Clay Figurine by EmbellishedTruth

Hi everybody! This is my first fic, so I hope you enjoy. It's a little oneshot with Deidara and Itachi (and a bit of Sasori) from the Akatsuki in Naruto

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or characters, and never will T.t

I'd love reviews and any helpful critism you can give me. Enjoy.


Deidara grinned and lent back in his chair. A little clay figure, about as tall as his finger sat on the messy table in front of him. Though small, it was easy to see who the figure was. There was no mistaking the loose hanging hair, the Konoha headband embellished with a long scratch and, if not recognisable from the aforementioned details, tiny sharingan markings in its eyes.

Deidara's smile faded. 'Something's missing…'

The blonde picked up the sharpened toothpick he'd been using for the small details and quickly made a few marks. The mini Itachi's face was now adorned with a scowl much like the real Itachi's. Deidara flicked the toothpick back onto the table and smiled.

"Perfect…yeah," he scooped the figurine into his hand stood up. Deidara hesitated, listening for sounds around the Akatsuki base. He knew for a fact that only Sasori would be around, the rest were away on missions, and that the puppet master was outside, training. Even so, Deidara had to be cautious, if anyone found him with the figurine…

The missing-nin bite his lip nervously and pushed open the sliding door, his perfectly blue eye peering around. Itachi's room was on the other side of the complex, there was so much space that he could be caught in. But there was no one. The halls were empty. Deidara quickly made his way along the passageways, he could make it! He slipped past the kitch-

"Deidara?" Sasori's voice broke through Deidara's thoughts. The blonde instinctively tensed up, his shoulders hardening and hands forming fists. Then he realised his mistake.

"Sasori," Deidara turned around slowly wincing at the feel of the clay in his fingers, "I thought you were training… yeah."

"I was just getting a screwdriver, one of the puppet's hands isn't functioning. What have you got there?" Sasori nodded to Deidara's clay filled hand.

Deidara forced a grin and opened his hand, stretching it towards the other Akatsuki member.

Sasori raised an eyebrow. "A bunch of clay?"

His answer came in the form of a silent nod.

A smile tugged at Sasori's mouth as he tried not to laugh. "And you call yourself an artist."

Deidara twitched. A little twitch, right beneath his eye. Small, but visible. Sasori smirked and left outside to resume training with his puppets.

Deidara crumpled. He crumpled until his bum was in contact with the floor, his eyes glued to the lump that was a look-a-like Itachi. It had taken him hours. And now he'd have to start all over again. Sighing, the blond missing-nin picked him off the floor and trudged back to his own room.


Itachi Uchiha sighed. It was a heavy sigh and it had reason to be. After an encounter with Konoha ANBU, it had every right to be a heavy sigh. The Uchiha prodigy pulled the dark Akatsuki cloak from off over his head and dropped it over a chair. His eyes scanned the room as he rolled his shoulder to get the knots out.

That's when he saw it.

It was sitting on his pillow, scowling at him.

A small clay figurine of what appeared to be himself. It had been the third this week.

Itachi Uchiha twitched. "Deidara…"
