Slobber Monster

'Communication between Kagome and other inus'



"In-Du-ah..." Kagome stared out of the opening of the kennel right next to a close up of a Slobbering Monster of Doom. Of course Kagome knew it was just an infant child, but its drooling and squealing voice prevented her from admitting it.

The Slobber Monster had a name, although it didn't quite fit with its description. Onkei. 'Grace' what a laugh! Kagome couldn't imagine Takashi-sama naming any of his children Onkei, maybe the mother named the little monster.

Kagome had to admit though; the infant pup was very adorable the first time she looked at her. Those fluffy doggy ears atop her head, the silvery hair, the cute yet chubby face, but then the slobbering and squealing started. The cuteness totally vanished and in the infant's place, the Slobber Monster appeared.

She winced as the car jerked the kennel to the right forcing her body to collide within the confining walls of her imprisonment. She let out a little yelp as the kennel went back into place.

"Sorry little one."

'Is he talking to me? Why would he be concerned over me anyway. No one cares for me, or my Oka-san wouldn't have...' Kagome sniffled, she tried to keep her mind off of her mother. The little Slobber Monster kept her mind off of it for a short while, but for only that, a short little while.

'Takashi-sama was kind enough to take me in, but he said something about a boy? Am I to become a play mate? Can't he just take me to my Oka-san, I want to go home, out of this inu form... Ohh Momma...'

"It will be alright little Kagome, I know it is hard being away from your mother. I promise upon the Takashi household that you will be taken care of." Touga's voice spoke out from the driver's seat in front of her.

'What? He is talking as if he can understand me.'

"That is because I can, Kagome. You are an Inu and I am an Inu Youkai, it is only understandable that we understand each other." Touga stopped in his explanation almost hesitant to continue. "It is a bit different then talking to other Inu Youkai, Usually Inu's communicate using pictures, but you are different. You talk to me as if you were a Youkai yourself."

'Can you take me home?' Kagome's hopes rushed through her. Maybe he will take me home to my Oka-san and he can explain why I'm like this!

"Where do you live, do you already have an owner?" Touga looked through the rear-view mirror. Was it possible that she got lost somehow and ended up in the alley way by chance?

'No I never had an owner, my Oka-san always took care of me. I used to be…'

"Sorry what was that?"

'I said I used to be…' Sadly her identity was kept a secret, whenever she tried to speak of her old life, her mouth was sealed shut.

Within the kennel tears ran down her checks once again. What's happening to me? Why can't I tell him about myself… I just want to go home… home… Oka-san… Oh mama I need you.

Touga heard little whimpers coming from the kennel. It must be really hard for her! I hope Sesshomaru accepts her, she is after all in need of special attention, with her broken body and heart.

"How about I talk about my Family for the rest of the way home? This way you will know what to expect when we get there, Sounds good to you?"

'Sure I guess.'

"You know Onkei, you only have to watch out for her pulling at your tail, and getting snot in your fur.

I have another son InuYasha, he appears to be about seven years of age, its a bit difficult to tell with him being a Hanyou, they tend to age faster than Youkai do. He's ninety now so it'll probably be another twenty to a hundred years until he reaches adulthood." Touga glanced in the rear-view mirror checking if he was able to safely change lanes.

"I got carried away. Humm, let me see? InuYasha is a little tough guy with a big mouth" At this Touga gave off a little chuckle. "His mother and I made a deal with the pup. Every time he swears one yen is to be put in his Swear-Bank. Now I am beginning to think it should be a hundred yen instead. That should be a good determent, but by the time he becomes an adult, he'll be the richest man on earth!" Touga's Laughter filled the air followed by a giggling and clapping Slobber Monster.

"Sesshomaru is My eldest son, He is the one I want to look after you. He has a bit of a temper and likes to be by himself most of the time which is why I want you to be with him. He might hate it at first, but eventually he'll grow used to it, and you two will become close."

Kagome laid her had down, listening to Youkai's words. 'How old is Sesshomaru?'

"Sesshomaru is two hundred and fifty, and he only appears to be fifteen. In ten years he'll reach full maturity.

I've noticed I may have used terms your not used to, or you might not understand all that I am telling you, but you'll understand soon enough. This old man is talking too much arin't I?"

'Will Sesshomaru hate me?'

"No, I dont believe he will. He will notice things about you that will draw his attention. You're special little one, don't forget that."

"bugie bugie all gone." The Slobber Monster was on a full out attack, her chubby little finger was up her nose while looking at Kagome.