Kairi irl Revision Version April 15, 2009 4:14 a.m

Disclaimer: I own nothing Zelda, Kingdom Hearts or Harry Potter related.

Claimer: I own everything not Zelda, Kingdom Hearts or Harry Potter related.


Chapter 1 The Store

You've heard the usual; "girl gets sucked into video game and falls for the main character" You're tired of seeing how perfect one can be in the eyes of the author. Well, this is different…it actually happened.

This is my story.


"Come on Karina!"

The sight of people pushing their shopping carts wasn't enough for me to ignore it. I turned around to see Fiona my best friend beckoning me to follow her into the abyss of the make-up department. Had I had my way I never would've stepped foot in it, but I was pulled by the hand into the brightly lit aisle with illuminated brand names. Fion' (that's what I usually call her) stopped in front of her favorite one that had a picture of the newest celeb to join the bandwagon, Kirsten Dunst. Though, now that I think about it…She was an actor before…Just not as famous. I guess her appearing in the Spiderman movie helped.

Fiona picked up a bottle of some cream colored liquid I didn't recognize and dabbed a bit of it on her hand; I cringed at the sight of all the ways to "cover a girl," boxes and bottles with different manufacture logos yet they all did the same thing (according to them) "Create a new you" Literally, okay maybe I'm just being over dramatic but can you blame me? Fiona got into that stuff around 6th grade and since then wears it every day. Including half the other girls on campus not one can go without it.

Fiona put the bottle down, and picked up another one, I sighed and rolled my eyes…This was going to take awhile...

You're probably wondering why in the world I brought this up. Or, this girl really hates make up. Well, you could be right, sort of. I am Karina Emit Aniraco, age of 15. "What do you think of this 'Rina?" Fiona asked, turning her wrist in different directions. I squinted my eyes, wondering if they were| playing tricks on me or not because it seemed her skin was glittery. I pushed one of my dark auburn strands out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. "Is it supposed to shimmer?"I asked, feeling less and less intelligent as Fiona eyed me. Her almond brown eyes watched me for a second before she rolled them and sighed, causing her thin frame to heave ever so slightly from the intake of breath. "You're hopeless" she replied, as if I just told her the sky was red. I rolled my eyes and looked in one of the mirrors they had on the aisle.

First off, I'm not self-centered; I just needed to fix my pony tail to get it just right again. "You let those eyes go to waste you know that?" I turned away from the mirror. "What do you mean by that Fion'?" I asked my ponytail now fixed. Fiona rolled her eyes and put a circular navy blue container in my hand. I looked at it read: 'Shimmering Eye Shadow Midnight Blue'. Knowing (for once), exactly what this was I shoved it back into her hand "No, thanks". "But you have the perfect eyes for it!" Awe, so this conversation was starting again. I gazed at the mirror, glancing briefly at the 'perfect eyes' for blue eye shadow. To me, they didn't need any doctoring up since they're a very strange color already; Hazel-Blue. According to Fiona, this was the perfect eye color to bring out the highlights of the eye because the blue highlights were such a contrasting color from the dominant hazel. Which is why, this was about the seventeenth time I denied the container.

"I'll get you to wear it, one of these days, you'll see!" she exclaimed.

"Right…" I turned away from her, hearing music from something I recognized all too well…A video game's music.

"Along with changing your clothing style" Fiona added scanning me head to toe sadly. I frowned, looking down at my clothes. "What's wrong with my clothing'?" I replied, hearing the music again…I really wanted to find out what game that was.

"'Rina the only time you wear something different is when no one sees it. Take today for example…" She paused to situate the red basket on her arm. "You're wearing a skirt and a girly blouse now…" I eyed her, wondering where she was going with this. "But earlier at school you wore the same jeans and t-shirt combination you wear every Tuesday." I frowned, so it was another one of those conversations too. "I like what I wear, that's all that matters."

"But you hide it from everyone else!"

"That's because, I'd rather have them see me for me and not judge me by how I look." I replied, inching my way out of the aisle…I really wanted to see that game being displayed, it sounded like Halo the new game that came out

"So that means dressing like a geek so everyone assumes you are one!?" I stopped and looked at her seriously.

