A/N: So I changed the last chapter because I was getting to many complaints that it seemed rushed and they didn't like who she ended up with. So here is the revised last chapter. Sorry it took so long! Hopefully you like it better. And go read my new story "Casey's Back in Town" and leave me a tons of comments! Much Love LilD

Casey glanced at the calendar on the wall. It was three years after she left Derek drunk and angry in his apartment. Three years after she told her heart to let him go and become stronger. Three years after she had seen her daughters tear soaked face from hearing Derek's cruel words. The three years had passed by quickly with happiness, but mostly with heartbreak.

She heard the apartment door open and Leanna drop her book bag off by the door. She left it there knowing that Casey would tell her to pick it up and take it to her room. But she was nine now and didn't listen very well. But today was different. Leanna knew she would get away with leaving her bag there today. She could have even gotten away with faking sick and staying home today, but she had went to school anyways. She knew what she could pull today.

Casey glanced up when Leanna walked past the kitchen doorway towards her room. Her daughter didn't even say hi. She just went into her room and shut the door quietly. Music drifted out to Casey but it just made it harder on her. She placed her head into her hands and let her mind drift back three years because there was no use in trying to stop it.

Casey dropped her car keys in the end table in the living room with the hand that was under Leanna's head. She then placed her daughter in her little bed. Leanna's little face was still tear stained after a couple hours of crying. Casey couldn't cast stones at this because her face became wetter by the minute. She turned the bedroom light off and went to the refrigerator.

She grabbed her bottle of Bacardi Limon and mixed it with coke. True, she was trying to drown her pain in alcohol, but she was going to over do it like Derek had. She was only going to have a cup or two. Not enough to get her fully drunk, just enough to ease the pain a little. She took a long sip and placed it on the end table by her keys as she allowed herself to sink into her velour couch.

Her eyes noticed that she had six messages. I've been gone for a week and all I got was six messages, she thought to herself in disgust. Had she really become such a loser that no one called her anymore? No, she was a mother who was more concerned with her child's life and making sure it was easy on her. Plus her job kept her busy at points. Jobs and kids, yeah that was why she only had six messages she convinced herself. Her finger pressed the play button and she grabbed her cup to sip as she listened.

"Hey it's Casey and Leanna! We're in Canada for a week so just leave a message after the beep and we'll get back to you! If its an emergency just call our cell phone, 555-622-8903. Love ya!" BEEP! Leanna and her own voices played to her. Casey smiled at the silliness of the message. Apparently none of these messages had been an emergency because no one had called her cell phone. Well she couldn't be certain because she hadn't checked her cell phone in four days and it was on silent.

"This message is for Casey McDonald. This is Kevin, your boss. Well I would think you know that. Anyways, Miss Robertson needs us to move her up two weeks so I really need you to get back to me. I can't do this without you. Although I forgot you were in Canada. Well just call me when you get back." BEEP! Casey rolled her eyes at Kevin Larson. He was as flaky as they came but when the job needed to get done he got it done. She made a mental note to call him back tomorrow. She was sure he was still in the office but right now was her alone time with her cup of alcohol which she took a sip of. She swished it in her mouth for a couple of seconds and then swallowed it. No wonder why Derek had been drinking she realized when she felt herself relaxing.

"Hey honeys, its your dad slash grand pappy. I just figured I'd give you a call so you didn't think I forgot that this was the week. I just wanted to let you guys know that I love you both! And no matter what Case, you made the right decision back then. Call me when you get home." BEEP! Casey's dad was the only one who knew the truth about Leanna for quite awhile. And he never condemned her decision to not tell Derek the truth all those years ago. Although he said it was the right decision , she knew he had thought she should have told him. That she should never have ran and kept it a secret. Maybe it was because her dad and Derek bonded that night when he came to Canada. She knew that Derek had gained his respect that night. Well dad, I told him. But he flipped out, she thought as she gulped some rum and coke down. It burned her throat but it felt good at the same time.

"Casey, its James. I have a dinner function in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. It's a formal dinner. Well I don't know, just give me a call back. Peace." BEEP! Casey's grip tightened on her drink as if someone was going to take it from her at any given point. She had forgotten that even though James and her were not an official item anymore, he still chased after her. Not that James was that bad of a guy, but he wasn't Derek. And why had he said peace? He normally said love ya or I love you. But no, he had turned gangster on her and had said peace. Liquid once again entered her mouth and burned her esophagus. Whenever Casey drank, which was little to none, she preferred rum and whiskey over all other liquors.

