol) when it started to get dark Harry spotted an area that he could sleep in, deciding that it would be better to sleep in his Animagus form he curled up at the base of a tree and drifted off to sleep.

It was a week later that the smell started to get stronger meaning that, Sirius was around there not long ago, 2 days later Harry spotted his godfather asleep in an alley, they were in south London, walking up to him in his human form Harry sat down next to him and started to stroke the dogs head to wake him up.

Feeling someone stroking him, Sirius jerked awake looking up at the person he thought he was seeing things because to him sitting next to him with their hand on his neck, stopping him from bolting was a very young James Potter, but on closer inspection he realised that he looked different and his eyes were an emerald green colour Harry! Sirius thought when he realised who was sitting there, when the boy spoke Sirius swore his jaw must have hit the floor.

"Hello Padfoot." Laughing at his godfathers face, the look of pure shock on a dog is funny especially when the dogs jaw was hanging open to, "Listen I would love to explain everything but to be honest I only want to do it once right now, and I'm tired and dirty from following your scent from Azkaban for the last week and I know you must be in desperate need of a shower yourself so how about we get out of here hmm?" he asked his godfather who was just staring at him in shock, sighing Harry grabbed onto him and apperated them both to the manor, on seeing the familiar manor as James had brought him here on occasion Sirius transformed back into his human form,

"Harry? Is that really you?"

"No I'm John Wayne, yes it's me." He replied sarcastically, leading the way into the manor Minks the elf met them at the door.

"We's have been worried about you." She said

"I'm sorry, I was searching for Sirius and it took longer then I intended it to, listen I really want to get out of these clothes so could you show Sirius to one of the guest rooms on the same floor that my room is on and perhaps make us some food?" nodding her head Harry turned to Sirius "This is Minks she'll take care of you, there are some clothes for you and other necessities in the room that she'll show you to, I'll see you later in the dining room, just call for Minks when you're ready." He explained then walked off in the direction of his room leaving his godfather knowing the elf will look after him, after taking a long shower and getting changed into some clean clothes, Harry went over to his desk and took out some parchment, ink and quill to write a letter.

Dear Remus Lupin

I know you knew my parents and I would like to get to know you and would like to hear about my parents from you, there is also something I wish to discuss with you if you could come to Potter manor I would be eternally grateful, I believe you know the floo address and if you could possibly come tonight around 8pm, if that inconvenient send a reply back with Hedwig my owl if it's fine you don't need to reply just turn up.

Thank you and I hope to see you soon

Harry James Potter

p.s DON'T tell anyone this is important

Satisfied with the letter he sent Hedwig off with it, and headed off to lunch.

When he arrived in the small dining room, and not seeing anyone he sat down with a book and waited. Half an hour later Sirius showed up freshly showered and wearing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt and trainers, he had shaved off his beard but had left his hair and just tied it with a bobble at the base of his neck, smiling at the man he motioned for him to sit down, and once he did food appeared on the table in front of them "Tuck in." he cheerfully instructed his godfather, not needing to be told twice Sirius dived in, once he had slowed down he looked up at Harry.

"How did you know who I was? And why aren't you calling the Auror's here? I did after all 'betray' your parents." Sirius said slightly bitter

"No you didn't." Replied Harry looking up from his book marking his page.

"How do you know that?" Sirius asked not believing his ears

"I'll explain later when Remus gets here."

"Remus is coming here! Are you insane he'll attack me!" He exclaimed

"No he won't, I won't let him trust me just stay out of view until I say so ok."

"…OK…" a reluctant Sirius Black agreed

That night at 8pm Remus emerged from the fireplace and was greeted by Harry,

"Hey Remus, glad you could make it."

"Me too I'm curious as how you knew about me and this place Professor Dumbledore said you were with your relatives." Harry's face darkened at the mention of the Dursley's but pushing those thoughts aside he led Remus into the small living room where Sirius was hiding in a dark corner waiting for Harry to tell him to show himself to his best friend, even though he knew that Remus thought he had betrayed his friends he still considered him one of his best friends.

Leading Remus to one of the chairs he turned to him,

"Listen I have a guest here who needs to hear what I have to say, but you have to promise not to attack him until you've heard what I have to say ok." Looking confused at this request Remus nodded his head at him, seeing this Harry nodded to the corner where Sirius was hiding; walking out of the corner Sirius didn't take his eyes off of Remus.

When Remus saw Sirius, he was about to draw his wand until he saw Harry's face and remembered the promise he had just made, not wanting Harry to think that he couldn't keep his promises he relaxed a little bit as he really wanted him to trust him, he sent a glare in Sirius direction who had sat down in the chair opposite Remus, both men then turned to Harry who had also sat down in the chair adjoining the other two.

"Harry what is he doing here? He betrayed your parents." Remus questioned softly

"No I…" Sirius started but stopped when Harry put his hand up signalling for him to shut up, frowning he leant back into the chair and folded his arms.

