Author's Note: So here it is...the final chapter. It's so sad...but it's a HAPPY chapter. Pretty much loaded with Java Junkie-ness because well...obviously. Oh, and some people are coming back. One expected and one...not so much. You probably know who it is, but well...other than that, I can't say much. Anyway, I want to thank anyone who has read and reviewed...this is my first Gilmore story, so it did take some work. PLEASE leave a review, letting me know what you you liked, and parts you did not like. If enough people ask, I may write an epilogue. So, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls. Or any of the characters. Nope. Luke belongs to Lorelai now. grins

Dedications: To all the LLers out there...who wanted Season Seven to end differently. And um, to Cara.'re the biggest LL/Jate/MerDer fan I know (minus me, haha)...and I promised this several days ago. Hope you enjoyed!

Please Read/Review!

"Mom, back away from the window!"Rory called across the room in the Dragonfly. She, Emily, Sookie and Lorelai had gathered there in an attempt to prepare for the ceremony. Michel had gotten the help to gather the guests on a bus for the day, preparing to take them elsewhere.

"I know. I know, but I-"

"Need to come here, I have to fix your hair."Sookie called, placing a pin in her hair, so that the curly parts would be held back, but everything else would fall against her shoulders.

"Is it good?...Is it amazing?"Lorelai asked, waving her hands. "Wow, see...It's.."

"Not done. Lorelai, just stand still. Please, I'm almost done."Sookie exclaimed.

Emily opened the door, quietly stepping in. "Well, your father is speaking with Michel downstairs...Luke has not arrived yet, so you can stop checking the window every five minutes."

Lorelai shot her an apolegetic smile. "It's crazy, right? That I would possibly want to risk this. I don't. I can't risk it. Which is exactly..."Lorelai said, stepping over to close the blinds. "There. The blinds are closed. No more peeking."

"Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts."Rory muttered to Sookie.

Sookie simply laughed, shaking her head. "It won't be much longer, you know. Not very long at all."

"Are you trying to help?"Lorelai asked, walking back to the group. "I'm sorry, Sook. It's just has to be perfect. It needs to be perfect. It will be perfect."

"I'm sure it will, dear. But for heaven's sakes, Lorelai...we're never going to get you dressed and ready for the altar if you won't sit down."Emily said, moving her head towards the chair at the make-shift station.

Lorelai took a deep breath, smiling at herself in the mirror. It was here. The big day.

"So are you ready, Dad?"April asked as they climbed into the truck. He had picked her up at the airport early that morning, but Luke being Luke, he felt that he should go back to the diner, and at least make sure that everything opened okay. In that time, he allowed April to get ready as best she could, giving her a chance to rest.

"Yep. You?"Luke asked, taking care to make sure that his tuxedo was secured safely before climbing fully in. His hands gripped the wheel as he took a deep breath. In truth, he'd felt happier than he had in a long time. Today was the day he was to get married. To Lorelai. Everything was falling into place in his life, and he wanted to take a moment for it to truly sink in.

"I'm good. I've got everything settled. I can't believe you actually stayed at the diner last night. I mean, you two actually stuck to the whole supersticion thing?"She asked, fastening her seat belt.

Luke nodded, turning the truck on. "Actually, I wound up sat Sookie and Jackson's. I was um-"He said, trying to find another word for bachelor party.

"It's okay, dad. I know you were out. You don't have to speak in code to me."April confirmed as they made their way to the Dragonfly Inn.

He grinned, shaking his head. "Well, I guess that could be considered a good thing. Is that what you're wearing?"Luke asked, referring to the purple dress she wore.

"Well, considering I didn't bring anything else into the truck with me, I would say so."April said. "Is that a problem?"

"Oh. No, of course not. I was just...checking. You never know, right? Anyway, when we get there to the Inn people will probably ask you to help. But if you see Kirk..."

"Avoid him at all costs?"April asked jokingly.

"No. But don't encourage him. Sookie gave him a job that was supposed to be relatively risk free, but with Kirk..."

