July 20th , 1969


Heck cousin you nearly gave me the heart attack of the century when a letter from you came so much earlier than they usually do. I knew something was wrong as soon as I got it…

That in fact was an understatement….he was so very afraid that something had gone drastically wrong and they were getting letters telling them that Luke was coming home in a wooden box.

I'm so happy that you're finally telling us these things Luke, and despite you telling me not to worry and all, I will always worry Luke because you're my big brother and having you out there in a war zone where there is always a 99.9 chance of a bullet and bomb shower every day kinda sets the worry alarm into overdrive! And don't be a hypocrite and say you don't need to worry because if the roles were reversed you would be saying the same thing and you know it.

When he read that back he knew it sounded harsh, but then again he was telling the truth. Luke wanted them to be open about how they felt, what they were thinking as if he was still back with them and that involved going through the bad patches of their moods as well….especially with Bo.

I'm sorry to have to put it like that Luke but that is how I feel and you said you didn't want me to keep anything from you. So a chipped rib huh? That has got to hurt…I wish that you were here so I could climb into bed with you and be your teddy bear like I was when I was younger. Remember when you busted your ribs trying to save Daisy's hair ribbons from the goat and you hurt real bad….I couldn't work out why you were crying and just climbed right in there next to you…

Bo remembered it like it was yesterday because it was one of the rare occasions he got to actually help Luke like Luke helped Bo. Over the years since then, opportunities to give Luke that comfort had decreased as he kept more and more things to himself but now that one had arose again….Luke was miles away and he couldn't physically do anything. He just hoped that bringing up that memory might make Luke feel a little better….although it could have completely the opposite and make Luke feel worse because he didn't have that comfort.

Heck Luke I miss that and although you don't say it I know you're missing us so bad too. It ain't just you that can read between the lines of letters, even though you've got the art perfected I must say. I know there isn't anything I can do to make you feel any better about that Luke except maybe remind you of a couple of things.

You're never alone Luke…just like you told me. Even when we're separated we're still together in our hearts and heads…I know it ain't the same and is not a great substitute for you missing us….but its what's getting me through and I just want you to share that with me…give you something that will help you through.

I ain't mad at the kid….at least not no more. I was at first…but then I remembered what its like to feel abandoned, to be left on your own in a place you've never been before and being terrified of what's going to happen. I reckon he needs a big brother Luke, someone to take care of him….why not give it a go? You's done a great job with me over the years…reckon its time other people who need that too got to share it.

While it hurt him to think that his Luke would be taking care of other people besides him….he knew that right now there were people far worse off than him who needed his cousin, the superhero that had been in his life for so long that had saved him and protected him for so long. That's what Luke was to him, a hero, in so many ways and there were no medals that were special enough to say that to him…but he had tried.

You're a great guy Luke…Uncle Jesse's taught ya so well over the years and its only now that I's realised I never gave you a thanksgiving present. I made this last week fer ya Luke in preparation for your birthday in September…but I think that you deserve it more now what with your injury and all…

He slipped the little metal medal into the package along with a car magazine to keep Luke entertained. They had been coming in the post as usual for Luke and he was growing quite a collection.

The magazine is this month's car one that you get sent through. They keep coming Luke, all ready and waiting for you in our room for when you return and can finally relax again. You've got quite a collection so far Luke, but I thought with you being bored and all in a hospital with nothing to do, you might like to take a look.

I's been helping with Daisy as much as I can since your last letter Luke…in fact I was about to sit down and write the reply to you now, what a coincidence huh? I don't know how much of a help I'm being to her…I think she's afraid that what's happening to her will upset me. I try and tell her that it ain't and I know what it feels like to be so upset but she just doesn't want to believe me. I don't know what to do…but don't worry none about it, I'll find something I'm sure.

The party wasn't much and I think she liked the presents…she loved your spoon.

She had loved it so much that she had refused to let go of it actually. Bo had tied the ribbons he had brought her round the handle and put the Johnny Cash record underneath it, signing the tag from both him and Luke as always. She had said they were lovely as she had done with all the presents she got, but she had held the spoon with the ribbons on through out the small party.

I also had a shot at making a cake for her Luke. It was a real simple one, not like the one she made me for my birthday, you know the football field? But still I tried it out, and I had to get Uncle Jesse's help for a lot of it, but it turned out okay. Daisy seemed happier at the party….though I still heard her crying again in her room later that night.

Anyway cousin, I better let you get some rest. At least I can sleep a bit easier now I know you ain't out on the battlefield for a while…just take it easy wont you. Oh and Pete says Hi and get better soon….he's just come over with his letter from Steve and has been bugging me to say Hi….he's an annoying twerp sometimes…

At this point a line made its way down the paper as Bo suddenly got tackled side on by Pete. For about ten minutes they rolled around wrestling on the floor, hurling playful insults at each other before remembering what it was they were originally doing.

Sorry about that….I got attacked by the king of the twerps….I think he's gearing up for another one…I better go before this letter gets destroyed in the battle.

Love you loads Luke, hope you get better soon…



September 6

Dear Bo,

Guess what Cousin, when I got back I found a letter waiting fer me.

Luke grinned to himself as he was using his footlocker to write on. It had been a long trip back but this time he had been rested, and well fed. The lunch for the road that Daisy had packed him had lasted him near the whole trip, and included a lot of cookies both for him and for everyone else that was still in Nam.