"It's your mother Casey! I'm going frantic trying to find you two! I tried your cell phone too but it just kept going straight to voicemail. Can you please call me so I know your alive because I love you honey!" BEEP! All the calls when straight to voicemail so that meant her cell phone had died. Casey added more mental notes to her list. Call her mother so that the National Guard wouldn't be out looking for her and charge her cell phone. She did feel guilty for not calling or leaving a note to tell her mother not to worry. But the rum cured her guiltiness as she took a swig of it.

" Casey, its Derek! I am so sorry about what happened last night. For some reason I thought that alcohol was the answer to all of my problems. I wish you and Leanna had never seen me like that. I wish I could take back everything I said to you. And I will make it up. I'm on my way to the US Canadian border right now. I'm coming because I want to be a part of your and Leanna's lives. And I won't go anywhere this time. Casey, I lo-" BEEP! Casey grabbed the answering machine and shook it.

"You dumb piece of shit! He was going to tell me he loved me and you cut him off!" Casey screamed with rage at the machine. She blinked as if she had just realized that there was still one more message. It could be Derek finishing his message. She gently placed the machine back down on the table and grabbed her drink. She finished it off and threw the cup behind her. Normally she was a much neater person but right now she didn't care. Plus she had a pretty nice buzz going on already.

"Casey, this is George. It's very important that you call me back as soon as possible. We're in the middle of an um, family emergency." BEEP! For some reason, George's message sent chills down her back. His voice wasn't the same up tempo it normally was. She grabbed for her cordless phone and dialed the familiar number.

It rang three times before there was a pick up. "Venturi-McDonald Residence." came a young girls voice which could only be Marti. She sounded chipper so maybe Casey was worried for no reason and this was interrupting her calling Derek. She wanted to hear him say he loved her which was selfish in a way.

"Hey Marti, its Casey. Can I talk to George or my mom?" Casey said into the phone.

"Sure Case. Hold on for a sec." Casey could hear Marti walking down the stairs. Weird, Casey thought. Normally the kids would just yell down the stairs. Well unless their parents were in a bad mood. Casey heard Marti tell one of the adults that it was Casey on the phone. The phone was passed and she heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Casey, its George." came an uneven voice over the phone. Casey's heart began to race. She had never heard George sound anything but confident and upbeat. Except when he was yelling at one of the kids. Then he was confident and loud. But this was different. This was the voice of someone who was devastated and heartbroken.

"George what's the matter? Is my mom and Lizzie okay? Is anyone hurt?" Casey asked in a rush. Whenever her heart began to race she rushed her words. It was a bad habit and it happened more then it should have, but this seemed like an appropriate time.

"Casey, there was a c-c-car crash. Derek was in-in-involved." George said slowly as he stumbled over some of the words. He stopped abruptly and Casey tapped her receiver to make sure it didn't cut out or die. But then she heard the shallow breathing of George.

"George what happened to Derek? Is he in jail? The hospital?" Casey pressed him. Her words still coming out in a rush and sounded to any sane persons ear more like gibberish. Her head was pounding now with the race of her heart. She could feel all the blood going to her head.

"Casey, the accident was fa-" George's words became engulfed with tears. And she heard the soothing sound of her mother's voice speaking to George. She was gently asking him to give her the phone so she could talk to Casey.

"Casey, its mom." her mom's unusually low voice came over the line. Casey's hand was gripping the receiver so tight that her hand was ghostly white.

"What happened mom? Just tell me please." Another rush of words but her mom understood completely. As Casey waited impatiently on the line for her mom to speak she could feel her breathing becoming as shallow as her stepfathers.

Her mom took a deep breath before continuing. "Honey, Derek was killed instantly. He didn't feel any pain the doctor said. He was hit dead on by a drunk driver. We haven't told the kids because we don't want to upset them just yet. And we wanted to tell you first." No wonder why Marti sounded so chipper. They hadn't told her yet.

Casey could feel the phone slipping from her hand and the tears from her eyes beginning to rim her eyes. "When is the funeral? I want to be there. I have to be there." Casey switched the phone into her other hand to protect it from falling to the ground. She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes before they fell but she could taste the salty liquid on her lips already.

"It's a week from today honey. I know that this is hard on you because Derek and you had become so close. Hardly fighting, actually getting along. We knew this was going to be hard for you but honey, be strong for all of us." her mom said soothingly into the phone. But it sounded more to Casey like she was pleading to her. Pleading that she be the strong, organized family member for them. All of them. How could she be the rock for them when she felt her whole world crumbling around her.

