It amuses me to no end to hear that you think you're rid of me. That it's over. If there exists a type of amusement which is also rage, this would all the better pinpoint the roiling of my emotion.
I have a lot of time to think, in this tight oblivion you found within yourself. The doorless prison wrought from your guilt. Time to consider what I should have done differently... the things I'll choose instead next time.
Oh, I know you deny the existance of a "next time", but never forget which of us is the genius. You? You're a shell who finally looked, truly looked at his own soul and found it so frighteningly corrupt that you hastily shoved it away from yourself.
Ken, my Ken. You never realized that corruption is delicious..
Do you regret the fun we had together, or are you afraid of the way it felt to crush the weak beaneth the gauntlet of the strong?
Occasionally I hear myself giggle. As I said, I have quite enough time to think in here. I believe that on some level, we're both quite mad: you, for simply having borne me. Myself, for my own existance.
I can pinpoint nearly exactly the time and circumstance of when I became you.. rather, when I fell. The mighty, Herculean Kaiser to snivelling angst-ridden child. You believe it was the sacrifice of our Wormmon (who, after much deliberation, I realize I could have handled better -- there's a sore lack of lackeys who suffer from total devotion.)
You would think it would be Wormmon, and you of course would be incorrect. You are no longer the genius.
The Wormmon was the final straw, certainly. The last ounce upon us that caused the crack, the fissure, the eventual schism. But even before that.. was Daisuke.
You don't even know yet, what he does to you. You're so skilled at repression (no doubt that little spore helped this talent evolve), that you don't even know when you're fooling yourself.. but down here? Under the surface, banished to your little inner dark ocean? I'm so fortunate to be privy to your darkest desires. I moniter your life like the worst of voyeurs, who watches not to see but for the perfect moment to jump in and control.
And yes, sometimes I DO hear myself giggle, for you're setting yourself up so very splendidly. With no notion of the disaster before you, you further your shy, desperate advances toward his Courage and Friendship. Wishing to press yourself against him, to absorb the goodness he finds so easy, to hear him say that you're needed and wanted, and maybe to hear that it isn't your fault, after all.
Some of us know better.
Though, it is terribly entertaining when you become so shocked and delighted at his every favorable response. Of COURSE it is a favorable response. I foresaw this ages ago.
We both got a little thrill when he rode us down that hill, and just as he was my downfall, I've no doubt that he will be the catalyst, the instigator to the moment I've been waiting for.
You've buried me deep, my little one, but this close to him I can feel my own exhumation.
I have a lot of time to think, in this tight oblivion you found within yourself. The doorless prison wrought from your guilt. Time to consider what I should have done differently... the things I'll choose instead next time.
Oh, I know you deny the existance of a "next time", but never forget which of us is the genius. You? You're a shell who finally looked, truly looked at his own soul and found it so frighteningly corrupt that you hastily shoved it away from yourself.
Ken, my Ken. You never realized that corruption is delicious..
Do you regret the fun we had together, or are you afraid of the way it felt to crush the weak beaneth the gauntlet of the strong?
Occasionally I hear myself giggle. As I said, I have quite enough time to think in here. I believe that on some level, we're both quite mad: you, for simply having borne me. Myself, for my own existance.
I can pinpoint nearly exactly the time and circumstance of when I became you.. rather, when I fell. The mighty, Herculean Kaiser to snivelling angst-ridden child. You believe it was the sacrifice of our Wormmon (who, after much deliberation, I realize I could have handled better -- there's a sore lack of lackeys who suffer from total devotion.)
You would think it would be Wormmon, and you of course would be incorrect. You are no longer the genius.
The Wormmon was the final straw, certainly. The last ounce upon us that caused the crack, the fissure, the eventual schism. But even before that.. was Daisuke.
You don't even know yet, what he does to you. You're so skilled at repression (no doubt that little spore helped this talent evolve), that you don't even know when you're fooling yourself.. but down here? Under the surface, banished to your little inner dark ocean? I'm so fortunate to be privy to your darkest desires. I moniter your life like the worst of voyeurs, who watches not to see but for the perfect moment to jump in and control.
And yes, sometimes I DO hear myself giggle, for you're setting yourself up so very splendidly. With no notion of the disaster before you, you further your shy, desperate advances toward his Courage and Friendship. Wishing to press yourself against him, to absorb the goodness he finds so easy, to hear him say that you're needed and wanted, and maybe to hear that it isn't your fault, after all.
Some of us know better.
Though, it is terribly entertaining when you become so shocked and delighted at his every favorable response. Of COURSE it is a favorable response. I foresaw this ages ago.
We both got a little thrill when he rode us down that hill, and just as he was my downfall, I've no doubt that he will be the catalyst, the instigator to the moment I've been waiting for.
You've buried me deep, my little one, but this close to him I can feel my own exhumation.