1 Month Later

"I'm so nervous." Rin said as Kagome and Sango helped her get ready for her wedding.

Kagome laughed. "You were perfectly fine while battling Naraku and The Seven, but here you are, about to get married, and you're nervous."

Sango laughed as well. "How long have you know Sesshoumaru?"

"Four years and a month."

"And how long have you been dating?"

"Three years and a month."

"And how long have you loved him?"

"Two years and a month."

"And how long has he loved you?"

"Two years and a month."

"Is there really anything to be nervous about?"


Kagome and Sango just laughed.

In another room, Inuyasha and Miroku were watching Sesshoumaru pace back and forth, making a rut in the floor.

"Will you stop that all ready?" Inuyasha snapped.

Sesshoumaru growled at Inuyasha but kept pacing.

"What's he nervous about? He has Rin wrapped around his finger."

"He's probably nervous what comes after the wedding. The wedding night. He's finally going to be able to make babies and..."

A pan came flying through the door that was just opening and hit Miroku in the head. "Get your head out of the gutter Miroku." Sango said angrily.

"How...did...she...get...a...pan?" Miroku asked as he was losing consciousness.

"Rin's almost ready, you might want to bring the idiot back from his stupor." Sango said and left the room.

"He's such a pain," Inuyasha said throwing water in Miroku's face.

Miroku's eyes opened. "What was that for?"

"Rin's almost ready, we need to get into our places." Inuyasha said, getting to his fee. He looked over at his pacing half-brother. "Sesshoumaru?"

"Let's go." Sesshoumaru replied and he left the room for the chapel.

Miroku and Inuyasha followed.

They had just gotten into their place when Kagome and Sango came down the aisle in their bridesmaid dresses. Then Rin came down the aisle. She was wearing a shite kimono and her hair was up in a bun being held by white chopsticks.

When she got to where she was supposed to stand with Sesshoumaru, everyone turned to face the judge who was marrying them.

"You have written you own vows, so Rin you will go first then Sesshoumaru will go."

Rin gave a nod then looked into Sesshoumaru's eyes. "Sesshoumaru, you are the love of my life. Today, take you to be my life mate. I promise to love you forever and I vow to be yours forever and always.

"Rin, you are the love of my life and today I take you to be my life mate. I promise and vow to love you and be yours forever and always."

The judge smiled. "You may now kiss as husband and wife."

They kissed then thanked the judge for coming.

"You're welcome," the judge said and he left the room.

"Well congratulations," Kagome said happily giving Rin a hug.


"You better get going or your going to miss your flight for your honeymoon." Sango said

"She's right." Sesshoumaru agreed.

Rin gave a nod. "We better get change and get going. See you in a month."

Rin and Sesshoumaru left.

"Well we we best get going too." Miroku said and the others left as well.

The End