The Royal Guardian

By: Sokai

Disclaimer: I, Sokai, do not claim ownership to the workings of W.I.T.C.H. - I leave that honor up to Elisabetta Gnone. Nor do I own Meg Cabot's "The Princess Diaries" series (even though this story isn't even really related to the series. Just don't want to hear law suit claims LoL). However, I can and DO claim to own this story and its inspired ideas FROM said series.

Note: Sorry for not posting this 'eons' ago, since it was already written, my Lovelies! But I've been sooo, so busy, with many, many new life changes . . . most recently, and importantly, our going to have a baby! SO odd to write, considering I've had this account for what's felt like a billion years, and previously writing about college, jobs, family stuff, dating to engagement, to marriage, and now, a baby on the way. . . . I feel even older than I am, now. LoL

Anyhow, I'm pleased to share this news with you Lovelies, especially those who've been my readers pretty much since this account's been open. Thank you, again, for always sticking with me, being patient, and continually enjoying my stories!

Oh! A quick note, once again, about this story. A fairly recent reader seems confused about it, and grew frustrated with how slow Will and Caleb's getting together has taken. LoL While I do understand, I thought it was also thoroughly understood that their coupling was/is INCREDIBLY slow-burn (which I now had to ACTIVELY label as such within my story summary, in case anyone else starts to read this, believing they'd immediately get together). =) That is, I never planned on having them immediately getting together, or else what would have been the point? LoL That, and I'd always made it clear that it wasn't JUST a Will/Caleb focused story, wanting to feature pretty much everyone and what's going on with them along the way. The only unfortunate factors have been time and lack thereof as of late, so it HAS seemed admittedly 'drag-y,' which, again, we all know was never my intention.

They also complained, so to speak, about, well, Will's complaining. LoL And honestly, I, myself, already mentioned more than once that it was annoying ME, as well, her increased pessimism. =) But I'd always done it on purpose, and always planned to shift it at the right moment, letting you know in the last few chapters, in the notes, that is, that that was soon to come . . . which is now, actually. LoL

So for anyone else finding her whinging a bit less than charming, as well, worry not, because Will's about to have too many . . . 'positives,' whether she readily realizes or not, to complain much, anymore. LoL

So . . . yeah! If you, the reviewer, are reading this, I never not planned on having more Caleb/Will scenes, or having drama between Cornelia and Caleb, or anything else you were hoping for. LoL As I've said many a time, for all of my stories, I've always known where this one's going, beginning, middle, and end, including an 'only-in-my-head' sequel. HeHe So, if you DO return, I'm sure you'll be every bit as entertained as you had been before. =)

To everyone else, please enjoy the beginnings of Will's sleepover, more revealing crapola, and . . . gasp! Possible romance, whether she notices it, or not. . . . LoL But, with which dude? Dun dun dun. . . . HeHe

This chapter was written/created in January 2014 (and finally posted July 2014).

Chapter Fifty Six

Sunday, November 12th, 3:27 pm

"My Bedroom" Inside of the Presidential Suite of the Infinity Crowne Plaza Hotel

I . . . survived.

Somehow, someway, I survived.

And you wanna know something else? It wasn't entirely . . . catastrophic as I'd originally surmised and had run numerous, mental spreadsheets over.

Well, I mean, Cornelia was still pretty much . . . Cornelia, of course, and Irma, dear God Irma was still Irma (but at least seemed to have possessed enough presence of mind not to overdo it in front of Eli, during the thankfully few times he popped up throughout the course of our sleepover), but . . . methinks I'd give this very first time of true, fully immersing my previously normal (or magical, whichever) life with my new, generally suffocating royal life a C . . . plus, maybe?

I don't know.

Tell me what you think.

So, all right, as you know, I'd already informed the rest of the girls via email that Taranee and I, well, I was definitely hosting a slumber party, and here at the plaza of all places. And that I understand that it's incredibly short notice, so I don't even know if they'd be able to come, or even willing, considering the setting, and . . . well, I'm not going to lie.

A big chunk of me was hoping that majority, if not all of them would have to decline, if for nothing else but because their families already made plans for them to go visit "Aunt and Uncle So-n-So," or that it was still a little too slippery out there from all the heavy snow we've been getting for any of them to travel anywhere for now.

So, with that fairly confident line of thinking, I just began to carry on with the rest of my morning like nothing was going to happen and follow through.

You know, got up, carefully snuck out into the main common room area to place Taranee's and my breakfast tray onto the habitually pristine coffee table, then went back into my bedroom to head into the shower, but beforehand dug through one of the many, many dresser drawers inside to find something comfy to lounge in for a change.

And then, it happened.

It wasn't even, like, two hours or so, just barely an hour as I told you in my previous entry when I'd sent that mass email, and already I regrettably (admittedly so, yeah) heard my cellphone going off with its at times rather obnoxious sing-song text message alert of, "Boo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo! You've got maaaaailll!" from behind. . . .

I mean, a lot of the time, I could send an email or text message to any one of the girls (well, maybe not so much Taranee, because she tends to prefer being prompt, unless her various scholastic activities prevent her from being so, that is), when I'm pretty positive they're right there, already glued to their computer or phone, and thus should give a swift reply, right?

Yet I'll end up waiting for practically eons, especially for the more important messages I might send, which is why I generally lay off those two types of communication with them. (Not to mention Telepathic messaging is sometimes a lot faster, and highly more effective . . . at least, in terms of irritating one another, anyway.)

But, evidently, the moment a princess invites you to a 'royal slumber party' for the first time ever, then you'd better believe it'll receive an avid response, no problem!

I'm not even an official ruler yet (and hopefully never will be), and already I can get people to do what I want, like that . . . er, or in this case, do what I didn't necessarily want.


Still, even though one or all of the girls were already being courteous enough to respond so quickly (for them, anyway), I attempted to give them, or myself, rather, the benefit of the doubt that it was simply to inform me that they couldn't make it for reasons I'd already dreamed up.

And so, heart already pounding and hands incredibly sweaty with nerves, I stopped rummaging through my fancy-schmancy clothing and practically dove onto my still singing, and now vibrating cellphone and hurriedly hit the button to see what the first message said:

"Holy shite-ness, are you kidding? Of-freaking-course we'll be there, Your Royal Babeliness! I even made sure to contact everyone, starting with Cornelia – Which we can already guess how much she enjoyed that LoL – just to make extra extra sure not a one of us bails out on such a bragging rights of an occasion!

And yes, that's precisely what I'm going to do come Monday, so don't even try to stop me. Anyway! So, here is our collective 'Yes!'

Ohh, the fun which will be had, tonight! Mwa ha ha haaaa. . . . 'K, see you soon!

- Irma, Your Loyal, Royal Buddy."

