Those Three Words

He had shunned her. Shunned her comfort, when all she'd wanted was to hold him and tell him everything was fine, that the fact that Nerissa was his mother didn't make the slightest bit of difference to her. To whisper that she loved him.

Cornelia pulled her long winter coat around herself tighter. Fall was bitter so far, signaling a harsh winter was just around the corner. She hated being angry with Caleb, her Caleb. And, really, did she have a solid foundation of anger towards him? He'd wanted to be alone and that was completely acceptable. If Nerissa was her mother she'd have wanted some space as well.

But he could have at least let her embrace him, if only for a moment, right? A sigh escaped from the earth guardian's lips. It had been almost a full week since they'd discovered the identity of Caleb's mother and Cornelia hadn't seen him since. She missed him terribly, her mood growing increasingly glum until she walked around only half aware of her surroundings. She'd declined Irma and Taranee's invitation to meet at the corner and finish the walk to Sheffield, choosing instead a different route so she could spend her time missing Caleb in peace.

She hated missing him, too, she mused. The first time he'd brushed her way, Cornelia had tried foolishly to fill the void Caleb had left in her heart with Peter Cook, which had ended terribly. Caleb had made a fool of himself just for her and then she'd forgiven him. That time, it had been simple.

Cornelia wanted to kick something. This wasn't her, moping around for a boy. She had pride, after all, though more accurately it would be described as having once had pride. Nevertheless, she felt her heart sink. It wasn't just any boy she was pining for, it was Caleb. Her boy. Her Caleb. And damn if she didn't love him.


It was him. His voice that had said her name tentatively from behind her. That meant Blunk had to be around here somewhere, if Caleb was on earth. They couldn't really talk with the smelly little beast around.

"Oh, are you talking to me now?" Cornelia coldly spat. She hadn't meant to be so rude, but, she reasoned, she had a right to be, having been ignored by her boyfriend for six whole days.

"I deserved that," Caleb said softly.

"Yeah, you did," she shot back.

She'd frozen in her tracks when he'd called her name, allowing his hand to reach out and grip her shoulder firmly. "Talk to me, please," he begged.

"I tried to talk to you, Caleb."

Caleb wheeled her around to face him. "I'm sorry."

Cornelia's icy expression vanished upon meeting those sweet forest green eyes with her own. They were simply begging for forgiveness, forgiveness from the stupid acts he'd pulled recently. Why had she been mad at him again?

"Caleb…" her voice trailed off. And then it happened: she was in his arms, safe and loved, where she belonged, where she'd always belong. "Don't be sorry," Cornelia whispered. "I don't know how to relate to finding out your mother is a"

"A witch bent on destroying all civilization?" Caleb snarled, voice lower than normal.

"Shh, sweetie," Cornelia cooed, pressing a finger to his lips. "What I was trying to say was that I understand why you wanted some room to breathe and to try and figure things out."

"I haven't said much to my father either," Caleb said after a moment. "It wasn't fair of him to keep it from me, even though I know he was trying to protect me."

"Shh," she repeated. Linking her arm through his, Cornelia tugged him along slightly in the direction of Sheffield. "Walk me to Biology?"

At the gates of the institute, Caleb leaned in and kissed her gently. "I love you, Cornelia Hale. I'll see you later."

Needless to say, Cornelia couldn't concentrate the rest of the day.

This has been bugging me for weeks now…