Yeah Bo, I'm gonna be telling ya all that I can. I promise ya that.

He smiled to himself as he read what Bo had written him, oh yeah, it did sound slightly harsh, but it was nothing that he could not understand. He understood perfectly well what made Bo say that.

Well, ya already know how that turned out with the chipped rib an' all, an' yeah I remember when I had a run in with Billy. Daisy tied her ribbons on Billy's horn an' I was afraid she would get hurt, you were the best Teddy Bear ever then Bo. An' when ya climbed into bed with me an' hugged me it really did make me feel better.

An' that was something he wasn't ashamed to admit to anyone.

I miss ya already Bo, an' I'm gonna keep missing you until I get back home again. So yer learning to read between the lines huh, an' using it on me? Well, I should've known ya would do that. I don't reckon I mind, I'm proud of ya Bo.

Luke fingered the medal for a moment before he continued writing, the car magazine was in his footlocker and he had a list a mile long of people wanted to read it after him. He was just saving it for a quiet moment. The medal though was near enough to make his eyes moist as he thought of his cousin making it for him.

I'm afraid I can't wear your medal on the uniform Bo. I'd get in trouble if I did since they are pretty strict on uniform. But there ain't one medal they can give me would make me feel more proud. Thank you Bo, thank you so much.

Daisy told me about the cake ya made. Seems she never noticed it being lopsided or anything. Just told me it was the best cake she had ever had.

That was one of the things she had told him about. She had been really proud over Bo when she did it too.

Well Bo, I have to go now. They want me to get out on patrol really soon an' I want to drop Daisy a line first. You take care now, an' tell that king of twerps to take care too.

Love, Luke

September 6

Dear Daisy,

I just got back here now, an' thanks to all them cookies ya packed me I got one big welcome.

He sure had… it turned out that many of his fellow marines had missed him as much as he had actually missed them. One thing that he could have done without though was their way of showing how they had missed him. There had been a snake in his bed, a lizard in his footlocker and all of it his friends doing something to let him know they had missed him in the form of laughing until they keeled over as he leapt out of bed.

Even had some officer in here saying he should confiscate some to make sure that there was nothing in them that shouldn't be. I gave him a few an' he seemed happy with it.

Ain't really anything happened yet, but let's just say I kinda miss Billy for a sleeping partner.

That was one way of putting it that wouldn't send Daisy scaling up the wall. It was strange but for once he wasn't sure what to say to his cousin or tell her. He was so happy she was doing better and so afraid that he would say the wrong thing and hurt her.

Ya have no idea how much I appreciate all the food ya sent with me Daisy, an' how much I appreciate having ya. If it makes ya feel better I've heard some talk about them keeping us closer to home base for some time now. I don't think that would be too bad, and it seems to be the real thing and not just talk.

While he pondered what to say time crept up at him and now it was time to get out on patrol.

I have to go on patrol now. I'm sorry this was so short but I just wanted to drop ya a line an' let ya know I was here now. Take care Daisy, I love ya.

Love Luke

September 20, 1969

Hi Luke,

It was so good to get your letter. I was hoping you got back safe. I figured if anythin' had happened we'd a heard 'bout it by now.

At least that was what she convinced herself everyday. No news was good news.

I've been staying real busy…especially it being my Senior year… so much t' think about…Lots of my friends are talkin' bout goin' away t' college or seein' the world… I'd be lying if I said I ain't thought about it… but Uncle Jesse needs me here…. an' I just don't wanna even think about leavin'… not fer a long long time.

I'm not that brave. Not like you.

School is going pretty well though. And being busy helps a lot. I miss ya so much it hurts, but I ain't got time t' think about it….

Get this… this'll really make ya laugh…. Apparently Billy Joe Riley thought he'd be funny and nominated me for homecoming queen. I hate stuff like that! Don't get me wrong… I planned on goin' t' the dance with some friends, but I was just gonna wear jeans. Well apparently now that I am on the "court" I gotta wear a fancy dress an' heels. Can ya imagine?! Me?! In heels?! Ya sure can't ride a horse in 'em an' ya can't run in a dress… Uncle Jesse an' Bo just laughed when I told them…said I can't be a tom boy forever. I guess everyone nominated has t' have an escort which made me even madder since I don't wanna date anyone…Billy Joe asked me to go to the dance with him… apparently he likes me, but I don't trust him…at all, so I told him no. That'll show him who to nominate for a stupid homecoming queen!! I think I'll ask Enos Strate t'come with me. Least I know he ain't gonna try anything funny… I'll be lucky t' get a kiss goodnight which is fine by me 'cuz I sure don't wanna settle down with anyone…not fer a long, long time.

In fact she wasn't sure she ever wanted to get that close to anyone again… not since Tommy. Enos was a safe choice and she knew he would jump at the chance to go with her, if he didn't break out in hives when she asked him.

Luke, I'm glad y'all like the cookies. I didn't have a chance t' make ya a big birthday present like I wanted to but I hope this works…

It was a tiny stuffed goat, smaller than Luke's hand, easily stuffed into a pocket.

You'd get teased if I sent ya Billy… this here's Billy the Kid-get it? Ha Ha. He's little so hopefully no one will be any wiser and if ya need a Billy, you'll have him.

She smiled as she inserted the tiny stuffed goat into the letter. It amazed her what a difference Luke coming home had made. She felt more like her old self than she had in a long time… thanks to him.

I love you Luke. Take care.