You can imagine the massive conglomeration of emotions which were then beginning to swirl around inside of me after reading that "Sooo-Irma" response, I'm sure, my brain already chastising me once more for bothering to organize this get together in the first place . . . at least, here of all places, when I could have just as easily done so at Taranee's house, seeing as the overall party was really all for her and her possible engagement, after all.

And then I started to think how much, and yet how little had been said within my friends' apparently universal RSVP. Irma said that she got into contact with Cornelia first, my guess would be in order to further ensure that she couldn't play dumb to ever having received the invite.


Smart thinking since, knowing her, that would have been precisely what Cornelia would have done.

But Irma never said if that big "Yes!" also included hers?

I mean, sure, I was still on the fence about having her come, as well, but Cornelia's still my friend . . . I think.

It just wouldn't feel right to not have her here . . . despite however she may now feel about me, you know?

Still, I wasn't about to call her directly, myself, to find out.

Nooo, no.

So, instead, I opted to call Irma, instead, to dig a little deeper.

. . . . Well, no.

I started to call Irma, but then quickly envisioned being trapped on the line with her for God knew how long, wanting to know the skinny about every single moment which finally led up to my wanting to 'suddenly' have a sleepover in the first place, and within a setting I generally am mum about . . . and, if I do talk about my surroundings, I usually paint it as though I've been trapped within a medieval dungeon of sorts the entire time (which, of course, wouldn't honestly be all that difficult to do, describe, I mean, considering the girls and I have all been captured and thrown into Elyon's old strongholds back in the day, more times than we care to recall).

So I dialed up Hay Lin, instead.

Now, granted, talking to her right now would also quite strongly invite a great deal of unwanted gossiping and probing, but at least, between the two of them, Hay Lin has always known when to quit while she was ahead.

So I took my chances.

And besides, I figured if she did want to start, I could simply let her know that any curiosities she might have will most likely be answered later on tonight when all of us were together, which was more or less true . . . at least where Taranee and Nigel's surprise proposal was concerned, anyway.

I was already ready to hang up after only the second ring, I was that hesitant to speak to anyone besides Taranee for the moment, when the bubbly girl's familiar voice hurriedly picked up, sounding even more jovial than usual . . . if that was even possible.

"H-Hello! P-Willie? Oh, my God, thank you so much for inviting all of us to your royal abode, and sharing its comforts for the evening!" Hay Lin already fired off with an undeniable smile within her voice and within the usual, respectful manner she carries herself . . . which, of course, made me feel pretty damned guilty for having wished, just a few moments prior, that they'd all cancel on me, somehow.

I hesitated a moment before responding, my voice honestly lost as I didn't have it in me to be as hyped up about what was to come as Hay Lin, and Irma, clearly now were.

But I did my best, all the same.

"Eeeyeah, yeah! It's, uh . . . It's seriously no problem, Hay! W-Well, I mean, I don't really know if it is or isn't yet, seeing as I've yet to run it by Eli, but -"

"- W-Wait! The King isn't even aware of our arrival? Oh, no, then surely we can't just come, unannounced like this! It'd be too rude and inconvenient! I'll just send an email for you to the others to let them know that it's off then," Hay Lin squeakily interrupted, her bubble effortlessly sounding greatly burst as she only slightly misinterpreted my previous statement.

Damn it, I hate it whenever "The Happy One" isn't so "happy" anymore, I really do.

It also made me slowly realize that clearly Hay Lin, and quite possibly Irma and . . . on another planet, Cornelia, had been missing our regular girl bonding moments as much as Taranee and I had just earlier confessed to missing, ourselves. . . .


Now, I really couldn't get out of this.

"N-No, Hay Lin, calm down, all right? Relax. I-I may not have let Eli know about it, yet, b-but . . . I did tell my mom about it! Y-Yeah! And obviously the 'O.K.' from my mother is always going to outweigh the 'Nay!' or, more likely, the 'Mon dieu!' from my uncle . . . at least, it always should," I weakly lied, slapping a free hand to my face and shaking my still fairly messy head, as I was well aware with whom I was speaking.

Sure enough. . . .

"You do know that it's pretty pointless to try to lie to me, of all people, right, Princess?" I heard Hay Lin confirm over the other end in between giggles and overall renewed giddiness.

I purposefully groaned heavily into the receiver before waving a dismissive hand into the air, despite knowing that it could not be seen by the other girl.

"Yes, yes! Your precious, nosy little 'Focus' gift which got me in trouble the other week! Fine! So, neither of them know yet. Doesn't mean they won't," I replied with a click of my tongue, my face growing temporarily hot at the embarrassing, although admittedly cathartic memory of Hay Lin having figured out my thankfully fading feelings for Caleb. "In fact, I was going to try to find my 'dear' uncle, anyway, after my shower, but then Irma had already buzzed me back with all your 'Yes' replies. This place, as you shall soon see, is a lot bigger than it may seem at times, so honestly you could probably go days without bumping into The King. That is, if you're lucky, anyway. And I, clearly, am not."

I then heard Hay Lin give a little sigh of her own at this, clearly becoming a tad turned off by my brief "Woe is me" moment, even though it honestly wasn't truly my intention (for a change).

"Aww, gee. Is this going to be another 'Royal Soap Opera' moment? Because if so, I can just -"

"- Nooo, it's not another 'Royal Soap Op . . .' really, Lin? Must everything relating to me now have to have 'royal' thrown in somehow? If anything, that's a bit more dramatic and annoying than whenever I might go on about how suffocating my uncle can be – And believe me, he can be. You haven't directly met him, or been living here with him to know every last deet, thank you very much," I countered a bit justifiably, my mind swiftly refilling with all of the royal shenanigans Eli has put me through ever since having first met him.

Oh, damn it.


Now I'm doing it.

"Whoa, whoa. All right, fair enough. I don't know the intimate goings on of your new life as a princess, and honestly I'm sure it's been pretty chaotic in and of itself without outside – Or inside drama coming along to further afflict. I only meant that, well, if it were me, I'd be trying to find some kind of bright side by now, you know?" Hay Lin offered her usually sound wisdom, my natural instinct to take a bit of offense beginning to flare up, before it was immediately quieted as an unexpected thought then popped into my head.

Lord Kendrick. . . .

Now that was definitely unexpected, indeed.

I mean, normally, in the past if someone, usually one of the girls, tried to cheer me up about something by advising me to "look on the bright side," I'd almost immediately be thinking about Caleb . . . and, you know.


Could never go wrong with either one.

Still really can't with the latter, although it hasn't really done much to help with this overall princess situation, obviously.

