I don't own Naruto or Pokemon

To Be a Master

Chapter 1 Enter Naruto the Trainer

Naruto laid asleep in his bed the sun shining on his face, his eyes fluttered open as light woke him.

"Finally today's the day I get my first Pokemon and start my journey to be a Master." He hopped out of bed and yelped when he stepped on something hard. He picked it up. "What my alarm clock. Oh my god I'm late!" Naruto bolted out of his room and out the door until he reached a large building and began to pound the door vigorously. "C'mon answer the door old man." The door opened to reveal a balding old man.

"Is there a reason you're here in you're pajamas Naruto." Asked the old man. Naruto looked down and saw he hadn't changed.

"I was in a hurry I'm here for my Pokemon Professor Sarutobi."

"Alright calm down and come with me." Sarutobi led Naruto into the lab where three red and white balls on the table. "Go ahead and choose."

"Yes I've give it a lot of thought and I choose." He picked up a ball. "Come out Treeko." The ball opened to reveal nothing.

"Sorry Naruto but an earlier trainer got that one."

"Fine." He grabbed another. "I choose you Piplup!" but once again nothing came out.

"Maybe you should get up earlier next time." Naruto sighed.

"Fine last but not least." He grabbed the last one. "Let's go Charmander." But nothing happened.

"He's gone too, my grandson got him."

"SAUSKE!" he growled infuriated. "Are there any Pokemon left?"

"Well there is one but he's quite a handful."

"Pleeeese I'll take anything."

"Fine but you've been warned." He pushed a button and a fourth pokeball rose up. "Here you go."

"Yes, come out whoever." The ball opened and a small red pokemon popped out.

"Vulpix!" it cried.

"Naruto meet Vulpix the fire fox pokemon."

"Alright are you ready to be my partner." He picked up the Vulpix which shot a blast of fire straight at his face. "Ow!"

"He's a little stubborn. Just like you."

"I'm not stubborn." He held up the ball. "Vulpix return." The beam shot from the ball but Vulpix dodged.

"Vul!" it growled.

"He doesn't like being contained, let him free for a while and he'll get to know you." replied Sarutobi

"Fine, let's go Vulpix." Said Naruto as he walked out of the lab, Vulpix reluctantly following.

"Naruto!" he looked to see a red haired woman.

"Hey mom."

"Naruto you left so fast you forgot everything, but luckily a mother is always prepared." She handed Naruto a backpack. "It has everything you need." A while later after stopping home Naruto stood at the outskirts of town, now dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans but a very gaudy orange jacket. A baseball cap on his head with a leaf symbol on the front.

"Okay Vulpix let's go."

"Vul." It yawned and sat on the ground.


"Pix." And it curled up and went to sleep.

"That's it you asked for it." He pulled out a rope from his bag and tied up the Vulpix making sure to keep its mouth shut so it couldn't breathe fire. After walking for a while he found a sign.

To Leaf City.

But underneath the sign was something that infuriated Naruto.

Just turn back now idiot. –Sasuke

"Sasuke! I'll show you. I'll be the greatest trainer ever." he shouted to the heavens. "Right Vulpix?" he looked down to see only ropes. "Vulpix?" he looked to see Vulpix had climbed up an out crop of rock. "Hey get down here?"

"Vulpix." It quipped stubbornly and turned its back to Naruto.

"Then I'm coming up." He climbed up the rock face but when he placed his hand on a rock he was surprised to see it had eyes. "Ahh!" Naruto fell back in shock. The rock flew in the air. "What is that?" he brought out a small device.

"Geodude the rock pokemon, this pokemon is very hard headed and spends most of its time hidden. It becomes angry if disturbed." Replied the pokedex.

"What a sweet pokemon. Vulpix use Confuse Ray."

"Pix." It yawned ignoring him.

"Fine who needs you!" he pulled a pokeball from his bag. "Pokeball go!" the ball hit the Geodude and it was sucked inside. The ball landed on the ground shaking. "C'mon!" the ball burst open revealing the incensed rock pokemon.

"Dude!" it roared all of a sudden the rock outcrop began to shift as the Geodude that made it up came flying out and began attacking Vulpix.

"Hey leave him alone." Naruto ran into the swarm and picked up his battered pokemon. "Oh man why couldn't they be bug type pokemon their weak against fire." And he ran down the road, the angry swarm in tow. "Must run faster, where's a bike when you need one." As if the gods heard his prayer he saw a pink bike laying by some trees a pink haired girl sitting nearby reading a book. "Hey how are you, I'm sorry I'll bring this back later thank you." he said all in one breath as he hopped on the bike and rode away.

"Hey get back here with my bike!" the pink haired girl yelled. "The nerve of some…ahh!" she screamed as the army of Geodude flew past.

Naruto pedaled as fast as he could but the Geodude swarm was hot on his heels. Suddenly Naruto was shaken from the bike from a massive Magnitude 10. He sat on the ground staring at the angry Geodudes.

"I'm sorry Vulpix, I'm not even your trainer for a day and I get us killed." The beaten Vulpix in his arms struggled out of his grip and stood between Naruto and the angry pokemon. "Vulpix don't fire won't hurt them." But the little fox stood his ground.

"Vulpix!" it growled and its face changed into a menacing scowl. The Geodude stopped cold.

"What is that?" asked Naruto pulling out his pokedex.

"Scary Face this special attack causes pokemon to stop in their tracks out of fear." Replied the robotic voice.

"VULPIX!" cried Vulpix in a booming cry.

"After Vulpix has scared its opponents it follows up with Roar scaring the pokemon away." Quipped the dex. As if on cue all of the Geodude except the one Naruto originally assaulted fled.

"Geodude!" the rock pokemon charged the fire fox.

"Vulpix watch out!" cried Naruto.

"Vul!" the little fox's eyes began to glow. "Pix!" a beam of energy shot out from Vulpix and hit the Geodude. It stopped and began to hit itself.

"What the?"

"Confuse Ray this attack makes a pokemon attack itself." The dex said plainly. The Geodude hit itself until it was dizzy with confusion. Not wanting to pass up an opportunity Naruto threw a pokeball at it and it was sucked inside. It fell to the ground and stopped.

"Alright we did it Vulpix, I caught my first pokemon." Said Naruto waving the pokeball in the air. "Vulpix?" he looked to see the fox passed out. "Vulpix!" he ran over and picked up his partner. "You over did it, don't worry there has to be a pokemon center around. He walked over to the bike it was totaled. "Those Geodudes did a number on this, I hope that girl never finds me." He looked around and saw he had come a considerable distance. "Don't worry we're almost to Leaf City just hold on." And Naruto began to run down the road.

Well that's the end, kind of a rocky start but it will get better. This is sort of crackish, I was playing pokemon and I began to wonder if the Naruto gang had pokemon what type of trainers they would be. I've already thought of what type of pokemon they would have for example Shikamaru would have lazy pokemon like Slowpoke. But if you have suggestions I'll consider them. Also on two other notes, I will not make up pokemon but I might make up moves, the other note is there will be Oc's from my other Naruto story The Sinister Six. One more thing I'm not following any gym format, I'm just going to come up with gym battles I'd like to see.