"There is always a chance."April confirmed, staring out at the road. It was a big day, she knew that much. But she had never seen Luke this happy-she decided it was a nice change.

Lorelai took a gulp from the 'LD' mug, sighing as she watched its contents swirl. She knew that there were two hours-two hours. She'd been counting down the time, and while she knew the time was coming, it seemed as if it wasn't coming fast enough. "What time is it?"She asked to Rory who was getting dressed behind the curtain they had brought in-a fancy touch that Emily thought was necessary.

"You have exactly an hour and forty-five minutes. Why?"She asked, coming out from behind. She smoothed her hands calmly over the front of the dress-a creamy blue color. It was strapless, stopping just short of her ankles. "Mom?"

Lorelai slowly nodded, standing to walk towards her. "I just...You just..."She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "'"

"Wow?"Rory asked, hoping for a better definition.

"Wow."Lorelai repeating, nodding.

"Good wow or bad wow?...A girl has to know these things on her mother's wedding day."

Lorelai smiled, her hand on Rory's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, you know that?"She asked, her eyes misting over.

Rory smiled, nodding. "I believe you may have said something of the sort a time or two before."

"Well, I think it would be best if you remembered. Now, what on earth is taking Sookie and my mother so long?..Sookie was talking, something about the chuppah being organized the right way...and mom went to explain something to dad."Lorelai pondered, staring at what she was wearing-a simple white sundress, what she was planning to wear until she slipped into her wedding dress.

"Mom, you can't just go out there."Rory said. "Luke could be here."

"Luke had to pick April up from the airport, and then he was heading back to the diner to make sure Casear could open things okay."She said, gesturing to the dress. "Besides, this isn't the dress."

"Yes, but you're you..."

Lorelai sighed, biting her lip. "The chuppah."

"The chuppah?"

"Yes, the chuppah. I-I didn't even think about it. I mean, it's in the back, right? Well, Sookie was sent to make sure it was going in the right place, but what if her place isn't my right place?"Lorelai asked, attempting to get out of the room.

"You walked through the entire plan early this morning, I'm sure everyone knows by now, Mom."Rory replied. "But still, it doesn't hurt, right?"

They made their way out back to find Sookie arguing with the man who apparently had been in charge of placing the chuppah in place of the back lawn. Rory and Lorelai made their way past the chairs, carefully avoiding the "ribbon" walkway, as not to smudge or wrinkle it prior to the wedding.

"You don't understand, they didn't want to have it pointed...they wanted it directly-"Sookie said, pointing at the building, not bothering to notice that Lorelai and Rory had made their way out. "-in front of the door. So you-you...mister..chuppah mover..."

"Steve?"He offered

"Who is Steve?"Sookie asked frantically.

"Me. I'm an assistant in the kitchen here?"He stated as if it were obvious. He struggled, trying to push the chuppah over.

"Well, Steve...this is my best friend's-"

"Sookie, I can handle it."Lorelai said, in an attempt to calm her down. "Steve?...Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry things got so confusing, okay?...But I really did want the chuppah to be facing the door. The plan was that Luke would be standing in front...and then I would walk out and-"

"Lorelai?...What are you doing out here? I thought you were supposed to be upstairs, getting your make-up..."Emily said, marching up to the group. "Is there a problem?"She asked, sensing some tension.

"I'm sorry, Lorelai...I will get it move right away."Steve said, trying to shove it closer to where she said she wanted it.

Lorelai nodded. "Yes, you know what? Wait. When is Logan supposed to get here?"She asked Rory.

"I should probably call him, actually. He should be coming soon."She replied.

Clasping her hands together, Lorelai took a deep breath. "See? Going off without a hitch. Well, there will be a Later of course."

"Of course there will be. Sookie, was there any word on the appetizers for the reception?"

"Whoa, wait...reception?..Appetizers?"Lorelai asked, her hands frozen in midair. "Please tell me there isn't a problem."

"Lorelai..."Sookie said, folding her hands underneath her chin. "Oh, I didn't want to tell you, because everything else was so perfect and just..I didn't-"

"It's okay."Lorelai swore. "What is it?"