And even with all the recent developments concerning that little pig head, the whole mix up with his stupid email, his continually cold and stupid attitude with me and me having to endure it even more lately as his new English tutor, and then, let's not forget, his equally stupid, supposed romp with his precious Earth Guardian . . . I still found myself, deep within the pit of me, trying to continue using him as my "bright side. . . ."

I suppose I didn't want to admit that, not even to myself, anymore, because at this point in the game, it's just honestly, well . . . stupid to continue hanging onto something, someone who will never be mine, you know?

But, now . . . now that, for the first time in a very, very long time a new name, a new person besides Caleb has suddenly come up as a possible light at the end of tunnel, I . . . it honestly scares . . . yet intrigues me. . . .

Can I really, finally move on from Caleb?

And could I . . . actually be . . . interested within Kendrick . . . after all?

Well, if I am, I'll admit that I do feel a tad . . . 'guilty' about it, because I mean, how long have I been in love with freaking Caleb, and then after spending one evening with a virtual stranger, bam!

Suddenly, my heart's like, "Caleb, whom?"

Maybe I'm just reading into all of this too much.

After all, I am pretty out of the 'game,' as it were, since I only ever liked and dated Matt, before immediately diving head first into my 'forever obsession' with Caleb. . . .

And besides!

Even if I were magically interested within Kendrick, it isn't as though it'd go anywhere, right? Because, again, from my overall lack of experience within this particular department, it could have only been mere speculation that he could have been interested right back. . . .


And like that, the "bright side" is gone . . . for now. . . .?



I didn't realize I'd just been sat there, hopelessly lost within my thoughts about all of this for however long, because next I know Hay Lin's yelling my name over and over within a poor bid to regain my attention.

It wasn't until I managed to hear her say, "I will call 911 and camera crews over there if you don't answer me this second!" that I'd finally snapped out of it.

"N-No! God, no! I'm fine, Hay Lin, I'm fine! Sorry, I was just . . . it was just what you said about trying to find a 'bright side.' I . . . guess my mind was automatically trying to take me there, that's all," I anxiously explained, rolling off of my bed and heading back to my partially open and now untidy looking dresser to finally find something to wear. "A-Anyway! The reason I called was because I wanted to know if Irma actually managed to get through to Cornelia about tonight. . . . Her text message didn't honestly give away much on that end."

Hay Lin, apparently returning to normal, or as normal as can be for that girl, let out a low exhale before I could almost hear her nod on the other end.

"Mmm . . . yes. Yes, she did, Your Royal Highness. Of course, as you can imagine, it wasn't a really pleasant conversation, it being between Irma and Cornelia, after all, but then throwing into the mix you and . . . yeah," she carefully explained, some unknown rustling going on in the background. "But after Irma practically begged me to pick up the other line – She was over at my place for breakfast, by the way – it . . . okay, so it wasn't exactly smooth sailing, and honestly things were said which I don't feel I should repeat, but . . . she's coming."

Immediately this piqued my interest.

Not so much the honest-to-good miracle which had occurred, Cornelia actually saying yes to coming over to a shindig that her favorite new enemy was hosting.

I mean, that, itself was pretty something, and I can't even begin to guess what her personal motives for wanting to come with could be.

Certainly not the bonding aspect.

At least, not with me.

No. It was what those certain "things" Hay Lin, or Cornelia, or Irma, or all of them might have said to one another which had me on the edge of my proverbial seat in wonder.

Hey, what can I say?

It felt nice to finally have some new potential gossip which wasn't all about me for a change . . . although this one very well could be, given its previous, conversational setting, and all, but still.

So, once again I promptly stopped rooting around within my dresser drawer and turned away from it a moment as I asked, as delicately as I could (because I know that Hay Lin's the toughest of us all to crack when it comes to possible secrets, after all), "W-Wait . . . Was it not 'smooth sailing' and 'things were said' because of me, o-or . . . something else?"

I could almost visualize Hay Lin undoubtedly clenching up right in that moment, probably already feeling as though she'd said too much.

Sure enough, she goes, "I-I shouldn't have said! I mean, I didn't, not really, anyway, but I-I –! Argh . . . all right. This is all I can, and will say. . . . Yes, true, there had been some colorful words thrown around between Irma and Cornelia, which is most likely why Irma forced me on the other end to mediate. Majority of it was mostly directed at the two of them, the usual, you know . . . but then some of the ire bled through into . . . whatever's been going on between the two of you. Cornelia and yourself, I mean. Obviously, it didn't last long, or else Cornelia would have said no to coming, and probably would be in jail by now because she'd have physically assaulted Irma for her prodding, of course, but . . . basically, Irma called her out on her being such a . . . w-well, sourpuss lately, and asked outright if it was all just because she's now jealous of you for being a princess. And that, if it is the case, then fine, whatever, but she should at the very least suck it up and put it aside for now and come hang out with all of us like old times, since clearly having 'Princess' in front of your name now has yet to completely ruin you. . . ."

I slowly nodded within admittedly vague understanding.

"All . . . right. So, I guess somehow after that very valid point, thank you, Irma, Cornelia realized she was right and said yes, huh?" I asked, still itching like crazy to find out precisely what might have been discussed between the Earth and Air Guardians.

Hay Lin cleared her throat at this, obviously wishing to stall for time, or to better iron out whatever fib she might have been wishing to concoct out of further loyalty to the moody blonde.

"Yes, P-Willie . . . she did. I guess having it sort of put into perspective within that nature, however brief and overall messy, maybe knocked some sense into Cornelia, because just like that she gave a quick 'Fine, I'll come,' before hanging up," she revealed, letting the last few words hang within the air, apparently wanting that to be the end of the overall discussion.

And normally, I'd probably let it go and grant her this wish, but considering that this was currently shaping out to be pretty much the first time any of us were finally getting to the bottom of Cornelia's super 'snooty-tude' lately, and getting her to actually fess up to it, at that, I had to keep moving forward.

"Uh huh . . . and then? Clearly, that wasn't the end of it, Hay, you basically already said, so you may as well continue," I pressed as gently as I could, although my bare right foot unconsciously began to tap rapidly against the well groomed carpet beneath me.

"Mannn, I knew I shouldn't have said anything! Fine! I still won't tell you anything specific, because again, clearly Cornelia was feeling quite vulnerable and maybe even . . . 'desperate,' given that she can't readily speak with Ellie about this, instead, but . . . after Irma left to get ready for tonight, with all her goodies shopping, I'm sure, I went ahead and called Cornelia back, just to check in on her, you know? And I honestly thought she wasn't even going to answer, or, if she did, would just do her usual 'I'm fine' brush off and that'd be that. . . ." Hay Lin began strongly, before trailing off, her speech temporarily becoming a bit muffled as she most likely was biting down onto her lower lip, as she often would whenever nervous or anxious. ". . . . But, uh, yeah. Before I could stop her, not that I would, of course, she just ended up unleashing a torrent of clearly pent up emotion and stress on me, varying from family, to friends, to school, t-to – ! J-Just . . . Just know that, although not obviously quite the same, you're not the only one going through a lot of emotional strife and concerns right now, Princess . . . and that's all I can, and will say, again, I'm sorry. . . ."

