Title: Time Travelling Cause's Chaos!

Summary: Harry, Severus, Hermione, Ron, and Draco are thrown into OUR world! Being 'appeared' into a large house where three teenager's live is quite confusing. And what happen's when it turn's out they can do dome magic? Like being an elemental, telepath, and an empath. They have to start all over, noy only with their live's but magic too! And what happens once they find out the teenager's job's?!

My own character's: Adel (Hattie), Shadow (Sam), Ricky (Richard), Allen, Jenny, Amanda, Neal, Nick, Nora, Flame,




A/N: I got this idea from a story I read called 'Hit the floor'! I forgt about it untill I was writing a different story and the idea sprung in my head! None of the HP character's are mine. But everyone else is! R&R and enjoy reading!


Chapter one: How it happened

"Now really guy's! Can't we all just get along?" Harry asked trying to end this confratation. "NO!" Draco and Ron snapped out. "Well at least I tried" Harry sighed to Hermione. They were all in the Great Hall. "I know hunny. But their both stubborn and won't listen to anyone" Hermione resurred him. After the insadent at the MoM she had lighten up and was like a mother to everyone. "Take it back!" Ron yelled as Severus Snape walked into the Hall. "No! You are a sex crazed idiot! Hermione even told me!" Draco snapped angrily. "How long have they been at it?" Severus asked sitting next to Harry.

"About an hour now" Harry said sighing tiredly. "That long? I thought after 20 mintues they would forget what they were fighting about" Severus said shocked. "So did we" Hermione muttered. Then a bright light blinded them all. When they were able to open their eye's they were quite shocked. A girl no more than 16 was standing infront of them in a pair of short's and a sport's bra howing off her tanned body. "Oh boy, Adel is going to have a fit" the girl sighed out. "Hey! What was the light? Holy crap! Adel is going to fit when she see's this!" a boy about 17 laughed in a pair of silk boxer's. He was tall and his hair -down to his elbow's- framing his litely tanned body. "What about me having a fit?" a girl 17 asked in a pair of pant's and t-shirt, her black arm's showing.

"Um... excuse me?" Harry asked confused. "What the?! No way! Their here?! Really here?! I can't believe it! The spell worked!" the dark skinned girl -Adel- said happily. "Hattie calm down" the other girl sighed out. "I thought her name was Adel" Draco whispered beside Ron. "Me too" Ron said lowly looking around. They were in a karge kitchen down in a forest landscape. "Her name is Hattie, but her nickname is Adel" the boy explained hearing them. "Did you want to ask a question dear?" the other girl asked gesturing them to sit down around the counter. "Yes I did. Adel or Hattie, said 'the spell worked'. What spell is she talking about? And do you know how we got here?" Harry asked as the girl set a kettle on the stove. "That two question's. But yes we know how you got here" the girl said glaring at Hattie.

"Could you tell us?" Hermione asked softly. "How 'bout we introduce ourseleves first? I'm Sam but call me Shadow. It's a nickname I picked up a while back" Shadow said softly. "I'm Richard, but call me Ricky or Ricky Lake. The girl's gave me the name" Ricky said laughing. "As you heard I'm Hattie, but do call me Adel. Unless what you have to say is important, then call me Hattie" Adel said smiling. "We already know who you are" Shadow said pouring the water from the kettle in eight cup's, then added Hot Chocolate Mix.

"As to answer your second question. A few day's ago I created a spell. It would allow me to pull anyone from anywhere here. It just so happen's that you were the one's targeted" Adel explained acceting one of the cup's. "Do any you know where you are?" Shadow asked leaning againest the counter. "I have a feeling we're not in England anymore" Severus muttered. 'Who are these people? Who are they really?' he thought to himself. Ricky twichted and glanced at Shadow -who was rubbing her temple's. "Well Mr. Snape your right. Your not in England anymore. Or even in your dimention. You were pulled into our world. Here no one believe's in magic. As it only exicst in those who are born with it. And that is about one in every one thousand people" Shadow explained calmly. "And to answer the question you were asking yourself? We're hish school student's. But we're in the one column. It just so happened that we all know each other" Ricky said shaocking Severus.

"How did you?" Severus asked eye's wide. Adel smiled softly. "Everytime we touch, I get this feeling" Shadow sang under her breathe causing the window's to open and allow sunshine to fill the room. "As you might have guessed Ms. Granger, yes I am an telepath. So is Adel and Shadow to an extent. We're also elemental's. I control wind" Ricky said to Hermione and she nodded. "I control fire. I'm working on water right now. I'm also a little vampire. I have the strenght and speed of them" Adel explained to Severus. "I'm an empath. I control all element's and the only time my teleapth power's work is when your sleeping" Shadow said lowly. "Shadow?" Draco asked softly as she glared at the back door. "Can't we ever get a day off?" Shadow grumbled as the door opened. "Ah! There you all are!" a man in his late 50's said smiling.

"Don't even try it Allen. Today's our day off" Ricky said glaring at Allen. "Yes I know that! I'm just dropping off your work for tommorrow" Allen said cheerfully as he dumped a large pile of folder's on the counter. "Have a nice day!" he said leaving, compeltely ignoring the people at the counter. "I swear he's on something" Adel muttered darkly.