This is just an extra chapter! I hope you like it!


Extra Chapter

Troy and Gabriella were still strong. Everything went great. Gabriella was offered to record an album and she happily accepted it. As soon as her album was released, it was already on top of the charts and is a big hit.

In about 10 minutes, Troy's first game will start. He was pretty excited but nervous because Gabriella wasn't there yet. She promised that she will come but she was still in an interview for her new album.

"Troy, she'll come. Don't worry. The studio she's in is only a minute away. She can even walk from there." Chad assured his best friend.
"But its only a few minutes before the game starts." Troy said sadly.

Everyone was waiting eagerly for the game to start. Even the sports men were very excited too, since its Troy Bolton's first game.

"Settle down everyone. My name is Mark and I'm gonna be the sportsman for today. In about 5 minutes, the game will start. Wildcats vs Lakers. Good luck to both teams." Mark said in the microphone. Everyone cheered happily.
"As you all know, this is gonna be Troy Bolton's first game. For those of you who doesn't know him, which will be very rare, he is the son of Wildcat coach and the boyfriend of our lovely Ms Gabriella Montez." Mark said out loud and everyone roared.

"Speaking of her, can you guys spot her anywhere?" Mark said looking around the basketball arena but she's nowhere to be seen.


"Lastly, we heard that Troy Bolton's game is today." The interviewer said to Gabriella politely.

"Yes that's true. Troy's game is today, which will start in couple of minutes actually." Gabriella said hurriedly but still tried to keep a smile on her face.

"Oh ok. Sorry for holding you up. Thank you for joining us." The interviewer said quickly.

"You're very welcome. See you guys!" Gabriella swiftly stood up and wave at the cheering audience.

When Gabriella was out of the studio, she practically ran to the arena with her high heels wishing that the game hasn't started yet.

"Oh my gosh! Troy's gonna kill me!!" Gabriella said as she looked at her watch nervously. She completely forgot about her car in the current situation. The arena was so close anyway so she just ran all the way.


Both teams were warming up and Troy couldn't concentrate properly since all he could think about was Gabriella not being there.

"She promised me that she'll come. She will come. I know she will. Troy you are stupid for doubting." Troy thought to his self. The referee finally blew the whistle signalling that the game will start. Troy looked around frantically, searching for his girlfriend. Troy sighed and went to his position. Suddenly, the door opened causing a very loud noise and revealing a sweating Gabriella. Everyone turned to look at her except Troy who was so lost in his own thoughts. Finally, Chad nudged him with a smile and pointed at the door.

"Gabi!" Troy called out happily. He ran to her and twirled her around. It felt like they haven't seen each other in years.

"I'm so sorry Troy. They just asked too many questions and I couldn't get out. I promise it won't happen again. Sorry for being late." Gabriella said with a very apologetic look.

"I forgive you. I know you'll come." Troy smiled and kissed her on the lips.

"Ahem!" Chad coughed loudly causing the pair to jump apart.

"What?" Troy asked annoyed, completely forgetting about the game.

"Troy.. Umm.. Your game?" Gabriella said a little embarrassed because they caused the whole crowd to turn and watch them.

"Ohh right." Troy said letting go off Gabriella, also embarrassed.

"Good luck!" Gabriella whispered and gave Troy a peck on the lips.

"Thanks. That's all I need." Troy said with a huge smile.

The game finally started. It was a tough game and everyone was actually silent. It was very tense. Taylor, Gabriella, Kelsi and Sharpay were all clenching hands watching their boyfriends play. It looked like they were more nervous than the boys on the court.

"When is this game gonna end?!" Sharpay said hating the tension in the whole arena.

"The score keeps on catching up." Gabriella said.

Troy never realised how hard it was to actually play against one of the best teams he knew so far. He looked around and saw Gabriella looking straight at him. She smiled softly and it felt like all Troy's exhaustion was swept away.

"I have to win this! Do it for Gabriella!" Troy thought in his mind.

The Lakers were winning by one. It was 10 seconds before the clock and Troy just stole the ball from their opponent. He quickly ran to the other side. He smiled when he realised that Gabriella was in the front seat and was sitting on their side of the ring.

"Go Troy!" Gabriella smiled at him. Troy was practically just standing right in front of Gabriella. He was ready to shoot when suddenly, another player simply elbowed him and stole the ball.

"Ow." Troy said and quickly clenched his hand on his side where the guy elbowed him. No one noticed it except Gabriella since she was the closest to Troy.

"Hey you! Come back here! That's a foul!" Gabriella called out directly from the guy who took the ball. The referee whistled and ran to Gabriella.

"What happened here?" The referee asked.

"That was a foul! That guy elbowed Troy. I saw it with my own eyes." Gabriella protested. Troy couldn't help but smile. The referee turned and looked at the guy.

"Dude, it was a foul I'm betting. Gabi never lies." Chad chuckled. The guy shook his head, defeated.

"Thanks Gabi." Troy smiled.

"You're welcome. Go and shoot the free throw!" Gabriella said pointing at the free throw line.

