Disclaimer: Because I forgot last chapter. TnO is not mine, although I often wish it was. Shame, but thanks anyway, Konomi-sama. 3

Pillow Talk

Chapter 2: Greetings?

It happened again. And again. I didn't really mind. It was almost like a habit now. I would get on the bus; he would get on a few stops later; and then he would sleep on me. I guess many would think it strange that I was letting a practical stranger sleep on me everyday. I didn't. Not anymore. It's not that there was anything between us. Because there never will be. We hardly even speak to each other. We weren't even friends. I was just his pillow, twice a day: that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't want to be anything more either. Just me and him: pillow and ... sleeper?

Sensei is calling on me again. I don't think he likes me very much, so I stand up, answer the question and sit back down. Fortunately, the bell rings at that moment and we all put our books away. Finally, lunch time. Kotarou is beckoning. I grab by obento and take the recently vacated seat next to him. He leans over and kisses me inconspicuously on the cheek and I blush. I'm glad he's back.

I glare and hiss, "Kotarou ..." warningly, although I'm smiling. He grabs my hand, laughing, leading me out of the door.

"Let's go Aya-chan, I really missed your lunches." We arrive at our special tree, ready to eat the special bento I had made that morning, but someone was already there.

"Akutagawa-san!" I cry, rushing forward. He doesn't move. I bend down and poke him in the shoulder but he keeps on sleeping.

"You know this guy?" Kotarou looks amused, which I am glad. He gets jealous easily. I shrug and tell him that we go on the same bus. He seems okay with it. As we leave for another place, I swear I see Akutagawa-san's eyes open for a second, but then they are closed again and he is asleep.


I wonder what Akutagawa-san dreams of when he sleeps. Surely someone who sleeps so much ... he must have dreams. This time it's different though. Usually he's calm and peaceful, innocence on his face while he sleeps. He's frowning and clenching his fists and twitching. I'm tempted to wake him up so he doesn't look so angry anymore, but that would be mean so I won't. He really doesn't look very happy. Is this about tennis? I should stop prying onto other people's business. Instead, I shift so it is more comfortable and pull my hair out of the braids, sighing. A lock of hair falls into Akutagawa-san's face and I move to brush it out of the way when his fist unclenches and grabs hold of it. I freeze and try to pull it out of his grasp but it hurts so I stop. He looks a little more relaxed now though so I guess I'll let him. It won't hurt.


I think I'm in trouble. Atobe-san and Oshitari-san from the tennis club are trying to kill me with their eyes. I'm glad Kotarou hasn't noticed because they're both bigger than him and I don't think he'll win if he starts a fight. Is this because of the time I accidentally knocked over their ball basket and made them stop practice for twenty minutes while they picket the balls up? But that was last year ... Oh no, they're coming.

"Are you Ayame?" Oh my, the great Atobe speaks!

I nod, wondering what this is about and why asked with my first name. We're not secretly cousins or something, are we?

"And do you know Jirou by any chance?" Oshitari-san is being much nicer. I think.

"Jirou? You mean Akutagawa-san?"

Atobe-san rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes, just answer the damn question properly."

I don't like Atobe. "Yes ... What about it?"

He leans his face in close to mine (which is considerably lower than his) and says, "He's not playing properly. Go and talk to him." By the way he was talking, I'd would have thought he'd died or something.

Next thing I know, I'm being frog-marched to the tennis courts where the rest of the regulars are trying to wake Akutagawa-san up. Once I am free of their grasp, I take a few steps away and face the annoyed (and annoying) buchou who is looking down at me like some dirt on his oh-so-clean and polished shoes.

"Why am I here? He's in your tennis club!" I half yell at him. I don't usually yell at people. Especially not my senpais because I could get in serious trouble. But Atobe-san looks like he's more concerned about his Singles 2 player.

"Well," he begins slowly. "It's not my name he's been muttering, is it?"


A/N: Thanks to all who reviewed! I love you all, seriously. Also thanks to runningondreams for the constructive criticism, I hope this chapter is to your liking. It sort of looks like it's going to be clichéd but I swear it's not, okay?

Thanks again 3 Review!