. . . . Are you serious?


Just when it was getting really good, almost vindictive, I'll shamefully admit, Hay Lin goes and pulls the plug on me and clams up!

Ain't that a bitch?

. . . . Figures.

So, I let Hay Lin have her sanity back and simply told her that it's all right, and that while I never claimed to be the only one with problems, thank you kindly, I do completely understand firsthand how overwhelming it can get, as well as how invasive others can get during such times.

And I dropped it.

And then we hung up.

Well, no, we chatted some more, mainly about how truly excited Hay Lin was, and wanted to know if she should prepare anything to bring along from The Silver Dragon, and at first I was going to say no, but after remembering the fuss which might occur if an extra 'outsider' tried to deliver anything to us throughout the night, I smartly (I think, anyway) asked if she couldn't just bring over basically what we'd all had yesterday after school, before I had to leave everyone for my . . . not dinner date with Lord Kendrick.

And then, we hung up.

Which, I gotta say, I was immediately relieved over, because while I did let the previously frazzled girl know that I'd be dropping the mysterious conversation she'd shared with Cornelia, I never promised to do so in private.

I mean, could you, after semi-sorta learning that Miss "I am a rock, I am an island" was actually coming undone at the seams over . . . whatever the hell it could be this entire time?

Granted, I did let out a small giggle at first after hanging up my cellphone and carelessly tossed it onto my bed.

I did.

And again, I say, it was just the 'natural' vindication within me to do so.

After all, whom has been riding my ass, pretty much nonstop, this entire time ever since she'd found out I was a princess, yet here she is, herself, having her own so called bull crap which I could easily rag on her about . . . if only I knew what they were?

Oooh, I so wish I knew what they were!

At least, one of them, anyway, because then I'd so send her an email right about now, telling her the very same 'sage' advice she'd given me last week. You know, before everyone in the world learned of my royal heritage, but she and the others were wondering what had me on edge:

"You've gotta learn to be more resilient!"

Yeah huh.


Says the girl who's apparently been having her own private meltdown, all along, right?

But I bet you if I did send said email message, she'd probably just counter with something like, "Well, at least I've obviously been doing a pretty damned good job keeping it to myself until now, and don't go around complaining to anyone who'll listen, unlike someone else I know! Someone who's been using her title as a sympathy card, I might add!"


See, there I go again.

Cornelia hasn't even said any of these things yet, or at all, and she still managed to piss me off, no problem.

I needed that shower.


So, I'm blindly shoving my hands into the drawer for the umpteenth time, now, just randomly grabbing whatever I managed to clamp onto, all while alternating between fantasizing, with cruel deliciousness, I know, whatever could possibly be that 'epic' to fluster Cornelia and her literally perfect life, as well as simultaneously swear Hay Lin to secrecy (but fluster her so much in the process) . . . and then brief, and I do mean brief guilt and sympathy over it, and wanting to do the natural friend thing and comfort her once she got here.

But then, to my added relief, again, evil, yes, I realized I honestly couldn't, because then it'd undoubtedly alert the blonde that Hay Lin had more or less told.

So I was just going to focus the remainder of my attention onto this sleepover which was definitely under way, now . . . well, more or less, since I still had to pass on the message to both Eli and my mom.

Even though time was slightly running out on that front, I nonetheless took my time in the shower, just choosing to fully immerse myself within the water's yummy warm embrace and steaminess.

And for once, it actually worked.

During those twenty-two minutes, (Yes, I take long showers sometimes, although never as long as Irma, obviously) I honestly forgot about everything for a change.

I felt normal, again.

I felt . . . happy.

Truly happy.

No random, typical teenage drama, or anything remotely close to that.

Just . . . happiness.

Like, ethereal, almost.

Even after I'd finished, stepped out, and was drying off, surrounded by all the uber-fancy décor which blatantly alerted me every other day to my newfound reality, I was still feeling greatly at ease.

My mind even, for a second, reminded me that now I have to actively seek out Eli and not only talk to him in general, but to tell him about my upcoming, unscheduled plans, and yet I still felt pretty damned good.


I guess I was finally finding my "bright side," after all.

And even though that totally meant that I was, either consciously or subconsciously, taking pleasure within one of my close friend's personal hell (which I very well could end up going directly to, myself, as a result), I was still feeling at peace with it.

Besides, knowing myself, I'm sure it wouldn't last, this feeling, and this guiltless trip for a change, anyway, so I wanted to enjoy it while I could.

And then, the more I kept reflecting about the whole "bright side" thing some more, the less it was about Cornelia and whatever has been Karmic . . . ly eating at her, but more about . . . Lord Kendrick, yet again.

And that returned thought, alone, just made me want to die for a minute, primarily because I was currently thinking about him while standing naked, still partially wet within my bathroom!

I don't think I'd ever turned so red within my entire life, Journal, I swear.

Not just my face, but the whole lot of me, I saw, after wiping down the mirror clean of shower steam.

I mean, I've had my moments in the past where I'd think of Caleb during such inopportune occasions, sure, and trust me, it was every bit as embarrassing.

But at least with Caleb, I've "known" him a lot longer than one day, and didn't immediately fall for him and fantasize about him while within my birthday suit after having met him!

Wait, wait, now, Journal!

I didn't mean that like it sounded . . . er, was written, all right?

I'm not saying I've fallen for Kendrick, or am constantly fantasizing about him, at that!

I was just simply trying to make the connection between he and Caleb, that's all. . . .


Well, my "peaceful bubble" has successfully been popped after that.

Okay, so maybe not entirely . . . I mean, because even with the utterly mortifying setting, and after the initial shock of thinking of him again in the first place had subsided (and of course, once I'd gotten dressed, thank you), I was still feeling . . . light, I guess you could say.

Not the same sort of "Mwa ha haaaa, sucks to be you, Cornelia!" malicious sort of light like before, no, but a much more positive, almost . . . giddy sort of light, almost sort of like when you've had a crazy, but overall satisfying sugar rush.

. . . . Crap.

Crap, crap.


. . . . I think I do kinda like Kendrick, after all.

My God, Will!

How easy are you?

You meet one new guy, and just because he's the first in a very long time to lay on the compliments left and right, you're suddenly planning your future honeymoon destination!

What am I thinking?

I'm sure this is what Eli was hoping would happen between us, but I don't think even he would have had any idea how quickly it may or may not occur!

