Fullmetal59: Ok, thanks Marz1 for clearing up the facts for me. I know there are still some flaws but i'm just going to let them pass. So I redid the parts of Ch. 1. I'll have chapter 2 today, trust me. Be patient and you'll get what you want.

My Disease

Ch. 1

It's Better Off

She Doesn't Know

Point Of View: Ed

We're on that road again. The one we know all to well. I don't know why Al and that stupid, know-it-all Doctor told me to come home. There's nothing seriously wrong with me. I mean, it's only contagious when I cough right? Anyways I have no time to rest. I have to restore his body before it's too late. I'm perfectly fine. Well, basically.

Flashback - No POV

" This doesn't make any sense! There has to be different way of making it!" Ed yelled slamming his hands down on the small table covered with papers about the same thing. The Philospher's Stone. Al had left a while ago, leaving his brother to be alone. " Why didn't he tell us another--" He was interrupted by a small cough. When he saw his hand there was a small speck of blood. He shrugged his shoulders and picked up one of the papers from the table. " If this--" He coughed again but more violently. He dropped his paper and covered his mouth as he continued to cough. He fell to his knees. His heart began to pound. Faster and faster. He became dizzy. He tried to make his way to the phone, crawling on the floor. As his hand reached for the phone he coughed once again. More powerful than before. Moving his arm quickly to his mouth he knocked over a picture near it. His eyes widened as the blood fell onto the floor.

' No, not now. Please not now. I haven't restored Al's body. I haven't even told Winry about...' He thought as he fell to the ground. His head was laying next to the picture that had been knocked off the nightstand. It was a picture of Al, Winry, and himself. Their parents wanted them to gather around to take a picture. Winry put her arms around Ed's neck (since he was shorter) and Ed put his left hand on Al's shoulder. Ed was blushing a little bit from her arms around him.

He managed to give a faint smile at the memory before he blacked out.

" Brother? Brother, are you alright?" Al's hollow voice managed to get Ed to open his eyes slowly. " Al, am I dead?"

" What?"

" Where am I?" It was hard to look through his own eyes since there was a cloudy haze blocking his vision. " You're in the hospital." Images of the night before flashed in his mind. " What happened last night, brother?"

" He has the tuberculosis disease." The doctor said walking in. " What?" Al asked. " It seems he's had it since he was a child."

" But this is the first time I've ever seen him cough up blood."

" Well, coughing up blood is the last stage before..." The Doctor trailed off. " Before what?" Al asked impatiently. He looked down as he said, " Death."

Point Of View: Ed

See what I mean? I still have some time left but they told me to go home and get some rest. That Doctor said I shouldn't be around anyone when I start to cough. That shouldn't be too hard. Stay away when I cough. Simple as that. I know it's not all the time Winry will give me a hug but sometimes she does so i'll have to be careful of that. She doesn't know about my disease but I think it's better off she doesn't know. So let's see I'll have to stay away from everyone for a while. I hope--


" What the heck is your problem?!" Ed yelled at the blond on the balcony. He rubbed his new bruise in the middle of his forehead as he picked up the thrown wrench aimed right back at her. " Calm down brother," Al said taking lowering the wrench in his hand. " Hold on I'll be right down!" Winry yelled. " Remember Ed, you can't be too close to anyone, so no funny business, got it?" Al teased. " Shut up Al!" Ed said flushed. Winry rushed up to the boys once she stepped through the door. She went right in front of Ed's face. He started to sweat drop. ' You're going to make this alot more difficult than it seems.' She looked down and grabbed his hand. " Umm..." She pulled out her wrench from it. " How many times do I have to tell you," she hit him on the side of his head this time, " not to use my wrench!" She turned her head and walked back inside. Al picked Ed up, since he was already unconsious, and followed after her.

Fullmetal59: I have no idea if this is good or not. That's where you come in! Please review! For Me! (voice in the back of my head or VITBOMH: well duh!) Shut up! There's a reason why you're in the back of my head! Idiot...