'Inner Ryuu talking'
Sakura was lying in her and Itachi's bed resting. Nine month's have passed and much has happened.
A picture with all the Akatsuki and rookie nine (A/N: well except for Sasuke) caught her attention. She smiled at the memory.
'That was the day Akatsuki and Konoha officially made peace and became allies.' She mused.
'Tsunade was quite eager to make peace after I talked to her…'
Tsunade was sitting by her desk and for once doing her duty as a Hokage… doing the paperwork. She suddenly stopped and glanced out the window.
'It has now been two weeks since the Akatsuki's encounter with team Kakashi and still no word from Sakura.' She sighed.
'Kakashi told me she doesn't hate me, but how could she not?' Tsunade wondered.
"Slacking off Tsunade-shisou?" A voice teased from behind.
'Could it be?' She thought and turned around and saw Sakura sit on one of the chairs in front of her desk, clad in her Akatsuki cloak.
"Sakura!" Tsunade said and shot up from her chair and had Sakura in a bone crushing hug in a matter of seconds. Sakura smile and hugged her back with equal force.
"It's good to see you again shisou." She said. Tears spilled out of their eyes.
"I'm so sorry Sakura for all the pain I've caused you." Tsunade said.
"No I'm sorry. If I had trusted you enough this would never had happened." Sakura argued.
"I fully understand why you didn't tell me, there is no need to apologize." Tsunade assured pulling away.
"It's good to see you again." She said while drying her eyes. Sakura smiled in response.
"So, what do I owe visit?" Tsunade asked.
"I'm here on Akatsuki business." Sakura said and Tsunade immediately turned serious.
"We want to make an alliance with Konoha." Sakura said. Tsunade stared at her wide eyed.
"W-well this is quite sudden, why may I ask?" She asked, snapping out of her shock.
"Well Leader said that he was getting to old to take over the world." Sakura said with a smile and Tsunade laughed.
"I see. Well I really don't see a reason not to; of course they will all have to suffer some kind of punishment…" Tsunade said. Sakura nodded.
"Leader would like to meet for some further preparations." She said.
"So we will return here tomorrow… the whole Akatsuki."
Tsunade nodded.
"You're all welcome here." She said and hugged Sakura once more.
"Until then." Sakura said and disappeared.
∞End of Flashback∞
'A week later Akatsuki and Konoha were officially allies.' She thought. A kick in her stomach pulled her out of her review. She looked down at her huge stomach and placed a hand on top of it and caressed it lovingly with a smile on her lips.
Itachi's and her baby was growing inside her and she was to give birth any day now. She laughed slightly when she remembered the day she found out.
Sakura had felt strange for the past week.
'Maybe I'm getting sick?' She thought. 'Better check.' She concluded and let her chakra check her body. Suddenly she froze and leaned against the nearest wall for support.
"I-I'm pregnant." She whispered in shock.
'But we haven't discussed about having children!' She thought in panic.
'Maybe Itachi doesn't want children yet? Maybe he'll get angry?' She quickly shook her head.
'No he wouldn't get angry…right?' She thought.
'There is only one way to find out.' Ryuu said. Sakura sighed.
'I guess so…' She thought and pushed herself of the wall and walked over to the training grounds.
When she arrived there she saw Itachi and Sasori spar.
"Itachi!" Sakura called, drawing their attention. They stopped and looked at her.
"C-can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. He nodded, seeing her troubled expression and walked over to her.
"Could you leave us Sasori?" Sakura asked. Sasori nodded and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. She bit her lip nervously, trying to come up with a smooth way to say this.
"Sakura… is something wrong?" Itachi asked taking her hand. Sakura quickly shook her head.
"No, no everything is…great!" She said. He stared at her confused. Sakura took a deep breath before she looked him straight in the eye.
"Itachi look at me with your sharingan."
He looked at her oddly before he did as told and his eyes widened a fraction as he looked at her stomach.
"Is that…?" He asked. Sakura nodded.
"Itachi…in seven months you'll be a father." She said softly. Itachi raised his gaze.
"You're pregnant?"
She nodded. A rare smile graced his lips and he hugged her.
"That's great!" He said. Sakura stared at him.
"So you're not mad?" She asked carefully.
"Why would I be mad?" He asked.
"Well I mean we hadn't really talked about this so I wasn't sure…" She said looking a little embarrassed.
"Boy or girl?" He asked placing a hand on the stomach while the other held her waist protectively. Sakura smiled and placed her hand on top of his.
"I don't know I want it to be a surprise." She said looking down at her stomach. He nodded and kissed her softly on the lips while he held her protectively in his arms.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too." He said.
∞End of flashback∞
Something shiny caught her eye and she looked at the engagement ring on her finger. She fingered it while smiling.
'Still as beautiful as the day I got it…' She mused.
Sakura and Itachi were resting under one of the Sakura trees by the cherry blossom field, Sakura in Itachi's arms. They had been together for three months now and everything was looking up. Sakura was half asleep when she felt something on her finger. She opened her eyes and saw a silver ring with a big emerald surrounded by four black stones. She gasped in surprise.