As Sookie opened her mouth to explain the mix-up regarding the appetizer platter, Kirk's voice was heard coming across the walkie-talkie Sookie currently held on a belt intended for its use. "This is the golden retriever speaking, captain. The Eagle has landed...repeat, the Eagle has landed. Over."

"Eagle? There's an eagle?"Lorelai asked, confused.

"Just..go. Inside. That means Luke."

"Luke's here?"She asked.

Sookie pulled the walkie from her side, pressing the button to talk. "Kirk, is Luke here?"

"I said, 'The Eagle is here'...oh, and April. Wait..we didn't make up a code name for her...Over."

Rory laughed lightly, finding Kirk taking the job so seriously amusing.

"Well, okay. Do you think you could stall them for a minute or two?...We need to get back up to the room."Sookie said, hurrying up to usher Lorelai back upstairs.

"You've got a deal, captain. I'll hold down the fort, you get her upstairs. Kirk Out."

Lorelai frowned, pouting. "How come Luke gets a cool name, and yet I am a 'her'?"

"Would you rather be a 'he'?"Rory asked.

"No, but-"

"Lorelai, we can't overestimate Kirk's distraction abilities. You...need to get upstairs before Luke sees you."Sookie said.

"Hey ladies, no need to push. I am perfectly capable of walking on my own. Although I'm sure that by this time tomorrow, I will be nothing but a puddle, completely melted by-"

"Mom, you do realize Grandma and I are right here?"Rory asked as they headed for the stairs. "Hey, I'm waiting here. I have to call Logan."

Lorelai, Emily and Sookie made their way up the stairs, Rory quickly dialing Logan's number. "Logan, where are you?"

"I am on my way, Ace. I'll be there in about twenty five minutes...actually...twenty."

"I will be counting the minutes, so you had better be correct."Rory joked.

Logan laughed. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be right there."

Rory closed her phone just as Luke walked through the door. "Luke, hi. April..."Rory said, greeting them.


"Wow. Yes, Mom and I covered that rather completely earlier. She's upstairs in a secret location, but I believe you have a room as well."Rory said, pointing to the hanging bag he held. "Is that the tux?"

"Yes. Why would it-"Luke protested, shaking his head. "Anyway, we've got a while. Is there any way you can let me know where to put this?..Where I can"

"Oh. No, you won't be helping. Well, you will of course later be helping. But until then, you need to um..find your room, and-"

"She wasn't all too clear as to where that was."Luke said. "What about April?"

Rory nodded, smiling. "Yes. Well, if you'd like to help out back, correcting all of the placements then you are welcome to that of course. But if you are willing to take a risk and get stuck under the wrath of Lorelai Gilmore..soon to be Danes...then you're welcome to come upstairs."

April laughed, glad for the welcome. "I think I can handle the pressure."

"Glad to hear."Luke said, spotting Richard by the front desk. "You two head on up, I need to speak with him a minute."

Richard saw him walked over, and stuck out his hand as a gesture. "You're here. Excellent. Now, Luke..I know that I may have said something earlier, but I'd like to welcome you into the family. It hasn't happened officially, but as far as I'm're an honorary official member of the Gilmore family."

Luke nodded, smiling as he shook his hand. "Thank you, Mister Gilmore."He replied.

"Oh, there's no need to refer to me in such a way. In fact, I'd prefer that you call me Richard."He replied.

"Well, thank you..Richard. Wow-"Luke said, shaking off a wave of nerves. "It's's finally here, you know? We've been planning for a few months, and now...June Third. Our wedding day is here."

"Of course."Richard replied, waiting for a reply before he said any more. "Well then, I suppose I'll check on how the lobster is doing in the kitchen. It looks promising."

"Yes, of course."Luke said, watching him go. "Oh, wait..Do you know where I was supposed to go? Lorelai said that they set up a room for me."

"Oh yes, of course. I believe it was room 12. Michel has the key."