"Wow! Troy taught you well." Jason said impressed.

"Everyone knows she's a fast learner." Taylor said and Gabriella bowed a little, blushing.

Troy stood in the free throw line feeling everyone's eyes heavily resting on him.

"I can do this!" Troy told his self. He bounced the ball and slowly threw it. Everyone stared at it, and finally it was in! Everyone cheered happily but the score was still a tie 78-78 and there's one more free throw for Troy.

Troy was sweating hard but not as hard as the girls.

"Gosh this is so tense." Taylor whispered and all the girls could do was nod.

Troy was finally ready to shoot, he threw the ball towards the basket and everyone immediately held their breath. The ball circled the hoop which lasted for ages (that's what Troy thought) and finally it went right in!

"And Wildcats won!!" Mark yelled happily over the microphone.

"OMG! They won! The boys won!!!" Sharpay yelled standing up and clapping loudly. All the girls cuddled up together and started jumping up and down. They finally settled down and looked over at Troy who was having a mini interview with Mark on the court.


"So Troy, you shot the winning ball, how does it feel?" Mark asked excitedly.

"It absolutely incredible. Its just.. Amazing." Troy said, with a huge grin.

"I'm sure. So do you have any lucky charm or anything?" Mark asked curiously.

"Well, umm.. I do have my girlfriend as my lucky charm, like I said in my previous interview." Troy chuckled looking over at Gabriella who was kinda blushing.

"That's great. Well thank you for joining me here. Good luck to your next game!" Mark said happily and Troy just gave him a handshake.

Troy was immediately mobbed by random people. He couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, he felt someone drag him all the way out of the crowd.

"Gabi! My saviour!" Troy laughed hugging his girlfriend.

"Yeah and I thought I was the damsel in distress." Gabriella giggled hugging him back.

"You were really great out there." Gabriella complimented giving Troy a peck on the lips.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have won." Troy smiled and they quickly head out of the court and into the boy's change room where the girls were also staying.

"Uh Troy? Are we going in the boy's change room?" Gabriella asked unsure.

"Trust me, you're not gonna see anything you're not suppose to see. Unless you want me to show you some." Troy wiggled his eyebrows jokingly.

"Ewww, Troy!" Gabriella exclaimed.

"Just kidding. No one's inside anymore except for the gang, so its cool." Troy said seriously.

"Are you sure?" Gabriella asked Troy.

"Taylor? Kelsi? Sharpay? Are you in there?" Gabriella yelled in the change room. Troy couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes Gabi, we're here!" The girls yelled.

"Come on Gabi." Troy said impatiently.

"But-- But there's boy germs in there." Gabriella giggled while Troy playfully rolled his eyes.

"If you're not going in, I'm gonna make you go in!" Troy said picking her off her feet.

"Troy put me down!" Gabriella whined.

"Do you want me to drop you then?" Troy questioned jokingly.

"Troy don't put me down." Gabriella immediately said and Troy laughed.

"Wow, you guys look like newly weds." Sharpay laughed and everyone laughed with her.

"Don't worry Sharpay, I will marry Gabriella." Troy said winking at Gabriella.

"I will seriously marry Gabi." Troy thought with a smile.

"I'll marry him too." Gabriella giggled.

They all sat together and just talked about anything. A couple of minutes later, Gabriella and Troy was the only one left.

"Troy, did you check your locker yet?" Gabriella asked with a slight smile.

"No why?" Troy said.

"Because I have a present for you!" Gabriella said and Troy looked at her confused.

"What for?" He asked.

"For winning the game." Gabriella smiled warmly.

"How'd you know we're going to win though?" Troy questioned.

"I just had the feeling and I know that you guys worked really hard for it! You deserved it." She said.

"Just go to your locker and see Bolton!" Gabriella ordered pointing at Troy's locker.

Troy walked over to his locker, which was not very far and opened it slowly. He gasped when he saw what was inside.

"You like it?" Gabriella asked.

"Yes. Gabi did you draw this?" Troy said picking a drawing of him sitting on the couch. (remember the time when Gabriella drew Troy in the mansion, then Troy fell asleep? That was that pic.)

"Yup. You haven't seen that drawing cause you fell asleep." Gabriella giggled.

"Holy crap!! Gabriella Montez this is the most amazing drawing I've ever seen. Its so realistic! Heck, this looks better than reality." Troy said in complete awe.

"You do realised that you're saying that the picture is better looking than you right?" Gabriella questioned.

"Ohh I don't know about that. Nah just kidding. But seriously Gabi, this is one amazing drawing! I mean wow! I have one VERY talented girlfriend!" Troy said hugging Gabriella.

"Thanks for this Gabi." Troy said gratefully.

"Ohh that's not all. You didn't look at what else was in your locker." Gabriella said and Troy quickly turned to his locker again. He saw a really old looking baseball ball with signatures on it.

"Is this the 'GIANTS' (totally made that up!) last winning ball before their coach Michael Brown (made him up too) retired??" Troy asked breathing heavily in excitement.