Casey closed her eyes and saw Derek's image float into her mind. She took a deep breath and released it. "Mom, I have to tell you something. But I'd much rather tell all of you together face to face. I'll leave tonight and make it home by tomorrow morning. When are you ordering his tombstone mom?" Casey said her voice wavering.

"Honey don't rush. I don't want to have to bury two kids in one week. And whatever you have to tell me can wait honey. I don't want you to rush! And we're going tomorrow early to pick out a casket and tombstone. Its going to kill George." her mom said quietly, probably in the hopes that George wouldn't hear. Casey bit her bottom lip. Knowing her luck, especially this luck she'd had this past week, she wouldn't make it there before they bought the tombstone.

"Mom can you promise me that you will put something on his tombstone?" she asked through her warm tears that were falling fast and hard.

Her mom hesitated but quickly answered a short yes. "Please make sure that you have them put that he was a loving father." she said. Her mom questioned this, because to Nora, Derek had no children. But Casey said she would explain it all the next day.

A clock began to ding in the living room and it snapped Casey out of her daymare. Her eyes were already watering remembering the pain she felt during a telephone call. She had never known that one could feel so much pain in a phone call. But she had. Real pain that had never really subsided.

She had made it back to Canada in record time. But even though she made it there quickly the drive had seem to take forever. She had cried the whole time there. At one point she had thought the tears would dry up and stop coming but they hadn't. And then she had to explain to Leanna why she would never see Derek again.

If Casey had thought she felt pain, her daughter got it twice as hard. It was her father. A father that she hadn't know but for a week. Six years of waiting to meet her dad and only a week to know him. And in that week he had unintentionally broken his young daughters heart to get back at her mother. Casey blamed herself for her daughters pain and Derek's death.

Casey's mind drifted back to their arrival back in Canada for the second time in a month. A sad day in anybody's eye. This time there was no excitement to see her and her daughter. She got the chills up her back when she thought of how the house felt so cold and empty knowing that Derek would never walk through that door again. The tear stained face of Marti forever engraved in her mind.

Casey walked to the door with Leanna grasping her hand tightly. Her finger raised to ring the doorbell. To hell with that doorbell, she thought and opened the door. The wind that came to her from the inside of the house sent chills up her back. She wanted to run again but she forced herself to walk into the living room.

"Mom! George! I'm here." Casey yelled. Normally in the household, you could hear the rapid footsteps of somebody coming to greet you. But today, she heard only a small pitter patter of one person's feet on the second floor. Casey dropped her purse on the couch and turned to face the stairs. The stairs that held a lot of memories for her and Derek. Mostly memories of fighting but there had been some good ones.

Marti had appeared at the bottom of the stairs after what seemed like eternity. Her face was wet with fresh tears and her eyes were red and bloodshot. Marti tried to smile but failed miserably. She stood just staring at Casey and Leanna for a couple of minutes. She opened her mouth like she was going to speak but then she just ran over and hugged Casey letting her tears flow harder. Casey had smoothed her hair and told her it was all going to be okay. Leanna let go of her mother's hand and faced her aunt.

"Aunt Marti, I know you loved my daddy and your sad. But could you remind me about him?" asked Leanna innocently. Marti let her embrace go and looked back and forth at between mother and daughter. She let her gaze stop on Casey as if to ask her if Derek was indeed Marti's father. Casey nodded slowly not knowing what to expect.

"I loved your daddy very much Lee. And I have pictures and cards and things I can show you to remind you of him. Just go up to my room and I'll be right up." Marti replied as she slowly wiped her tears away. She turned back to Casey and even though she was still crying and felt pain, she had a small smile on her face. "Case I always knew that you two had something special. And Leanna acts just like him. But never would I have actually guessed that she was his. But even though I should be angry that you didn't tell me and he didn't either, I feel a tiny bit better." She turned to the stairs to go to her room and as she walked up the stairs she looked back. "And Case?"

Casey looked at Marti allowing her to see her tears of happiness and sadness that at least one family member approved of her and Derek's former relationship. "Yeah?"

"Your not my step-sister. You're my sister." Marti said and turned away. Casey watched her as she left and then fell back into the recliner in the living room. The recliner that only Derek had been allowed to sit in while they grew up. Some tears fell as she looked around the familiar room. Her tears began to come full blast again as her mother and George opened the front door. Casey glanced at them and saw Lizzie and Edwin following slowly.