While I'm at it, on my way to let him know about my sleepover, why don't I just tell him to go ahead and send out those probably already drafted wedding invitations!

Godddd, I am so lame . . . and, apparently, quite predictable. . . .

Okay, Will, it's okay.

I mean, so you might actually have a teeny-weeny crush on Kendrick.

Big whoop.

People meet other people all the time and feel mild to . . . intense attractions toward each other all the time.

That's life!

But about eighty-five percent of those 'moments' are incredibly fleeting and meaningless, and never thought of again, I'm sure!

So, we're just going to acknowledge, again, that hey, yeah. Sure.


I'm attracted to Lord Kendrick Kimball.

But I'll be damned if I'll ever say anything to anyone about it, nor will I certainly not make a big deal about it, lest I wish to go down the same road with him I've been on for what's felt like an honest lifetime with Caleb.

Once is enough, thanks. . . .

And, I mean, like I said before, and will keep saying, I probably was just reading way too much into things on Kendrick's end, anyhow, so I'm sure it's all one sided, like always within my so called love life.

For once, I didn't manage to completely bum myself out with my usual reality check pep talk, there.

Wow . . . I guess my overall perspective really is shifting, at long last. . . .


I get out of the bathroom, fully dressed within a mismatched, fancy yellow blouse and the pair of jeans I'd gotten carded into when my mom and I first arrived at the plaza (making it, and a few other articles of clothing, the last remaining bits of "the old me" currently here), and still moist hair hurriedly wrapped up into a small bun, as I practically power-walked my still bare feet over to my bedroom door.

I knew I looked a complete mess, at least, within Eli's eyes, of course, and I didn't care.

I was on a mission to get this damned, okay, maybe not so damned, slumber party within full swing, and I didn't have a lot of time to waste.

I could dwell a bit more on liking, or not liking Kendrick, and if he liked, or didn't like me back some more later, if I wanted (which I didn't), as well as what it would all mean concerning my overall attitude toward Caleb, and if it wouldn't suddenly 'improve' or further decline now that I was finally getting over him, it seemed.

The first place I started was, of course, Eli's private study, where he usually was more often than not.

After the first knock, honestly, I should have known that he most likely wasn't inside, given how prompt and 'controlled' the man generally liked to be. (Not to mention I'm sure he'd probably grow quickly irritated by the "constant rapping upon my door," or something.)

But I kept right on knocking, a bit louder each time, until the third, when I felt it safe enough to assume that clearly, he was not within.

It did make me temporarily worried that maybe Eli wasn't there within the suite, at all, and might have been out and about, taking care of his kingly duties and what not, already.

While I didn't terribly mind not getting the word out to him before the girls got here later, almost feeling it a tad worth it to see him force himself once again to bite back whatever rage filled moment he'd otherwise like to share with his 'beloved niece' then and there, I thought it better to keep trying with my search.

So I tried the only other place I'd ever seen Eli go, besides the common room, although this time I didn't feel quite as apprehensive to step inside and possibly catch him knee deep within another cooking frenzy.

I don't know.

I guess it's sort of like those instances where once you've seen something pretty grotesque and repulsive, the shock value has permanently worn off.

So off to the same kitchen I'd found my uncle, just the other day, I went.

Sure enough, and with no real super surprise this time, there he was, just as I'd already surmised, within the throws of . . . culinary passion, and looking every bit as the last time, expensive sleeves rolled up and white apron wrapped securely around his middle.

And just like before, his back was to me, hunched over, in fact, as he appeared to be gazing at whatever he was currently baking within the oven this time around.

"Ahh, good morning, Princess Wilhelmina! Or is it nearly afternoon by this juncture? At any rate, at what time shall we be expecting our stay over guests, hmm?" Eli posed his inquiry with blatant amusement laced within his voice as he remained crouched over at his place, causing me to be the one to jump within alarm this time.

"W-What? How did you -"

"- Know you were standing there this time, or that you've a little . . . 'soiree' planned for this evening? In answer to both, I simply know all, my dear niece," The King cut me off before at last straightening his posture, turning away from the occupied oven to look upon me with a faint smirk. When he saw that I clearly wasn't about to return the gesture, he merely cleared his throat before pressing on. "Ahh . . . it would appear someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed today . . . and without once gazing into the mirror, o-or . . . without bothering to put on any footwear, good gracious, Wilhelmina! Must we already have at it, right when I was about to congratulate you on your having passed last night's princess lesson test?"

I rolled my eyes before quickly looking down at my still fairly damp feet before decidedly choosing to ignore whatever future outburst of "health hazard" this and that as soon as I stamped into the otherwise empty kitchen and took a seat within the same place I'd done the last time I was in here with him.

"I, huh? N-Never mind about that, for now, please, as I'm sure you'll regale me with a vivid rundown of just how well or not I'd done overall at dinner, and also how well within the presence of Lord Kimball," I let spill from my mouth as swiftly as I could, doing my best to ignore the all too familiar feeling of my cheeks growing warm upon renewed reflection of my apparently new attraction. "I'm more interested within hearing about how you knew that Taranee and I have decided to have a sleepover party with the rest of our friends here within the suite. Were you . . . you were, weren't you? You were spying on us, after all! Oh, my God, I can't believe this!"

And at this, my face completely drained.

Because I then began to think, If he really did eavesdrop on us, then that means he might have also been privy to the excruciatingly mushy girl bonding moments between us when I finally let 'Ranee know how I felt about Caleb, and then later about how apprehensive she was feeling about saying yes or no to Nigel's marriage proposal.

Could you just imagine?

The last thing I'd want or need is for my otherwise robotic uncle to suddenly up and develop feelings, and doling out the sympathy card left and right for us both!

I mean, the way he was currently simply continuing to just watch me with entertained eyes was eerie enough, you know?

Let's stick to angry, stressed out Eli, all right?

For now, though, it didn't appear as though he wished to comply, because Eli just suddenly starts laughing out of nowhere, as though I'd said the funniest thing in the world.

"O-Oh, my! Sometimes I do not know whether I should give Lord Kimball a forewarning to your . . . interesting outbursts, or let him be as wonderfully surprised as I have been throughout our journey together thus far," he remarked with an ongoing, deep throat chuckle, making me wonder if he was either too drunk right now, or simply too pleased with last night's apparent success to really give much of a damn how I was currently behaving . . . for now, anyway. "But, I digress! It is hardly rocket science to know that if one leaves a door open, and speaks rather loudly – However quiet they may have thought they might have been – then anyone nearby should be bound to be privy to any discussion carrying on, Princess Wilhelmina. . . ."

I scrunched up my face a moment within brief thought over whatever the hell Eli's odd riddle was about, before then realizing, "Oh, damn . . . so you were within your study at the time of Taranee's previously thought to be ninja-like exit. . . ."