As Luke prepared to approach Michel, the door opened again, Liz stepping through. "Luke-"She said as soon as she saw him."-before you say anything...I would just like to apoligize...I had no idea he would be coming. It just...he showed up at the house, and he said you-"

"Liz, it's's-"Luke paused, watching who walked through the door. "Jess."

"Nice observation, Uncle Luke. Come on, you honestly don't think I'd miss the event of the decade, do you?"Jess said, walking towards him. "It's good to see you."

"You know when I...when I invited you, I honestly didn't think you'd show."Luke replied, still taken back.

Jess looked around innocently, shrugging. "Look, if you're worried about me startin' up trouble with Rory and her..boyfriend, fiance'...whatever-"He said, shaking his head. "It's not gonna happen. I'm here for you."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better."Luke replied sarcastically. "Look, I'm kidding. You wanna help, I hear there's some work you can do outback, I've gotta get upstairs and get ready."Luke said, attempting to walk by. He stopped, turning to face Jess again. "But it's good to see you again."

Lorelai drummed her hand lazily on the desk, slowly breathing in and out. Her make-up had just finished, and before long, she'd slip into her dress. A feeling overtook her-a sense of overdrive-as she stared down at the index card she prepared for her vows.

"Well, it's done."Rory declared. "What do you think, mom?"

Lorelai blinked, staring at herself in the mirror. It was simple, barely there, but clearly visible against her smooth, milky complexion. "It's great. So, can we do this?"

"It's not time yet, Lorelai. Talking as such will only get you more nervous, which for you, wouldn't be good."Emily said from her chair.

She turned towards April, flashing her a smile. "What do you think?.."


Laughing, she nudged Rory. "Do you hear that? April thinks I look fabulous. Fabulous!"

Rory laughed, nodding. "Yes, it's because you do."

Lorelai stood, wrapping her daughter in a hug. "I love you. You know that, sweets? I am gonna miss you. I'm gonna email you every single day, and if you don't email back, more than once...and if you don't write back I will call repeatedly, and-"

"Okay, Mom..."Rory said as they pulled apart. "We can't smear your mascara."

"That's exactly why we used water-proof...for that exact reason."Sookie chimed in.

Kirk came through on the walkie again. "Uh, captain..we may have a level three. There is something I think you should see...Over."

"Kirk, what is it?"Sookie asked, exhausted.

A few seconds passed as he contemplated how to tell her. "It's nothing to worry about, but definately worth mentioning...I think you should come-"He paused, apparently dropping the walkie.

"I'll be there. Just hold on, Kirk."Sookie replied, shooting Lorelai an apolegetic look. "It's probably nothing, sweetie. Just hold on, okay?"

"Well, I'm sure it won't be anything. With Kirk, it could be someone's shoe is untied."Lorelai said as Sookie left. "Oh."She said, as if she were remembering. "I don't...I don't have it."

"You don't have what?"April asked.

"Old...New..."Lorelai replied, searching her purse. She pulled out the box that Luke sent her the previous night, containing the necklace. "Okay, I have new. But not old, borrowed or blue."

"Your eyes."Rory replied.

"My eyes are quite fine, yes."

"No, mom...they are blue. What are the rules on that, can you use your eyes?"She asked aloud.

Lorelai shrugged. "I actually don't know. We can't risk it. I can't risk it. It'd be like inviting this big huge black cloud to hang delicately overhead going 'hey, I could pour at any time'...see?...Why didn't I think of this before?"

Just as she was saying that, Sookie stepped back in. " look worried. Why do you look worried?"

"She's in search of her old, borrowed and blue."Rory quipped.

"Oh. Oh, then maybe I should-"She said, attempting to open the door again. "I just...Kirk just..."She sighed, knowing there was no use in hiding it."Jess is here. He came in with Liz and TJ, and he just...well, he's here. But Luke's okay with it. Just...oh-"She said, sliding the bracelet off of her wrist. "Wear it. It's borrowed."

Lorelai took it greatfully, carefully sliding it onto her wrist. "Thank you. Sweets, are you going to be okay with this?"

Rory nodded. "Yes, of course. This is yours and Luke's happy."