"Honey your home already." Nora said. She was pointing the obvious out even though they knew before they entered the house. Casey's car was in the driveway. She was greeted by a wave of the other three's hands.

Casey got up to hug her mom and George. "Yeah I told you I would be here. How did today go?" she asked while the small group went into the kitchen and sat down around the island.

George blinked a couple of times, Casey was sure he was blinking back tears, and then spoke in an even, solemn voice. "It went as good as can be expected. I hope you never have to experience how hard it is to bury your child. Picking out a coffin and a tombstone for someone who you raised and loved and knowing that they will never get to experience life as you intended for them is probably the hardest thing I will ever endure Case." George was being strong for the kids. That is why he is biting his lip and playing with his watch, Casey thought.

"I am so sorry George. I know this isn't really the time but I have to tell all of you something." Casey said, hurrying her words. All four looked at her with a sense of hope in their eyes. She didn't quite know what they were hoping for, but she was sure she couldn't deliver what they wanted. Actually she knew what she had to say was not what they hoped for. None of them spoke so Casey continued to speak.

"I don't know how to tell you this. I mean I didn't even tell him the right way. Um, Leanna is Derek's daughter." Casey said fighting back her tears and tried to avoid all of their eyes. She heard a sharp intake of breath by her mother and the snap of the watch band by George.

"I knew it Casey. I knew it!" Lizzie said in the silence that Casey feared. Casey looked at her younger sister. She had always been the first to figure things out.

"So I'm figuring that Derek knew she was his?" her mother asked. Casey nodded feeling the guilt she had been feeling on the ride coming all back in one swoosh. "When did he find out honey?"

Casey couldn't look at any of them again. She looked at the ceiling, at the walls behind their heads, and finally at her fidgety hands. "I didn't really tell him. He found out at Marti's dinner. We got into a fight at the restaurant and that was why he left in a rush. Well that night I decided to run back to New York again. But then I couldn't do it. I had to talk to him about her because I knew he would want to be a part of her life. But when I got to his apartment he was wasted on vodka and beer. I tried to talk to him," she said with a laugh realizing that was one of the stupidest mistakes she could have made. "But his anger just kept escalating until he said things he didn't mean. I took them literally and left though again for New York. I made it home and I was listening to my messages. I got one from him. He said he loved the two of us and he was coming to see us. He-he-he," she busted out into tears again. She tried to recover to finish the story but her tears kept coming. She knew they wanted the rest of the story. She took a deep breath and continued. "He said he loved me…well he was going too until that damn machine cut him off. And then I got George's message. Th-th-th-then you told me he ddddied! He died because of me." Casey couldn't control her emotions anymore.

Her mother quickly rose out of her seat and began to comfort her eldest daughter. "Honey its not your fault. It was the other driver. None of us blame you sweetie." her mother said in her calming voice. Casey nodded her head while she wiped at her nose knowing she would always feel guilt. Everyone had quickly come to Casey's aide telling her it wasn't her fault.

Casey was awaken from her memories by Leanna's loud music. It wasn't hard rock or anything, her daughter just chose to play the music at a high interval. She was playing a song called I Loved Her First. She always told Casey that would have been her father-daughter dance at her wedding in the future. She said that if father was there, he would have loved it. Casey always laughed because she knew Derek hated country music. But then again, the music did define what Derek would have felt for his daughter.

Casey suddenly grasped the jewelry at her neck as if to protect it from the past. As if she was afraid that past was going to rip it away from her. But her grasp on her jewelry only made her mind travel back three years again. Back to the day of the funeral.

Casey was dressed in all black from head to toe as she entered the church. She saw people she knew from high school including Sam and Emily. Even Kendra, Derek's ex-girlfriend from high school, was there. They had all come to pay their last respects. Many of them came up to her to pay her their condolences as well. Emily stayed by her side which surprised her. She hadn't talked to her in over six years and hadn't even tried to get a hold of her last week. But that was what best friends were for. When you needed a shoulder to cry on, they were there no matter what.

Casey linked her arm to Emily's and began to walk forward to the casket. Her eye caught the picture of Derek that was placed on an easel. It was his college graduation picture. He had his diploma in his hand and he looked so happy. He even had his trademark smirk on his face. Sadly, Casey had missed his graduation of course. A tear rolled down her cheek and Emily patted her hair. "Case, its going to be okay." Casey glanced at her and smiled. She unlinked her arm from Emily's. "Em, I have to do this on my own. But save me a seat, okay?" Emily had just nodded and went to find them seats by Casey's family.