Eli straightened his posture even more at this (which I didn't even think possible) and seemed to sort of puff out his chest a bit, as his previous smile slightly faltered while he swiftly reprimanded my choice of words.

"Language, Wilhelmina! A princess never uses foul language, and a niece – A child never uses it at all, but certainly not in front of an elder," he disciplined with a momentary firm stare, toward which I'd merely gazed lazily back without an ounce of fear or repentance, before he carried on. "But . . . yes, I was there, within my study, as per usual every morning. I was actually right about to step out to unwind for a spell with a bit of cooking, once more, when I'd heard the tail end of yours and Miss Taranee's . . . rather interesting conversation. It would appear that best wishes are, or might be in order for the young miss, yes? And that this . . . Cornelia individual sounds as though she is not one to be trifled with. Now, she would make an interesting pupil for our princess lessons. Do you know if she possesses noble blood, Wilhelmina?"

I just stared at him.

Was he serious?

He just had to be high as a kite right now to ramble on like this (at least, by Eli standards), and actually seem to give a crap about my social life.

Seriously way up there, I'm telling you.

But, on drugs or not, I still had a 'mission' to carry out, and I couldn't be distracted by the usual Eli-Will banter.

So I simply played along for a change.

"Um . . . no, I don't think she does, Eli, although Cornelia's always carried herself like a queen for as long as I've known her, anyway," I began with a mild shrug, lightly drumming the fingernails of my right hand onto the clear glass kitchen table, "and in all honesty, I'm sure she'd probably enjoy attending a few of your lessons a lot more than I have. . . . A-Anyway, as for Taranee, I . . . well, I'm not going to really discuss her business with you, whether she'd appreciate or not, to be fair . . . but suffice it to say that all of . . . what you might have heard about it is still very much a 'work in progress,' all right? So please, when she comes back tonight, don't embarrass or bombard her with your 'Best wishes!' and wedding suggestions or whatever else you might have floating around within your head, currently. Having her, having any of my best friends come here of all places is a really huge step for me – For all of us ever since this whole princess stuff came out, so I really want tonight to just be about . . . well, us. Like old times . . . please."

I don't know which words I'd said, exactly, which seemed to snap Eli out of his previous 'loopiness,' but he sobered up pretty quickly after I'd finished speaking, anyway, and slowly made his way over to the table where I continued to sit, a bit anxiously now.

The clock behind his head read forty-five after two, and I only had until five to get everything I was going to get in order done, not to mention still track down Mom and let her know, as well.

Despite the numerous rough patches between the two of us since this whole thing has started, it'd be nice if she could somehow be a part of the girls and my evening tonight, you know? Especially after the way she had my back, without fail, throughout last night and its duration and all.

Maybe it really was time to finally bury the hatchet and forgive her for never telling me we were both princesses this whole time . . . and maybe, just maybe even try to . . . forget, if not forgive her for her apparently having cheated on poor Dean, as well. . . .

Now that one was definitely going to take a bit more time, by comparison. . . .

I watched as Eli carefully peeled off his blue colored, and floral decorated (Ha.) oven mitts, before taking a seat across from me.

". . . . Has it truly been that difficult for you, Wilhelmina? . . . . Adjusting, I mean?" he asked with uncharacteristic quietness, although his eyes remained firmly locked onto mine, as I struggled to hold my own gaze.

". . . A-Are we . . . Are we seriously doing this right now?" was all I could give as a response, asking my own question as my face once again regrettably became inflamed.

Like I said, I could handle angry Eli, and even a possibly drunk, or high Eli.

It'd be new and weird, sure, the last two, but I could handle it.

But a suddenly touchy-feely Eli?

My brain always flat lines at the notion.

Not to mention that, again, I say, I really was pressed for time, here!

I was just about to ask if he couldn't maybe put a pin within his sudden, ridiculously delayed want to finally know precisely how I've been feeling about all of this, but the look upon his face advised otherwise.

For whatever reason, this appeared important to Eli to know the answer, and now. And if I was ever going to leave that kitchen with enough time to spruce up, I was just going to have to comply for the time being.

"Yes, Wilhelmina, we . . . we are 'doing this right now,' as you so put it," Eli replied before I could have said or done anything more. "That is to say . . . I suppose it was watching you this morning with your friend, however brief, and how . . . so removed you appeared to be from your overall setting, coupled with listening into the last of your previously private conversation just made me realize that perhaps . . . perhaps it would be wise to take better stock within your current state of mind."

I blinked at this.

"My 'state of mind?' What, so first, I'm basically a handful, a spitfire, or whatever you've described me as to anyone who'd care to listen, and now you're suddenly worried that I'm losing my mind – Which, I won't bother lying, there sometimes seemed to be a few close calls here and there," I stated, not honestly helping my own case, especially over possibly dissuading Eli from continuing further with his obvious need to have an unscheduled, and unprecedented heart to heart.

But Eli merely nodded at this, a faint smile slowly spreading across his lips once more.

". . . . Precisely, Princess Wilhelmina. You and I . . . we are not so dissimilar, believe it or not. At least, where our lineage and abruptly being thrust into a higher position than previously anticipated is concerned," he revealed with as much tact as he could afford, it seemed, his normally cool and collected nature also beginning to crumble, I unfortunately had to go and notice. "I am not . . . entirely certain if your mother has yet to explain the exact reasoning and circumstance for her abdication and my taking her place ever since, but . . . it was not something the kingdom . . . that I had been readily prepared for. . . ."

I couldn't help but feel a very, very, very faint twinge of accursed empathy, be damned, as I allowed my mind to swiftly wander all the way back to the heart to heart my mom and I had shared, ourselves, the day after I'd first found out that we both hail from royal blood.

". . . . Y-Yeah, um . . . Mom told me the story the next morning after you and I had met, and . . . right before you'd barged in on us back at our loft, actually," I remembered more clearly, lightly frowning at the memory of the man's rudeness, even from the start.

Eli only nodded, however, slowly pulling his clasped, bejeweled hands in toward himself as he clearly continued to struggle with his own overall emotions.

It was a rather touchy subject, according to Mom and how she'd painted it, after all. . . .

"Yes, well . . . my apologies for the . . . 'barge in,' as you say," he . . . I guess, awkwardly agreed, surprisingly apologizing before pressing on. "If your mother has honestly informed you of our shared circumstance, then you must know by now how . . . ready I was to simply be at her side, supporting her in any way I could while she reigned as Queen once the time came. I, myself, had possessed ne'er a qualm over never assuming the throne as King, it being less to do with the law of 'firstborns must rule,' but more to do with the honest belief . . . honest . . . fact that your mother was the right person for the position, without question. . . ."