"Do you like it?" Itachi asked. Sakura raised her hand and looked at it.
"I-I love it!" She said.
"I would have given it sooner but it took a month to make." He said.
"Where'd you get this?" She asked fingering the ring.
"I had it custom made when we were making the alliance with Konoha." He answered. She turned around to look at him.
"But why? It's not my birthday." She said. He smirked, she was totally clueless. He got up and helped her to her feet. He held onto her hands and looked into her eyes.
"Sakura Haruno will you marry me?" He asked. Sakura's eyes widened before they softened.
"You wouldn't even have had to ask." She said before she stood on her tip toes and kissed him and he wrapped his arms around her waist as they kissed under the cherry blossom tree.
∞End of flashback∞
She removed her ring and looked at Itachi's name in graved on the inside next to the Uchiha clan symbol. She had his name in her ring just as he had her name in his. She placed the ring back on her finger were it had now been for five month's, just as long as she has been Sakura Uchiha.
Sakura was clad in a traditional wedding kimono and wore red lipstick. She was walking back and forth in her room, she was so nervous. They had decided to have the wedding at the Akatsuki manor and all the Akatsuki and rookie nine were invited.
"Sakura calm down it isn't good for the baby." Ino said, sitting on her bed watching as she paced back and forth.
"I know." Sakura said with a sigh and placed a hand to her bulging stomach. Ino got up and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll go see how things are going, ok?" She said flashing a smile. Sakura nodded and Ino hugged her before leaving the room. As soon as the door closed Sakura felt another presence in the room. She turned around and saw Itachi, clad in a traditional black kimono. She smiled.
"Itachi, its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." She said.
"Hn." Was his only answer as he hugged her. Sakura leaned her head against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his torso. She closed her eyes and listened to his hearts slightly irregular beating. She smiled slightly.
'He's also nervous.'
"Only a little more." She mumbled into his haori.
"Aa." He said his nose buried in the crook of her neck.
"Now go, Ino is probably looking for you." She said pulling away. He swiftly placed a kiss on her lips before disappearing again.
A few minutes later Ino came in.
"Everyone's waiting." She said smiling. Sakura nodded and walked out the door to the entrance where Kakashi was waiting, clad in a pair of black hakama's and a grey haori, his mask in place. He took her hands in his and kissed her on the cheek.
"You look beautiful." He whispered.
"Arigato." She whispered. The doors opened and he walked her down the aisle to Itachi who was waiting by Naruto who was going to perform the ceremony since he was the new Hokage. Tsunade had made him the Rokudaime shortly after the alliance with Akatsuki and he had now ruled Fire for two month and he was doing a great job so far.
The ceremony was soon over and Sakura could draw a breath of relief.
"… I now pronounce you man and wife." He said and Sakura and Itachi kissed while the others cheered.
∞End of flashback∞
Sakura smiled before she got out of bed, feeling rested.
'I'm quite hungry; better go make something to eat.' She mused and carefully made her way downstairs.
"Konnichiwa (Hello, good afternoon)" She greeted as she entered the kitchen. Sasori and Zetsu looked at her.
"Konnichiwa, how are you feeling?" Sasori asked as he stood up and helped her sit down.
"Oh I'm fine." She said with a smile.
"Could I get you something?" Zetsu asked.
"Well some tea and a sandwich would be nice." She said and Zetsu immediately started making a ham sandwich.
"Where are the others?" she asked as she was munching on her sandwich.
"Deidara and Kisame are outside training and Itachi is talking with Leader." Zetsu said. Sakura nodded as she took a sip of her tea. Just then the door opened and Kisame and Deidara entered.
"Konnichiwa!" Kisame greeted with a cheeky grin.
"Konnichiwa." Deidara muttered.
"Konnichiwa…" Sakura said "…I take it Kisame won the spar?" She said.
"Of course I did!" Kisame said triumphantly as he sat down beside Sasori, opposite her.
"You were just lucky." Deidara argued as he sat down beside her.
"Tch, it's called skills." Kisame shot back.
"Don't start fighting." Sakura warned seeing whereto this was heading. She turned to Deidara.
"Would it make you feel better if I made some pancakes?" She asked with a smile. All their heads shot towards her at the word 'pancakes.' Deidara looked at her with sparkling puppy eyes.
"You'd do that for me?" He asked.
"Hai I would." She said laughing.
A while later when she was standing by the stove she felt a pair of arms encircle her waist from behind.
"Konnichiwa Itachi." She said turning around and kissing him before turning back to the pancakes.
"Konnichiwa." He said resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Eew! Get a room!!" Kisame and Deidara chimed together.
"How are you feeling?" Itachi asked, ignoring them.
"I'm fine." She assured.
"You shouldn't be up so much." He said caressing her stomach. Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Itachi I'm pregnant, not an invalid." She said.
"I know, I know." He said. Suddenly Sakura stopped. Everyone looked at her.
"What is it?" Itachi asked worriedly.
"I-I think my water just broke." She said looking shocked. Everyone was dead quiet for a while before they started panicking.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!" Sakura shouted and everyone stopped dead in their tracks.