Casey took her time walking to the casket. The casket seemed like an impeding doom to her. It symbolized that he was actually dead. Up until the moment she reached his casket, she had felt the same way she had while watching Cruel Intentions. That it was just a cruel trick and when everyone made it to the funeral, he would pop out and be alive. Unfortunately she had been wrong during the movie and she was wrong now as she looked at him lying in the casket. He was wearing his best suit with a blue tie. His hockey stick, with his whole team's autographs, was in the casket with him. She noticed a picture of Marti was placed in it. No doubt that Marti had put it in there. Smarti and Smerek forever. A smile played at her lips for a second but she forced her lips back into a straight line.

"Derek, why did this have to happen? When it seemed like we were going to actually work out, everything went wrong again! And because of me, Leanna will never know her father. God, Derek I love you! I don't know how I'm going to go on living. But I'm going to have to for our daughter. I'm going to raise her to be perfect just like you. I'll always love you." She placed a pink rose over his folded hands while she began to cry again. She felt as if she was glued there to the floor and she couldn't move. Sam came up to her and helped her to her seat in between Lizzie and Emily. She laid her head on Emily's shoulder and let the tears flow freely and Lizzie grasped her hand.

The funeral went by like most funerals do, but this one would be forever engraved in her head. They showed a slideshow of Derek's favorite pictures. To Casey's surprise, one of them was from a family vacation of her and him. Casey smiled as people said aw like they knew something. Lizzie leaned over and whispered in her ear, "That picture was on his nightstand until he met Mel." Lizzie sat upright again and Casey's tears flowed even harder. After the pictures, people were allowed to go to the speaker and say a few words of their memories with Derek. Many of his high school friends, including Sam, spoke of his infamous pranks and love of life and girls. Some of his exgirlfriends spoke of how they were upset when they broke up but were glad that they had a chance to get to know the "real" Derek. Casey smiled through their speeches. She would have gotten up to speak, but she couldn't.

The was an hour and a half of people just talking and remembering about Derek. Then came the burial. Casey didn't know how she was going to be able to handle it. The drive over to the graveyard seemed like an eternity. When they finally got there Casey made sure to stand right by the open grave. Emily found her and stood with her and her family. The pastor spoke and concluded the ceremony. People walked forward and placed flowers in the hole in the ground. Casey stood back and waited till everyone else was done. She walked over and threw a bouquet of a dozen pink roses into the grave and felt Emily give her shoulders a squeeze.

"Hey Casey. I thought I would bring you this. Its from high school. I think you should have it because people loved Derek. And I think it'll remind you of good times and make you laugh." Emily said as she handed Casey a nicely wrapped package.

"Thanks Em. I'm so glad you were here to help me out today. Even after six years you still have my Klutzilla back." Casey said at an attempt to make a joke. Emily cracked a smile, but Casey failed at making herself laugh much more then a smile .

"I have to go Casey. Call me sometime. And don't make it six years and a funeral later. Just call me." Emily said as she began to walk away. Her curls bouncing up and down as she left. Casey knew she felt pain. Emily had loved Derek in high school. She'd even heard that they dated for about a month but broke up soon after. Supposedly their chemistry was more friendship then anything else. But when Casey opened the package that night from Emily, she had found Derek's senior yearbook. The book had made Casey laugh. The pictures and the autographs were as hysterical as they could get. Emily had written Derek about the time they had gone out. Casey had not known that they had gone out their entire junior and senior year. But when she asked Emily about it weeks later, Emily had just laughed and said, ' Casey we went out so no other girl could ask him out. He didn't want anyone but you! It was just easier to say he had a full time girlfriend and I was the chosen one.'

Casey's eyes dropped to Derek's tombstone. She read what it said aloud. "Derek James Venturi. A wonderful son, an outstanding brother, and a loving father. A life taken far too soon." She felt a presence behind her and turned around.

"He was a wonderful son." Nora said thoughtfully as she smiled at her daughter. Casey's blue eyes looked at her mother through her tears. " And he was always a good brother even though he may have schemed a little too much. All those pranks he played." Her mother laughed full heartedly at that.

Casey tried to catch her breath through her tears. "Yeah like the time he took all of my clothes and makeup and put them into my locker. So I had to wear his clothes and deodorant." She smiled at the thought of his clothes and smell. But quickly frowned again.