Although I did guiltily look over his head toward the clock at that moment to check the time once more, I was honestly feeling a bit intrigued to hear Eli's side, or so called side to this already told tale, so I stayed silent.

Appearing to appreciate it, Eli continued without missing a beat.

"However . . . when your mother revealed to our family . . . revealed to me that she would not become ruler as we had all naturally expected, it . . . left me feeling . . . I imagine very similar to how you might have felt, yourself, the day you'd first met me and learned of your true kinship," he stated with a slow swallow, looking at me with eerily soft, sympathetic eyes this time around. "In truth, I had . . . fairly immediately, I might add, correlated my own past experience with that of your own, however did not wish to give you an inch, as it were. I still do not, in fact. That is, I still stand by my firm belief that you will make a fine ruler, Wilhelmina, and that if I have seemed unyielding and, perhaps, relentless, it is not some backwards attempt to seek retribution toward your mother for her decision for us both back then. . . . And I do not suppose I will soon let up with my avid pushing to get you as ready as you'll ever be, whether you accept the throne or not. However . . . I should have taken a bit . . . more time to, if nothing else, ask if there might have been anything you'd wish to discuss or express with me, or your mother about all of this. I, myself, never got the chance to do so, you see, before the crown had been more or less hurriedly thrust upon me . . . but at least I had grown and been brought up within this sort of lifestyle and appropriate expectations. The same cannot be said for you. . . ."

Well, God.

I know that I've been desperately wanting a change within perspective to help me through all of these changes, and possibly giving it all a chance, and I really am trying with that.


But you can't just suddenly dump all this kind of new . . . news in my lap, damn near the same time said perspective is only just starting to take flight!

Having to say goodbye to Caleb, and finally, finally feeling some form of 'peace' from it, I can more or less handle . . . day by day.

Having a potentially new, famous, and fellow nobleman as a . . . dare I say, er, write, love interest? Even that is slowly, very slowly, but surely, growing on me . . . just about.

And even making peace with my mother and openly inviting my oldest friends into my new life as a princess, while doing my best to just plain survive it all, if not avidly embrace, I can actually see being a pretty good possibility for the very near future.

But you cannot just up and add "become unexpected best friends with your uncle, The King, because you suddenly have a lot more in common than you ever dared realize" to the list!

You just can't.

But . . . the sad thing about it?

I actually could feel myself suddenly relating to him, and even feeling his obvious pain upon the whole matter, regardless. . . .

Damn you, newfound, much more positive outlook!

Almost makes you wonder if there really hadn't been anything within my food or drink last night, at the rate I'm going, or . . . 'blossoming,' as it were. . . .

Regardless, abrupt, uncharacteristic emotions of . . . concern, or no, I still couldn't bring myself to say anything upon listening to Eli's heartfelt confession and makeshift apology.

And again, I felt bad for that!

Especially the way we just sat there, together, with Eli looking at me with . . . freakishly unguarded, almost pleading eyes for a change, while my own continued to play ping pong between gazing down at the table, and then back up at him.

Finally, though, after what honestly felt like two lifetimes, Eli appeared to take my silence as a concluding response, because he slowly rose from his seat and nodded toward me with an extremely faint smile upon his face.

"I am . . . I am truly glad we could have this discussion, Pri . . . Wilhelmina, my niece," he stated within the new quiet voice he'd been sporting throughout most of our unbearably awkward conversation, before his traditional confidence and reinforced articulation promptly returned. "Now, then! I suppose you should get a move on, if you wish to soundly prepared for your get together, yes? I trust you have informed your mother of this, as well . . . whom I believe is currently within her bedchambers. If you need any assistance, please simply make a list and leave it for the staff to pick up and take care of."

Even though this was what I'd wanted to talk about, all along, I found myself still feeling pretty awful, almost culpable for not having said anything more to Eli about his and my mom's shared past.

And it honestly took a few more moments before I did finally find my own voice again, as I struggled to think of what to say.

What could I say, really?

"I'm sorry that my mom's newfound freedom mercilessly cost you yours, Eli!"

Maybe back when I thoroughly loathed the ground the man walked on, sure.

Definitely yesterday, the way he was pissing me off and stressing me out from having to get ready for 'the big dinner,' and all.

But, now that I was currently feeling like a . . . a nun, or something, and pimping out the forgiveness card (well, more like tolerance card) left and right, I don't think I'd have it in me.

So, instead, all I could say was, ". . . . Y-Yeah . . . thanks, then, Eli. . . . I guess I'd better get started," before clumsily rising from the kitchen table and hurriedly making my way toward the door.

I was nearly home free when curiosity just had to bite me, once again.

And so, before I knew it, I was turning right back around to face my increasingly difficult to figure out uncle, who already had his oven mitts back on and returned to tending to his unknown meal within the oven.

"U-Um . . . quick question. What, if anything, do you get out of all this? T-The sleepover, I mean, and letting me have it in the first place," I questioned with a lightly raised eyebrow, my natural suspicions and hesitance to readily trust the man before me slowly returning.

And normally, such inquiries would promptly result within a newfound argument between the two of us, and although thoroughly aware of this and at the ready, I still hoped Eli would just bite his tongue as he sometimes would do, it seems, and let it slide.

Surprisingly, however, when he turned back around to address me, neither his eyes nor overall countenance appeared even the slightest bit upset.

In fact, if anything, he almost looked a bit . . . hurt?


I can't deal with a non-Grinch Eli right now – Or ever!

However, after he responded and explained himself, I began to believe I slightly understood his possible sadness. . . .

"Although nearly a young adult, Wilhelmina, you are, after all, but a teenager. And teenagers, Royalty or no, as it's to my understanding, enjoy experiencing moments as these – Slumber parties, and the like. I know that my girls always have . . . well, my Étaín, especially," Eli remarked with a sort of whimsical smile, before it immediately faltered, as though the memory and actively reflecting upon his three daughters was a bit too much for him to currently handle.

And maybe it was. . . .?

I mean, obviously, I don't have any children of my own, so this is just all speculation, here. But I don't know how long it's been since Eli's seen Mara, Étaín, and Roice in person, especially since coming over here to the States to . . . well, deal with me and everything attached.

So maybe by allowing my sleepover with the girls is more so his way of feeling closer to my cousins, instead?

Plus, I still wonder how they're each adjusting to the news of having a long lost relative, who, without even trying (nor wanting), has essentially usurped Mara's place at the throne. . . .

I did wish to ask Eli about that, about them in general, but besides immediately chickening out, the continued look upon his face clearly told me that right now, at least, he probably wasn't interested within diving further into our shared family affairs.

Besides which, another moment later, and his brief melancholy seemed to effortlessly wash away, as he gave another smile, this one much more cordial . . . blech.