Lorelai smiled, happily agreeing. Because she knew Rory was right. "Okay. Good, um..can we get me in this dress now?"

She was prepared, Rory assisting her in putting on her wedding dress, then finding her blue in the bracelet Sookie had allowed her to borrow-leaving only the old to find. April had gone with Sookie and Rory downstairs to check on things, leaving Emily and her alone in the room.

"Lorelai..."Emily said approaching her. "Lorelai, I want you to have this."

"Mom..."She whispered, staring down at the ring. "But I don't..I mean, how-"

"I'm proud of you. I know that that wasn't a well known fact over the past several years, but I am proud of you. You're getting married..."Emily said, placing the ring in her palm. "My mother gave this to me when I married your father, I figured it would only be right if you wore it when you marry Luke."

"Thank you..."Lorelai replied, slipping it on. "It's perfect."

A knock came at the door. "Lorelai, Emily?"Logan said as Lorelai went to the door. "It's Logan."

"Hi. What' it-"

"Yes, Rory sent me...apparently things are in order. Everyone is seated and ready to go."Logan replied, opening the door for them to walk through.

"Alright then...let's do this!"

Martha was lead slightly unsteadily, by Sookie, carefully laying out rose petals as she made her way down the aisle. Davey wasn't too far behind, cradling the rings on a pillow. Emily and Rory made their way down as Richard reached for Lorelai's arm.

"It's here...congratulations, Lorelai."Richard said. "And I haven't said this much, but I'm proud of you. Even more so today."

Lorelai nodding as the march began. "Thanks dad. For...being proud. For...agreeing to walk me down the aisle."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, dear."He answered.

Luke locked eyes with her, silently waving his hand. It was like the breath was knocked out of him, sight only on her. He knew Jess would probably make some comment about how he acted later, but in that moment, Luke didn't care. "Hi."He whispered as she reached him.


"Ladies and Gentlemen...we are gathered here today to join this man...and this holy matrimony. Who gives this woman, Lorelai Gilmore to be taken in marriage?"

Richard cleared his throat, still standing. "We do...her mother and I."

"Very well. isn't something to be entered into lightly. Both must enter with a sound heart, sure mind..."

While they heard what he was saying, neither Luke nor Lorelai payed particular attention. Lorelai, listening to the words, but focusing mainly on the way Luke was holding her hands.

"It's my understanding that the both of you agreed to write your own vows?"

Lorelai nodded, reaching for her index card that Rory held. "Wow, um..."She shook her head, warding off a wave of nervousness. "It's...It's not like me to not know what to say, you know?"She added with a laugh. "You know what, I can't...I can't use this.."Lorelai said, tossing the index card to the side.

"Luke...There's just-there's no way to really desrcibe how I feel for you. You've always been there, always been the one I can come to. The one who listens to me ramble on and on, who gives me coffee multiple times a day...who...who loves me. Loves my daughter. You...You took Rory as one of your own, you were there for her, there for me...thank you, Luke."Lorelai said, taking a deep breath. "And I just..I wanna be there for you. Because with you-"Lorelai said, surprised that she was blinking back tears. "Being here, in front of Stars Hollow..promising to love you, and honor you, and protect you...that's what I want. This, you and me-this is what I want. And..."She added with a shrug. "All of those years, coming into your diner...I don't know why I didn't see it sooner. But I do know that now that it's here, that I couldn't be happier. You're uh, you're kinda responsible for that. And I know that we've both made mistakes in the past. But I...I promise you, that I'll talk. That if-if something is ever bothering me, I will come to you. I'll be there for you, too."She added with a nod. "Because I love you, Luke."

"This is all so beautiful..."Kirk blubbered.

Babette nudged him on the arm. "Shut it, I think Luke's about to speak."She whispered.

Luke nodded, holding her hand. "From the first time you walked into the diner, I guess I always kinda knew there was something about you. Of course, I couldn't help but pay attention."He said, grinning. "It's...still that way. I wanna be there for you, through your crazy...ramblings. When you're sick or...I just want you to be happy, Lorelai. And I'm glad that I can. Because from today out...I'm in this. I will be there. We're not exactly the most normal people ever, but I'm glad...I'm glad that I get to be here. It will stay that way, I promise you. I...I love you, Lorelai."