"Yeah like that honey. And even though you complained and got mad about it, I don't think you detested it as much as you said. Or Leanna wouldn't exist. She has the best parts of you and the best parts of him. The perfect McDonald-Venturi mixture. And he would have been a great father to her. We all know that sweetie. He loved her that week. And that week will be a lifetime to her now."

"Yeah but its my fault that they didn't know each other. I probably won't ever get over that. I'll always blame myself for all of this." Casey said sincerely. There was no other way to put it. It was all her fault.

Nora nodded but not in agreement. "It may feel like your fault but its not. We can't blame ourselves. Casey just promise me that you will raise Leanna the way that will make Derek smile down on you two from heaven." Casey nodded a yes at her mother and Nora smiled. "Good that will make Derek happy to know. I think I'm going to leave you alone here for awhile, but come home soon baby. We need to be together as a family right now." Again Casey nodded as she watched her mother rummage through her purse. She pulled out two objects and placed them in Casey's hands. "And even though Derek is gone, he's still going to get his message across to you." Nora kissed Casey on her forehead and walked away.

Casey looked down into her hands and saw a white envelope with her name scribbled on it and a blue velvet box. She ripped the letter open and read it.

Dear Casey,

I love you no matter what. I have no excuses for what I did. I can't blame anybody but myself for the awful words that night. But I meant none of it. I love you and Leanna no matter what. I plan on asking you to marry me and even if you say no, I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm going to be by your side everyday and night because I love you so much. So never worry buttercup, wherever you are, I am too.



Casey's tears began to fall again. He used to call her buttercup back in the day. And through his letter she knew he was always going to be with her because she carried him in her heart. She opened the small box and saw a beautiful diamond ring. She vowed that day to always wear that ring and to never take it off. It was a symbol of there love. But of course she had a much bigger symbol of there love. Leanna. Like her mother said, the best parts of both of them was in her.

Casey was brought out of her daymare by James walking in through the door carrying a bag of groceries in one hand and a one year old Derek James Venturi Kindland in the other. Casey glanced at her hand seeing her wedding set from James even though her hand was still tightly grasped onto Derek's wedding set around her neck.

"Honey are you okay?" James asked concerned. He knew what today was and everything that had happened. That was why he was so understanding when they named their son Derek. Casey had wanted to keep the name Venturi connected to the name so she made it a second middle name.

Casey looked up at him and smiled. "I'm just remembering everything. Its like a nightmare that never ends."

"And Lee? How's she doing this year?" James asked while he placed little Derek in the living room.

"As good as one could possibly do." Casey said as she kissed James on the cheek. Casey had officially put Derek on Leanna's birth certificate and changed her last name to Venturi. And even though her life had not turned out the way they had wanted it to, she knew he was smiling down on them. And that thought always made Casey smile and carry on.

Leanna's voice carried out to them. She was singing the song she had dedicated to her dad. It was When I Get to Heaven and Leanna said that her daddy could hear her when she sang it. It made both Casey and James smile every time they heard her sing it.

la da da da de de de de deThe moment was custom-made to order:I was ridin' with my daughter on our way back from Monroe.An' like children do, she started playin' twenty questions,But I never could of guessed one would touch me to my soul.She said: "Daddy, when we get to Heaven, can I taste the Milky Way?"Are we goin' there to visit, or are we goin' there to stay?"Am I gonna see my Grandpa? Can I have a pair of wings?"An' do you think that God could use another Angel,"To help pour out the rain?"la da da da de de de deWell, I won't lie: I pulled that car right over,An' I sat there on the shoulder tryin' to dry my misty eyes.An' I whispered: "Lord, I wanna thank you for my children."'Cause your innocence that fills them often takes me by surprise."Like: "Daddy, when we get to Heaven, can I taste the Milky Way?"Are we goin' there to visit, or are we goin' there to stay?"Am I gonna see my Grandpa? Can I have a pair of wings?"An' do you think that God could use another Angel,"To help pour out the rain?"Well, I thought about it later on,An' a smile came to my face.An' when I tucked her in to bed,I got down on my knees an' prayed.Lord, when I get to Heaven, can I taste the Milky Way?"I don't wanna come to visit 'cause I'm comin' home to stay?"An' I can't wait to see my family and meet Jesus face to face."An' do you think, Lord, you could use another Angel,"To help pour out the rain?"Mmmm, can I help pour out the rain?can I help pour out the rain?la da da da de de de de

A/N: Okay well I hope you guys like this ending better. I know, I know, he still dies. But hopefully you like it better! Much Love, LilD