"Just (pant) take me to our room (pant) and call Tsunade." She breathed out. Everyone nodded and went to work.
∞Two hour's later∞
"PUSH!!" Tsunade said and Sakura gave a cry of pain as she pushed harder, squeezing Itachi's hand hard. Itachi sat behind Sakura and held her hands.
"Your doing great." He whispered.
Meanwhile all their friends were waiting outside. Kisame, Naruto and Deidara were pacing restlessly.
"S-she's gonna be alright right?" Deidara asked as another scream was heard from within the room.
"Of course." Kakashi assured while flipping another page of his Icha Icha Paradise. Deidara nodded and continued pacing.
One more push Sakura!" Tsunade said. Sakura was by this point breathing hard as she gave one last push before the cries of an infant filled the room. Tsunade quickly checked the baby and wrapped it in a blanket Shizune held ready for her.
Itachi placed a kiss on Sakura's forehead as Tsunade came over to them with the small bundle, a smile on her face.
"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby boy." She said giving the child to Sakura before she and Shizune exited the room, giving them some space. Sakura looked down at the small baby in her arms and wanted to cry. He was so beautiful; he had inherited his fathers black hair and pale skin. She rocked him gently and he stopped crying and opened his eyes to revile deep emerald ones, just like her mothers. He looked at her and Itachi curiously with his big green eyes.
"He's so beautiful." She said. She glanced at Itachi and saw his eyes fixed on their son.
"Wanna hold him?" She asked and held him out towards him. Itachi hesitantly took him into his arms. The baby looked at him for a while before he started laughing, reaching out for him. Itachi placed his hand in front of him and immediately he gripped onto his finger. Sakura watched the scene in front of her and smiled.
"Daichi." Itachi suddenly said.
"What?" Sakura asked.
"Daichi… his name is Daichi." He repeated. Sakura mused it over.
"Daichi, great first son… I like it!" She said with a smile. Suddenly Daichi started crying.
"He must be hungry." Sakura said and Itachi gave him back to Sakura.
When Daichi was fed she looked down at his sleeping form in her arms, that's when she realised just how lucky she was. She was happily married to the man she loved, she had just given birth to her first child and she had numerous friend outside, concerned for her well being.
"How about we start working on our second child?" Itachi teased, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Sure…" she said, making Itachi look at her surprised. "…but not for at least the following two years." She said with a smile. Itachi smirked back.
"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked.
"I believe you haven't…" She said in a thoughtful manner.
"Well then; Sakura Uchiha I love you." He said.
"And I love you Itachi Uchiha." She said and they kissed. Just then everyone came barging in.
"Eew!!" Naruto, Deidara, Kisame and Kiba said in unison while everyone else 'Awed.' Yes, she was truly lucky…
The End
A/N: Chapter 16 is up and the officially last chappie TT.TT. I hope you like the chappie and have enjoyed the story jus as much as I have :D
Well I don't have anything more to say, I think I said all I wanted to in the last chappie, so I wish you all a great summer and thank you to everyone who has reviewed and read my story!!!
I almost reached my goal of 300 reviews but I'm still happy XD Thank you all!!!
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oodlesandnoodles: Thank you :D
SassySumeKalda I thanked you for reviewing. Thank you (again) ;)
ElementalAries: Thank you and I'll take your advice when doing my future stories
ShiokuXRoseThank you
CrosswordGirlThank you, glad you liked it XD
CosenAngeluu more cookies!!! Thank you X) glad you liked it!
Suzukimackenzi bolin: Yeah I know XP. Thank you!!
Blood BlossomThank you .
KuRoYuMeX Thank you :D well I have decided not to make a sequel to this story… I'm honoured you asked for my opinion when I read your story X) PinkxxxReaperThank you ;)
harunosakuaThank you :)
pinky101Thank you xD
NorthernLights25: Glad you liked it, Thank you :D
itachirocks31Glad you liked it. Yeah dragons are awesome well maybe but I've already decided not to make one so, but thank you!!
xokatherine229 Glad you liked it !! Me neither :( Thank you .
SpeedDemon315: Glad you liked it!! Thank you XD I will!!
Jester08Thank you Glad you liked it!!
shadow mikoGlad you liked it :D Thank you!
LittleAngel22493I think so too ;D Thank you!
BlackElement7Haha!! XD Thank you!
lolsuzie I actually live on the other side of the globe XP Really? Wow what a coincidence… Thank you
Charlow Haha! Yeah XD Thank you!
naruto.ninja.4 Glad you liked it Thank you!
c.b.o.l.Well I do read some Sas/Sak stories but only those where Sakura isn't all fangirlish and Sasuke isn't all high and mighty, the reason I made Sasuke all "evil" in this story was because it just kind of fitted… Can I?! Thank you!!! XP Ok I wasn't planning on to either I think it is good like this… Glad you liked it!!
It has been REALLY fun to write this story and I'll probably post a new story I'm working on now soon I WUV U ALL PPL you are the best!! –smothers you all with hugs and kisses and hands out cookies-
Thank you once again for being such GREAT readers
Peace out!
-Wounded angel