Like I said in the summary…I finished the story…hope you all like it! Thanks for reviewing…Keep reviewing..and I might add a Sango and Miroku story.. Well yes enjoy!
Kagome was frozen… 'Did he just say that he loved me…and is he kissing m-' She was caught off guard, when Inuyasha put his hand behind her head. Kagome shook all these thoughts out of her head, and kissed him back with all the emotion she had for him, if this was a dream, then Kagome would enjoy it…even if it wasn't real. When they broke apart, it was Inuyasha's turn to blush, "Sorry," he said, pulling himself away from her, to sit cross-legged, with his hands in his sleeves.
Kagome also blushed, and sat on her knees. "Wow…" she whispered…not thinking that he heard her. But he did, and he smirked, it disappeared when she looked up at him.
"Inu-Inuyasha?" Kagome stuttered.
"Yeah?" He responded looking at her.
"Di-did you really mean what you said..before..?" She turned her head away, she was blushing so much. "I mean…its okay if you didn't…because I know you love Ki-Kikyo" Her voice cracked.
Inuyashas mouth dropped open. 'How could she think that…after…well that..'
"Kagome, I did love Kikyo..but that was in the past, and from the first time that I found out that you were Kagome…and not Kikyo.." Kagome shuttered when he said her name. He continued. "But like I said before…I love you…always have..and always will…forever.." He smiled, and moved closer to Kagome.
Kagome smiled softly, and looked up at him. "Promise?"
Inuyasha smiled at the look on her face, 'Shes so cute.' "With all my heart."
Kagome jumped up, startling Inuyasha a bit, and launched herself, into his strong arms. "I love you too Inuyasha!"
"I love you too Kagome" Inuyasha squeezed her.
They pulled away from eachother slowly, and their faces centimeters away…
"Pervert!!!" Sango yelled from the pushes.
"Shhhh..Sango, you will reveal where we are hiding! I tripped, and I was just trying to keep myself from falling to the ground, my dear Sango." Miroku touched the burning, handprint on his cheek, while his other hand wandered..earning himself another handprint.
"MONK KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF YOU PERVERT!" Sango yelled, walking out of the bushes with a crimson face. "Pervert.." She muttered.
Inuyasha and Kagome looked at eachother, and laughed. "They'll never change," Inuyasha said before capturing Kagomes lips in a sweet kiss.
The End!
--There yah have the last part! Thanks for reading this it means a lot to me…Thanks to NINA SOCCER GIRL….you inspired me to write more to this story so thank you!
And to Cinder McKnight for telling me that it wasn't a bad story..hehe, this story sounded better in my head…hehe well thanks again…Revieww!—