Title: Bloody Chess
Fandom: Bleach
Rating: G
Warnings: AU fic. Implied IchiBya
Halloween was a type of night that it was typical for all the dark creatures of the night to come out and be free to roam as they pleased. But somewhere on a hill sat a lonely and cold man waiting for the torturous night to end. A man that scoffed and turned his nose up at the night in favor of obligation, and duty. This man took little time off from being the strict authority of the Kuchiki clan. A name that brought several to a halt in mid sentence many times over the centuries. It was all due to him. Kuchiki Byakuya. The Iron Fist of the clan.
Byakuya's memories washed over him like an icy bath of misery. Once he had loved, but due to disease his beloved died, and there wasn't a thing he could do to stop it from happening. She had refused his blood saying she was afraid she'd loose her humanity over it. And it crushed Byakuya when she drew her last breath. He had turned a cold shoulder to anyone that offered him comfort from that night on. There was no warming his heart after that night. Not by anyone.
Or so he thought until the night he laid eyes on, and fought a young vampire with the courage of a whole village behind him. Kurosaki Ichigo was brash, childish at best, and thick skulled, but didn't give up or quit when he set his mind to something. After their battle had become a draw, Ichigo hung around Byakuya and he talked politics. Well, it was more Ichigo shouting at Byakuya, and the much older, and colder man shrugging the stupid child off. He'd stormed in that night and interrupted Byakuya's thoughts, shouting something he couldn't possibly know of. He sometimes wondered why he'd let Ichigo stay there, but decided to ignore those thoughts.
"You shouldn't be shouting about things you don't know." The words escaped Byakuya's lips like ice on the wind. Ichigo was in his face now, and breathing on his skin. His breath smelled like sweet virgin blood, and it was all he could do to stop from licking his lips, and wanting to taste the sweet metallic life on the youth's lips, hoping the taste lingered.
"are you even listening?!" Ichigo had shouted, glaring at the old codger ignoring him. Really, what the hell was his problem?!
"I can hear you quite fine. Stop shouting or you'll wake everyone up." Byakuya tried to even his voice out as much as he could, but knew it came off sounding a little weird. And for some reason, Ichigo was smirking over that fact.
"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Ichigo grabbed the man by his robes and pulled him closer, bearing his fangs. "To have your idiot shove me out and the doors to hit my ass."
"I wish you would stop putting words into my mouth." And Byakuya wasn't disgusted so much as he was surprised when he heard Ichigo mumble "I'll put something else in your mouth" and kissed him. And what surprised Byakuya the most is when he felt himself kiss Ichigo back.
"You're not a half bad kisser for an old fuck Vampire, you know that?" Ichigo laughed and plopped his rear back onto his pillow across from Byakuya, who stared at him with a slightly raised eyebrow. Staring down at the board, Ichigo set up their weekly shogi game.
Byakuya didn't bother asking, or saying anything about what had just happened. He was just grateful that the taste of blood was still on Ichigo's lips, though it did irk him that he was being called old again.
Finally after a long moment of silence-or attempt at silence seeing as Ichigo wouldn't stop moving and creating his own noise-Byakuya made his move. "Vampires don't age, therefore I'm no older than you."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever, old man" Ichigo mumbled and made his own move. The idea of him not calling Byakuya old was ludicrous to him. It was Ichigo's way of complimenting him by insulting him. He was an idiot, what could he say?
Hours later Byakuya smirked slightly, and looked up at the youth almost triumphantly. "Check mate."
Looking at the board, Ichigo scowled. "I swear I'll beat you one of these days, old man." Ichigo had played with Byakuya long enough that he knew there wasn't ever a chance for a someone like him to win against Byakuya. It wasn't that he didn't have the mind for it, but Byakuya had the experience on him, and knowledge of the board. He was also more impulsive, and didn't think as much as Byakuya did on the moves. Ichigo just liked keeping Byakuya company. Liked the man even though he was cold. Gave him some kind of harsh reality to stare at.
Standing up, Byakuya grabbed a blanket from an over head cubby and laid it down beside the youth. "Goodnight, Ichigo." He said before leaving for the night.
Ichigo had given him some of warmth back that Hisana had stolen when she left him in his world. Their arguments and games of shogi meant more to Byakuya than Ichigo would ever know. He was growing too fond of the boy, and his heart was melting slowly but surely.
"Yeah yeah, goodnight Byakuya." Ichigo murmured just before he fell asleep.
Authors Notes: I think in the future I might write something for this universe. I'll need to brainstorm on it though. XD Just warning you there might be more to come.