"At any rate, you may look upon this as a . . . reward, of sorts, for last night's success – Especially in terms of the public view, from what I have read and seen, thus far, thank Heavens. I suspect that very soon your . . . interesting debut as Princess shall soon be but a very distant memory, as a result! Now, go on, Wilhelmina, before it grows too late," Eli finished with another nod of his head and honest look of intermingling relief and appreciation, most probably within reflection to whatever it was all the newspapers and talk shows or what have you were already saying about our dinner outing.

On instinct, I did wish to let him know, yet again, that my 'interesting debut as Princess' was actually all his fault, but my mind was now far too distracted with where to begin getting ready the girls' arrival that I didn't bother . . . not to mention I was also honestly feeling a bit tempted to turn on the television to see what's been going on about me.

I could only imagine what the tabloids have probably already printed out about Lord Kendrick, as well. . . .

That thought, alone, is what made me immediately flush the idea of investigating about last night down the proverbial toilet, as I then quietly took my leave from an oddly reformed Eli (at least, for now, most likely) and his cooking hobby, and headed back down the hall toward my bedroom.

That is, I started to, until I remembered Eli's not so subtle hint to go check in with my mom, and finally let her know about my slumber party.

Only thing was, Mom found me.

I mean, when I turned back around to head the other way and further into the hallway to seek her out, there she was, already primped and polished and ready for the new day as she casually stood outside her bedroom door.

I didn't have to waste any guesses to get that, clearly, she'd been eavesdropping.

How much, and for how long was the only bit which eluded me, but judging by her for once relaxed, and overall serene demeanor and expression, methinks she hadn't been privy to Eli's own walk down memory lane. . . .

"Well this saves me a great deal of time I increasingly don't have," I murmured, more so to myself, as I slowly approached my patiently awaiting mother, who merely smiled warmly at me before outstretching her arms.

"Good mor – Er, afternoon, Will, honey. Did you sleep well? I hope so, after the rather . . . chaotic night we both shared, huh? I know that as soon my head hit the pillows in there, I was out like a light . . . thankfully," Mom commented with another smile, although this one appeared a bit weaker than the previous, as she eagerly scooped me up into an honestly welcomed bear hug and kissed me atop my still lightly damp head. "H-Ha, ha. I suppose taking our time in getting ready this morning was not on the agenda, then, was it? A good thing dinner last night appeared to go well, at least within the public's eyes, from what I've seen on television, or else I'm sure your uncle would have a few choice words for your . . . disheveled appearance. In a rush to be somewhere, Sweetie?"

It has honestly been what's felt like ages since the last time my mom has openly teased me, and been this affectionate . . . you know, like the old Mom, that I just let it wash over me for a few moments, before bothering to respond.

It sort of felt akin to having Taranee in my room earlier, and how the two of us just gabbed away, more or less, like the good old days.

It was experiencing moments like these, however increasingly few lately, which truly, slowly gave me faith within believing that maybe I really can make it through this whole princess ordeal, after all. . . .

At least, straight through graduation and my first year of college once I've abdicated, after which I plan to tactfully vanish from the face of the Earth, more or less, and my name becomes a quick thing of the past.

I allowed myself one extra second in order to inhale Mom's familiar scent, feeling like a little, normal kid, again, before pulling away to answer her.

"So you were watching the news, as well? I know you and Eli are used to stuff like that, by comparison, but I still don't know how you could stomach knowing that people everywhere are now talking about you – About us, and all because we had some food at some fancy restaurant," I lightly muttered with a small shudder, my momentarily subdued anxiety over now being famous taking over.

Mom merely smiled sympathetically and nodded at this, wrapping a comforting arm around me in the process.

"Aww, I know, Will, I know. I could, and probably should say that it gets easier, if only to calm your obviously rattled nerves about it, but it . . . never truly does," she remarked, bestowing onto me what she clearly believed to be sage insight. "I mean, even though it's been a good while, seeing myself on the screen this morning, and already being added to new Internet imaging searches I've also found has really done a number on me to bring it all home all the more. . . . You know, that this really is happening, that there's no turning back, and the only thing left to do now is to simply embrace it as best I – As best we can. . . ."

Given how well I know my mother, and also the possible personal insight I now have concerning her former love life, I did get the strong vibe that she was more so speaking about the loss of Dean and what she'd done to him, rather than her overall return to the spotlight.

And it did make my heart twinge a bit to understand, and honestly want to shun her all over again. But, unless she ever chooses to openly share that piece of information with me, and explain why she had been so willing to throw away such a good relationship, I was choosing from now on to let it slide. . . .

Besides, I was also now curious to fire up my laptop later to see what particular images of Mom she was talking about.

"Uh . . . thanks, Mom, I guess," was all I could say in response to her failed attempt at making me feel better about my newfound invasion of privacy, before I quickly changed the subject. "So! I . . . I'm assuming you overheard me talking to Eli in the kitchen just now . . . a-about the sleepover I'm having tonight with the girls . . . here?"

"I heard some things, true," Mom replied cryptically, for whatever reason, her eyes mimicking Eli's a moment, as they looked momentarily sad, which made me inwardly groan due to renewed guilt and helplessness over their obvious and ongoing tension.

However, as soon as it appeared the flicker was gone, and Mom gave a genuinely warm smile as she continued.

"Evidently, your uncle still enjoys getting his hands dirty by way of the kitchen. Nice to see . . . not everything has changed. . . ." she said softly with a growing smile and faraway glance, before it shifted over to the kitchen where Eli currently was. "But, I, um . . . yes, Will, I did manage to catch you two discussing how you should go about organizing your party. Sounds like you have a lot to do, then, hmm? And I take it you're waiting for my approval, as well? After this past week, you've certainly earned it, but . . . what made you want to throw one here, of all places? This is a far cry from our cozy, little loft, after all. . . ."

I exhaled sharply at this, a crooked smile upon my face after I ran a hand down it within mild frustration.

Time was running out, man!

Nonetheless, I managed to keep my cool as I gently tugged at my mom's arm, beginning to lead her down the hallway as I said, within compromise, "How's about you help me get everything in order before five, and I'll tell you allllll about it as we go along. . . ."

- End of Chapter Fifty-Six

(A.N. 17 pages, and wanted to split this first half of 'the sleepover' from the actual goings on and dialogue to come within the next chapter. =) I'm sure Will will comment on she more or less abruptly left it at that for this entry, no worries. LoL

But, yayyy, things are finally shifting for Will and, well, everyone, seems like! ….Except Cornelia. LoL Well, for she, as well, but seems like a BAD direction, by comparison. =/

So's we know, as a quick, semi-spoiler, expect a LOT more boy-girl interactions from this point on, more socializing, VERY slow, but surely growing confidence, and, a bit more down the road, more Guardian action, holy crap! LoL)