My friend Jordan (sh0rty) introduced me to this site and forced me to write a story, so here I am! Go check out her stories! (Yes, Jordan put this little note in, and she's uploading the story for me.)

Ok chapter we go!

Emily sat near the front door. She peered out the window onto the front porch. A boy of 16 stood outside. 'He'll be 17 next week!' Emily thought to herself. He had light brown hair and blue eyes with a cell phone glued to his ear. "Troy, what are we going to do with you?" she said to herself.

"You mean he's on the phone again?" Her father walked in. Emily jumped at the sound of his voice. She thought she was alone.

"Yeah, he has been since he got back from hanging with Chad." She said, never taking her eyes off the window.

"Should we worry?" Her father said after a long pause. Emily thought for a moment, considering her answer very carefully.

"Nah, but I'll keep you posted." She turned to face Jack Bolton. The pair exchanged smiles before he began again.

"I'm glad you're back from boarding school. Mom, Troy, and I missed you too much."

"Thanks, Dad." Emily smiled. He gave her a quick hug before returning to his study.

"Ok, well I should probably get going, too, Gabriella." Troy's voice sounded from outside. 'Uh oh...' Emily thought. She stood up and tried to make it to the sofa, but she had only taken two steps when the door clicked shut behind her.

"Emily Katherine Bolton!" Emily froze in position.

"Oh, hello there. Just making sure you weren't dead." Emily smiled sweetly through her lie.

"Hahaha, so cute." Troy said as he walked up to his sister. "What were you doing...really?" He asked.

"I wasn't listening, I swear!" Emily threw up her hands in mock surrender. They both started laughing. Once the laughter subsided, Troy gave Emily a big bear hug.

"I'm so glad you're back, Ems." He whispered in her ear. Emily smiled at the words.

"I'm glad to be back." Troy let her go and watched her walk upstairs to her room.

He plopped on the couch, happy to have his sister back. Possibly, more than she imagined. Being only one year apart, they were inseparable. Most had called her 'his other half'. But last summer, Emily received a scholarship to a boarding school in Colorado. After much debate, late night talks with Troy, and changing her mind for the gazillionth time, she had decided to go. He remembered the first day of school; two days after Emily left.

"Troy come on, you have to snap out of it!"

"Chad, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but, dude, it's useless!" Troy replied. Chad, Zeke and Jason were gathered around him at the lunch table. He sat silenty picking at his food for a moment when he looked up to see them staring at him. "Guys, really, I'm fine!"

No one gave an answer. Troy picked up his tray and walked off. He quickly went up to the roof: Emily and Troy's getaway. He sat there for the rest of the lunch period.

Then, right before Winter Break, Emily had called in tears.

"Troy?" She managed to get out through sobs.

"Emily! What's wrong, sis?" Troy got really concerned. Emily never cried to anyone.
"Troy, a girl was killed..."

It turned out, Emily's fellow classmate had been murdered in front of their dorm. She had gotten terrified and the family took a trip during Winter Break up to Colorado to get her. Troy remembered seeing her for the first time since the murder. Her remembered her eyes the most. Emily's eyes weren't blue like his, but a hazel color -with flecks of gold in them- and contained a sparkle that Troy never had. On that day though, there was no shimmer and they had turned into a murky brown without a sign of the flecks of gold. She looked hollow and dreary with dark circles from not sleeping. 'I'm too scared too sleep..' She had admitted to Troy one night.

Emily unlocked four locks and a deadbolt to let her brother in. Once she saw him, Emily flung her arms around Troy's neck.

"Oh thank God you're here." She whispered.

Now that Emily was back home, Troy could tell she was better...but what Troy didn't know, is that she wasn't.

Lots of flashbacks I know…but I thought it would be a cool way to introduce it. What do you think?