"Yup." Gabriella nodded happily.

"Is Michael Brown's signature in here too?" Troy asked curiously.

"Yup!" Gabriella said and Troy felt his knees go weak just knowing that he had Michael's signature.


"So Troy, truth or dare?" Sharpay asked. Everyone was gathered in Troy's mansion and was just hanging out.

"Umm… Truth." Troy answered because they had a rule that there's no making out dare which meant that he couldn't make out with Gabriella.

"What is the thing that you want to have but you know that you can't have." Gabriella asked.

"Wow! Tricky question there Gabs." Troy said. Gabriella only asked that question so that she had an idea what present to give Troy in special occasions.

"I would love to have the 'GIANTS' winning baseball before Michael Brown retired and have all their signatures on it especially Michael's." Troy said sadly.

"Why can't you fly all the way there and get his signature?" Kelsi asked confusedly.

"You see, Michael Brown is a very unusual guy. He don't give signatures for just some reason. He thinks that he has no right of signing winning balls because the team was really the one who won the game and not him." Jason started explaining.

"Trust me. Coach Bolton took us to one of his games and Troy practically begged for Michael Brown's signature but he never gave it to him." Chad started while Troy glared at him.

"He just never give signatures. I tried a lot of times but never got at least one!" Troy said and the girls nodded in understanding.

"Did you get the players' signatures though?" Sharpay questioned.

"Troy never had time because he really wanted Michael's signature first. After his unsuccessful begging finished, the players were gone." Zeke laughed.

"Interesting!" Gabriella said.

"I would give up lots of things just to get Michael's signature." Troy said while a smile simply formed on Gabriella's face.

End of flashback

"Gabi, how-- I mean.. how did you manage to get his signature and the winning ball. He never gave his signature and he certainly kept the ball." Troy exclaimed, still shocked.

"Well, you see, Mr Brown's wife was very sick and she happened to be one of my dad's patients. My dad did everything that he could and his wife was finally treated and is very healthy now." Gabriella paused and stared at Troy who was listening intently.

"Mr Brown was very thankful and asked our family if there's anything he could do for us. That's where I came in. I just asked for his signature and he immediately signed it happily! I didn't even asked for his last winning ball since I thought it was a little bit too much. I accidentally mentioned that my boyfriend would love to have the baseball and he offered it to me and made the players signed it. I didn't want to take it but he insisted." Gabriella explained and Troy couldn't help but smile.

"Gabi, thank you, thank you so much! This means a lot to me! Since I was small, me and my grandpa used to watch baseball and when my grandpa died, I sort of promised that I will get Michael's signature!" Troy chuckled hugging Gabriella tightly but gently.

"I know you would be happy." Gabriella smiled. They looked in each other's eyes and couldn't fight the urge to kiss each other so they did. Their lips crashed and they mentally smiled, enjoying the moment.

They pulled away with huge grin.

"Better dress up for the after party Troy." Gabriella said walking out of the change room to let her boyfriend get change.
"You sure you don't want to stay Gabs?" Troy joked.

"You wish Bolton!" Gabriella called out.


They finally arrived at the party and saw their friends already there.

"Hey guys!" Gabriella and Troy said exactly the same time.

"Hey!" The rest of the gang greeted. They continued to talk while the party was rocking. Suddenly, a familiar song came. It wasn't slow and soft but it was a really happy song that relates to Gabriella and Troy's relationship.

"Guys, you should rock on the dance floor. That's your song!" Sharpay said motioning the couple to go and dance.

"Ok. Come on Gabi!" Troy said helping Gabriella up. The intro was just starting but both Troy and Gabriella were already dancing with the music.

So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love(love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Cant stop thinking about it

How much longer will it take to sure this
Jus to cure it cause i cant ignore if its love
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but Ii don't know nothing bout love

Gabriella and Troy were both dancing happily. Troy was twirling her around and around as she giggled. Soon enough, the gang dance too.

come on, come on
turn a little faster
come on, come on
the world will follow after
cause everybody's after love

So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love

Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love

Troy winked at Gabriella and she immediately laugh.

"There's really no escaping Gabriella's love." Troy thought with a smile.

These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no

Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love

Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love

The whole gang were dancing energetically with smiles on their faces especially Troy and Gabriella. They couldn't be any happier.

We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love (x4)


I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
Accidentally (X 2)

Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her love…

Accidentally in love… I'm in love… I'm in love!

As the song finished, the whole gang - Zeke and Sharpay, Chad and Taylor, Kelsi and Jason, Ryan and Alexis (never mentioned her before. He just met him there in the dance) and Troy and Gabriella were in the middle of the dance floor kissing each other softly on the lips. They know that everything's gonna be ok as long as they had each other!


There we go! Its just an extra because I really wanted to write it.. About the sequel, I might write one but its gonna be a in really long time. I only have few ideas and its not enough to make it good so I'm not promising anything yet. The song is called 'Accidentally in love' and its from Shrek 2. Please review.