As he finished, the rings were brought foward, Luke sliding the ring on her finger, Lorelai doing the same to him.

"If...there are any objections to this union, please speak now, or-"

"Oh, just give it up already...let the man kiss his wife!"Gypsy called.

The crowd laughed, nodding their heads in agreement. "Yes, we've waited long enough."Miss Patty quipped.

"Well the power vested in me by the state of Connecticut, and the city of Stars Hollow, I now pronounce man and wife. Kiss your bride."

Luke grinned, clearing up any space between them but enveloping Lorelai in his arms. He'd never felt more at home, at peace. They were there, husband and wife at last. He held on, kissing her longer than he probably should have, ignoring comments from the crowd. As he pulled back, he sighed in content. "You ready to get out of here?"

"Don't we have to stay and play nice first...dancing and stuff?"Lorelai asked.

"Well, yeah..."Luke muttered. "So, uh..."He added, gesturing like they should lead the way. "Soon as we dance, stay a while..we can get on our way."

Everyone gathered in Miss Patty's, due to no other available area for celebration.

"Mom, I'm so proud of you guys..."Rory said, eyes filling with tears. She walked toward Luke, offering him a hug, gesturing for Lorelai to joing in.

"Thanks, Rory.."Luke offered, slightly taken back.

"No, Thank You. make mom so happy. What she said, it's've always been a dad to me."She said.

"Aww, sweets...don't make me cry again..."Lorelai added.

"Well, it's true. So um..."Rory said, looking up at the stage. "So you guys ready?"She asked.

"Why?"Lorelai asked, glancing at her.

Rory made her way up to the make-shift stage, approaching the microphone. ""Everybody clear the floor..."She said. "Um...okay, so it's time for the married have their first dance. So Mom, Luke...take the floor?"

"I guess this is our cue, huh?"Luke asked.

Lorelai followed suit, linking her arm in his as they began swaying to the music, Luke slightly hesitant. "Hey Luke?"

"Yes?"Luke asked.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?"She asked in a childish voice.

"You're not gonna find out from just begging me, you know."Luke replied, aware that all eyes were on them. "Do you..get the feeling we're being watched?"He asked as Kirk took a picture on the huge camera hanging from his neck.

Lorelai shrugged, arms linked around his neck. "Yes, but...Look at me...look at you...we're the most amazing, hottest people in the entire room. And we're married, too."She added, winking.

Luke laughed as they continued to dance. He took a second, listening to the music, knowing that it was true. "You've got a point there."

"Look at me, look at you
Look at all that we've been through
With a lot of love and a little luck
So far it's been so good
Cross your fingers, knock on wood and pray
And if it helps
Go throw a dollar in the wishing well

Let a hundred pennies fall
Splash and send up all our dreams to heaven"

Luke moved a piece of hair behind Lorelai's ear, watching as she echoed his movements. They were together. Happy. He caught Jess' glance from across the room, and couldn't help but laugh as he offered a thumbs up. "Happy?"

"With you?"Lorelai asked, seeing Rory, Logan and her parents looking on. She knew how far they'd come, but knew that the same time that their story had just begun. She looked back at him, giving Luke a kiss. Pulling back, Lorelai knew her answer. "Always."

Post Story Author's Note: Okay, so to be honest, I'm still trying to process how I feel about this chapter. Because it's good...but so long. I would have split it up, but I didn't think that was necessary. Also, yeah, I know bring back Jess didn't really have that huge of an impact, but well...if you're interested in my idea, PM me, I guess. Oh, and the song I used was "Wishing Well" by Jessica Andrews. It's a really pretty song...that basically, I got the title from. I was going to use a different song, but it seemed to fit. THANK YOU to anyone who has ever read this story/given me advice.

If anyone does really ultimately want an epilogue...please tell me so in your detailed reviews! Thanks for being a part of this! Huge Java Junkie hug to all of you...Thank you so much!