Hey I know that I am not too good at spelling and grammar but if you are going to review please write mostly the positive but about you can give me some positive feed back. Thanks and I hope you like this chapter.

The gang walked into the class where the same thing happened as the first and then after Kagome introduced herself the teacher said.

"Ok settle down today we are having auditions for Romeo and Julite so I will call you up and you will show me what you got then I will tell you the results of the play tomorrow." He called Kikyou's name first she did one of the best performances he had ever seen then came some other girls then it was Kagome's turn and she did one scene.

"Romeo, Romeo were for arth thou Romeo deny my father refuse my name so I will no longer be Couplet." The teacher and everyone but Kikyou stud and started clapping. The teacher went and said that she would play Juliet no hands down so he moved on to the guys all of them went then came Sesshomaru he was the lost person to go so he started to speak and he said.

" But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were!" After he just said those lines the teacher was crying and everyone stud up and clapped everyone knew he was going to get the part and if not the teacher was crazy. Just then the bell rang signaling lunch Kagome congratulated Sesshomaru and told him he was the best one they went to lunch and sat down just when the were getting into a very good conversation the bitch herself came over and said.

"Kagome don't get your head too big because that spot in the performance is mine and then I will get to kiss the guy that I know that you want to because you are only a weak little human there is nothing special about you so you don't have a chance at all." Then before Kagome could answer or Kikyou could say anything Sango said something back. "Kikyou shut your mouth because all I hear from your mouth is I am a bitch and I have fucked just about every guy in school so back the fuck off because everyone knows that Kagome is going to get the part even you!"

Kikyou left just as the bell rang they all left for art class where the teacher wasn't there so there was a sub that just let them talk when the bell rang they went to their last class gym they all changed and met in the gym and class started they all sat on the bleachers as the teacher said.

"Class as most of you already know we have a new student and she transferred from America and she is different then you by give her a chance now we will be starting are martial arts unit so everyone team up and tomorrow we will have a tournament to see who are the best in school now move people."

Kagome and Sango paired up and Kagome went and blocked all of her moves but never gave and punches in return then Kikyou came up to her and said.

"Guess what bitch I ask the teacher if I could be paired with you and he said yes so tomorrow be prepared to get your ass kicked in front of the whole school bitch and remember do cry when you lose ha, ha." As she walked away Kagome flipped her off and the bell rang they all went to there changing rooms where Kikyou being the bitch that she is went up to them again and this time she had her hole gang with them and this time there was no one else around because everyone else had already finished dressing and Sango and Kura left to meet the guys and were waiting outside the changing room for her. When they came up to her Kikyou said.

"You better watch your back because if you get that part you will be sorry because I always get what I want and I want Sesshomaru because he is one of the only boys I haven't had sex with got it bitch back off or you will go down bye." She just left with Kagome standing there in aw that she would actually admit that she has be with almost every guy in school as soon as she recovered from that shock she left the changing room to a very angry Sango and she said that Kikyou walked out and was laughing about something and that she said that Kagome was fucking Sesshomaru and Inuyasha at the same time when she asked Kagome if she did because Sango just wasn't sure Kagome said.

"No I wouldn't do that because I am not stupid and why would you believe anything that Kikyou would say yeah I problly would like to have sex with Sesshomaru but I will whate." Little did she know some one was listening to her conversation.

Sorry all of you Kikyou fans but I hate her so much I will try to update soon but I have a lot to do. So don't yell at me if it takes to long I will get to it eventually it may take me awhile but I will. See you soon and please review because your options mean a lot to me. Bye.