Title: Really?

Pairing: House/Wilson grins

Disclaimer: I only own House in my dreams sighs wistfully

A/N I have been trying to find something to write about for months and I was so bored and cold in waiting for the 3 hours that are between my registration and lessons of the day at school I just randomly started writing and this came out. I have written 2 more stories I would be really happy for you to check out as well.

Please review they make me very very happy!! smiles sweetly

Wilson sighed quietly. Something was wrong. Any idiot could see that as soon as they saw House. Bent over his desk, head lying on the desk with his arms just hanging down behind. He looked utterly pathetic.

James frowned concern at his friend "House?" the reaction he got was not what he was expecting.

House shot up, eyes wide open and startlingly blue, mouth gaping. Wilson would of laughed if House hadn't accidentally taken a step back on his right leg and toppled over from the pain.

He rushed forward to where House lay grabbing at his thigh "Shit! Greg what is up with you?"

House just groaned loudly in response, still rubbing his burning leg with one hand, covering his eyes with the other "Go –"He paused gasping in air at a particularly painful twinge "Go away, leave me alone"

Wilson's frown deepened but his eyes showed a hint of amusement hidden by the concern "You really are pathetic sometimes you know that right? What's going on?"

House still had his eyes covered, Wilson could see from the wrinkles on his face that he had them also squeezed tightly shut, his posture tense but no longer rigid. He seemed to be making no effort in getting up or even looking at Wilson. "Nothing" House mumbled

Wilson raised one eyebrow "Oh really?"

"Yes really"

"Really really?"

"Really Really Really"

"Really Really - " Wilson abruptly stopped his teasing when a pair of warm lips covered his.

House pulled away first "Really" he said simply.

Wilson just stared at House dumbly, mouth gaping "Really?"

A small grin.
