Before anyone asks why I'm doing a DemyxOC, let me explain. Though I am fan of both AxelRoxas and AxelDemyx, I knew very well that this was not the place to write something like that beacuse I felt that they, along with an AxelOC fic, would really be overdone by this point, and I wanted to be different. Demyx is my favorite lesser Organization member too boot (by lesser, I mean that he was just there to fight and that we never really saw what he did within the Organization). I also wanted to express my therioes on how the Organization actually lived. So, there's my reason for writing. Bleh. Roffelcopter. Rawr.

The story takes place BEFORE Chain of Memories. I never got to Riku's story, so I can assure you that I will mess up Lexaeus, Zexion, and any other Organization members on Riku's side that I didn't know about.

This is my first time trying to write a Kingdom Hearts fanfiction with an actual story line. Please be nice.

Organization XIII, Kingdom Hearts, and all related plots and characters (c) to... the Japanese guy who made Kingdom Hearts/Disney
The mystery girl is (c) to me
The secret world Albella Cruz (not featured yet) is also (c) to me. It's inhabitants are (c) to their repesctive games/shows (meaning as far as my knowledge goes, THEY'RE NOT FROM SQUARE ENIX).
Some exerts of the chapters (c) to Arue (because she and me are co-writing the fic)


xXx The Meldoy That Never Was xXx


"Hmm... what to do today?"

Demyx seemed to ask himself that question everyday as he walked through the empty streets. Not much happened in the World That Never Was. As far as anyone knew, the members of Organization XIII were the only people even living there. There was no one running the shops, no people walking through the streets, no children playing. It was always a silent, empty abyss.

Of course, that was understandable. The lower half of the World That Never Was, which was somewhat of a market district, was inhabated by Heartless. Perfect place for them to lurk around too, considering that the entire lower half was pitch black, with the exception of the street lights and the lights from the empty buildings. Strange, though. Why would the Heartless stick around if there were no hearts of people?

Answer: Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts, composed of millions upon millions of hearts and supposedly the source itself, was located at the center of the World That Never Was, right above the Organization's stronghold at that. It what kept the Heartless in this lonely planet. Demyx sometimes wondered why they hadn't just gone after it right away. Xemnas probably put up major secruity around it. Of course, that still left the question of why the Heartless stayed. Didn't they know they could never get to Kingdom Hearts? What kept them coming?

Demyx soon found an answer, though he never knew it quite away. He noticed a large group of Heartless heading into a dark alleyway. Seeing Heartless travel in packs was not unheard of, but this group was particulary large. Something was up in that alleyway. Sitar readied at hand, Demyx catiously walked to the alleyway.

"Maybe they got their hands on a heart..." he said to himself. "If they do, I gotta get it back to the castle quick! ...Man, why'd it have to be me?"

Demyx carefully peered around the edge of the building into the alleyway. There was much more Heartless than he had imagined, which caused him to gulp, as fighting wasn't exactly his forte. Squinting his eyes a bit, he found that what the Heartless were looking at wasn't a heart, but what was it? It didn't look like a wounded Heartless (A/N: Can Heartless even get wounds?), and it certianly wasn't a Nobody. However, there was some sort of shape to the object... it almost looked like a...

Suddenly, it all became clear to Demyx. Why didn't he see it earlier?

The long brown hair, tan arms and legs, red T-shirt and blue jeans...

It wasn't a heart! It was a person!

Demyx lost all his fear in one fleet moment, his task clear; he had to save that person, whoever they were. Instead of charging into the fray, he played a few simple tunes on his sitar, causing musical notes to form out of the water in the air around him. Playing some more quick notes, he ordered them to attack the Heartless. However, he himself never saw if they completed the task, as he hid back behind the building before the Heartless knew he was there. He may not have had a heart, but that didn't mean he still couldn't feel the pain they could give him.

Minutes passed, and soon Demyx's curiosity got the better of him. He peered down, but saw nothing. Walking down the alleyway, he thought, "There's no way they know I'm here, right?"

In about less fifteen seconds, he knew he was sadly mistaken.

The Heartless had quickly defeated his water clones and had jumped on top of him. Unable to play his sitar to fight back, he helplessly fell to the ground as the Heartless scratched at his body. He winced in pain and jerked his head, trying to avoid their pointed claws, but they continued to push him down.

"Oh, GREAT! I'll be the first Nobody in exsistence to get killed by Heartless... I mean, I could even deal with, like, a 50 ft Godzilla or something... but Heartless! I'll be the laughing stock of the whole Organization! ...Well, I'm sure I'll get a good funeral, anyway." he thought. (A/N: Well, isn't Demyx the Debbie Downer of the whole Organization?) "Maybe I should have gotten more time to written my will..." He continued to think like that until a voice interuppted his thoughts.

Wait... A voice?

Demyx always knew that death would come to him in a different way, but coming to him through a voice was not what he had expected. The voice itself turned into a song, becoming a smooth, beautiful melody that pleased Demyx's ears more than any other sound he had heard throughout his exsistence. If this was Death's voice, soothing him to join her, he could have ran into her cold, lifeless arms.

But then as though by magic, the Heartless one by one climbed off him to the singing. Demyx weakly raised his head to gaze upon his savior, though it was not whom he had expected. It was certainly NOT Death, in any of its many forms, for it was clearly the person whom Demyx had seen being attacked by the Heartless. The person turned out to be a lovely, green-eyed girl whose long and curly brown hair hung loosely off her frame. In her hands was a familiarly shaped, pale blue microphone with an extremely long cord at the end, almost like a whip. At least, Demyx saw it to be that when she snapped it at the Heartless, destroying them all with one blow.

As the hearts they carried flew to Kingdom Hearts, the girl's vibrant green eyes clouded, and she fainted. Demyx had regained enough of his strength and ran to her, catching her form before she hit the ground. He examined her face; by her looks, she was in her late 10's or early 20's, the same as him. She bore many scratches and cuts from her Heartless attack, and her gentle face was strained, like she had used all her energy just to stand like she did a few moments ago.

Demyx felt a sudden "dun-dun" in his chest, where his heart should have been, put he paid it no mind.

At the sound of something thing hitting the floor, Demyx immeadiatly looked to the girl's hand, then one that held her microphone. His eyes widened as he saw it's shape.

Her microphone was in the shape of the Nobody emblem.

Demyx took a moment to compute.

Mystery girl plus Nobody emblem plus getting attacked by Heartless equals...

"Man..." Demyx moaned to the sky. "Why'd it have to be me?"

Hope that wasn't too bad. But it WILL get better. R&R please.