"No he didn't." Harry answered turning to the now confused Werewolf, Remus opened his mouth to argue but Harry beat him to it, "Listen to me ok, Sirius wasn't my parents secret keeper, he was going to be yes, but they decided to switch to Pettigrew at Sirius suggestion, thinking that no one would ever think that Pettigrew was the keeper, Sirius was going to be the bait and Pettigrew was going to go into hiding himself, the idea was perfect except the part where Pettigrew was, no sorry IS a Deatheater, and as soon as he was named keeper he went to Voldy and spilled the magic beans so to speak." When he had finished two very confused wizards stared at him, both for different reasons, Remus because of the explanation itself, Sirius at wondering how the hell Harry knew. Remus looked to Sirius, Sirius seeing him turned to look directly at him, seeing Remus's eyes searching for confirmation, Sirius could do nothing more than nod. Seeing the sincerity in Sirius's eyes, realisation dawned on his face.

"I'm sorry I should have known that you would never…"

"It's ok I blamed myself to." Getting up from their chairs they embraced each other in a very manly hug, (Aww sweet) "Now the question I want to know the answer to is how in god's name do you know this?" Sirius asked Harry when he and Remus had sat back down but this time together on the settee opposite Harry.

"Ah well that is a long story." Harry grinned at the two men who glared at his answer "I ask you not to interrupt me until I am finished ok?" after they had nodded Harry sighed wondering how to go about explaining, "Ok, let's start at the beginning and bear with me, it all started with a prophecy predicted by Sybil Trelawney, a prophecy of the one with the power to vanquish the dark lord, now a Deatheater had only heard half of it, but took the information to ol' Voldy any way, now Dumbledore heard this prophecy himself and informed my parents as it was a possibility that I was the one mentioned in it, it is also why they went into hiding now when Voldemort attacked and killed my parents he unknowingly fulfilled part of that prophecy by marking me." He explained pointing to his scar "And then I went to live with the Dursley's not the happiest childhood around I'm telling you, now when I turned eleven I was finally told about my heritage of being a wizard, first year at Hogwarts I battled Voldy once again when he was inhabiting Professor Quirrel's body I once again survived and he fled, second year the chamber of secrets was opened and I once again dealt with Voldemort only this time it was a memory of his sixteen year old self, I stopped him from killing Ginny Weasley and coming back to life. Third year…" that got the two men looking at him strangely as they knew that he was about to start his third year, "My godfather had escaped from Azkaban, we finally had a competent Defence teacher Remus here, Dementors were stationed around the school and they had developed an obsession with me for some reason as they kept coming after me, Remus taught me the Patronus, at the end of the year I learnt the truth about who caused the death of my parents as Wormtail was posing as my best friend Ron's rat Scabbers, it was a full moon that night and unfortunately Remus hadn't taken the wolfsbane and transformed causing Wormtail to escape, and the Dementors almost killed both me and Sirius, me and my other friend Hermione went back in time using a time turner to save Sirius from the Dementors kiss, Sirius then went on the run. Fourth year the tri-wizard tournament came to Hogwarts, someone put my name in the goblet of fire and I was chosen as one of two champions for Hogwarts I battled a dragon to get a golden egg attended a Yule ball swam to the bottom of the black lake to save a best friend, and made my way through a maze to get to the cup, me and Cedric Diggory the other Hogwarts champion grabbed the cup at the same time and was transported to a graveyard where Voldemort was brought back using bone of the father, flesh of a servant and blood of an enemy…me, Cedric died I escaped. Fifth year was one of the worst years of my life I was having visions from Voldy, the worst defence teacher in the world, Snape 'teaching' me Occlumency and at the end I was lured to the department of mysteries thinking that Voldemort had Sirius and was torturing him, it ended up in a full blown battle…and Sirius died…he fell through the veil, after that I trained to become what I needed to be, the war raged on getting worse every day Dumbledore died three years later Hogwarts fell a year later which is when my friends and my wife were killed, I then would do everything to take out Voldemort's men, Wormtail killed Remus I finally killed Voldy about a month ago for me using an ancient parseltongue spell, but I had lost everyone, there was nothing left to live for anymore, it was then that three people appeared before me claiming to be the Lords of fate and time and the Lady of destiny, they gave me a choice on coming back and doing it all over again but hopefully better, I had nothing else to lose so here I am." At the end of his explanation Remus and Sirius had collapsed in to the settee, pale and horrified.

"You're from the future?" Remus asked seeking confirmation

"Yes." Was the reply

"You're here to change things." This time the question came from Sirius

"Yes and I need your help I can't do this on my own, and the Marauders take care of their own remember." Harry said finishing with a grin

"Yes they do." The two replied at the same time with the same determination in their voice, hearing that Harry knew he could count on them

"What do you want us to do?" asked Remus

"Well your teaching at Hogwarts this year right?" he asked the werewolf receiving a nod in reply "Are you allowed pets?" grinning at them, Remus caught on and matched the grin Sirius was looking between them oblivious to what they were talking about,

"Ok I think Azkaban has fried my brain because I'm not following." Sirius complained at them.

"Padfoot, your brain was already fried, and we're talking about you going to Hogwarts as Remus's pet dog." Answered Harry and at seeing the look on Sirius's face when being told that he was going to be Remus's pet was so priceless that it set Remus and Harry laughing their heads off.

Later when they had calmed down and questions were thrown back and forth and answered they decided to expose Wormtail as soon as possible, and unfortunately for them hopefully Barty crouch Jr will perform the ritual to bring back Voldemort. It was with that, that the three headed off to bed Remus having agreed to move in with them.

Voila end of chapter 2 sorry about the wait I got caught up with my other story, in know there's not much in this chapter but next chapter we're off to Hogwarts yay!!!

Review please!!!!