"In their eyes I am one." I smiled a bit, trying to lighten the mood. "And besides, I love video games. That's the number one trait of geeks remember?" She said nothing, and I headed towards the gaming aisle before she could think of anything to say. Ironically it was about four aisles down and across from the make-up section.

Did I mention I'm a huge game addict? Yup, that's why I bee-lined for the gaming section first thing after Fiona's lecture. Well, that and I was getting tired of it. I clasped my hands behind my back and observed the games on display- sure enough there it was 'Halo'. My brother Damien got an Xbox awhile back and this looked like it would be the perfect present for him, but of course…As you might've guessed, my eye was drawn to something else entirely. A flash of a golden logo I recognized all too well caused me to turn my attention away from the sci-fi game and on to a game I knew very well. It was buried along with my Nintendo 64' in my closet except, this one had a multitude of games in it.

"Zelda Special Collector's edition huh?" I looked away from the game, catching the reflection of a blonde boy in the glass door in front of me. He was tall, and though he was slender he had an obvious athletic build to him. His hair was straight and unlike most of the freshmen at Victor Valley High School (VVHS for short) it wasn't spiked up, but cut in a fashion similar to my brother's brown mop. His skin was pale, like mine, from the lack of sun due to it being fall and even though he was around my age (I think he's sixteen though so a year older than me really) his complexion didn't show any drastic signs of pimples or for that matter pimple scars. He was wearing a red vest, which signaled to me he worked here- Wait I've met him before…And he goes to my school what was his name again?

"Jake!" I spun around catching a glimpse of Fiona's black hair in the reflection of the glass.

"Hi…" Jake paused, searching for her name in his head.


"That's me!" Oh, I know this voice…Maybe it's time I tune out…Fiona's going to start flirting in about three seconds…Better yet…I'll just have Jake get the game and be on merry way…

"So, can I get this one?" Jake turned back to me as I pointed to the Zelda game.

"Oh, yeah sure! Greg can ring you up!"

"My brother works here?" That was Fiona. She had two brothers Greg, and Kyle, they're twins. Did I mention she's half-Japanese? Her brother's took after her mother Laurie Tsukimoto (formally Laurie Samson), so they have copper colored hair and almond shaped brown eyes. Looking at Fiona...You wouldn't guess they're related since she and her older sister Elaine took after their father, Daisuke Tsukimoto. So I guess you can say they're homozygous children (learned term that in biology today).

Oh, and about me… I live in Victorville (if you haven't guessed that from my high school) and I have a nineteen year old brother, Damien and an adorable younger ten year old sister named Lianne. As you might have guessed I am the middle child. Now, the thing about us is…We used to live in a big house with my Mother Jeztina and Alan, but I don't remember too much about them and both of them abandoned us for reasons unknown. Damien said that it started with mom leaving in the dead of the night and that our father, couldn't live without her so he chased after her…Leaving us behind…. Damien was ten back then, I was six and Lianne was the tender age of one and despite how young we were, we found ourselves in an orphanage soon after… So now, in the current time we are adopted by The Weston's John and Sylvia (they let us keep our original last name so we still go by 'Aniraco'), but I'd rather not talk about John…Since well one, he passed away and two…Well I just don't have many good memories of that man…

I broke out of my thoughts, hearing the clicking of the glass door closing. Jake locked the glass door again and turned to me, while answering Fiona at the same time.

"Yeah, Kyle does too. Here's the game" He replied as he handed me the game. I took it graciously.

"Thank you" I said.

"No problem!" He smiled and Fiona suddenly engaged her flirting mode. "So what are you doing tonight?" she asked him. Sighing (and knowing where this was going) I headed to the counter where Greg was.


Greg and Kyle.

"Hey Karina! Long time no see" Greg greeted as I handed him the game.

"Same to you"

"Don't forget about me too!" Kyle butted in; as he put away a camera he was showing to a middle-aged man and his teenage daughter. The daughter chose the pink camera and Kyle was ringing them up.

"That will be $40.00 Karina" I took out my wallet and pulled out just the right amount. Greg smiled, took the money and handed me the bag with the game.

"Zelda, a classic re-mastered. You'd better take care of it" Kyle commented, also finishing up with the customer.

"Of course I will! Bye!"

"Bye!" they replied, they seemed to notice Fiona was in her flirting mode as well because instead of greeting her I caught them rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. It would be no surprise to them that I would leave their younger sister behind either…