Summer Diary

Kori's POV. The Glorious sound of every 18 years olds dream. The summer dismissal bell, the start of a new life, friends, and love. Richard had always been my best friend, but from the day I was diagnosed with cancer, nothing was ever the same.


The Start of it All

The wind shook the trees, sending the rich smell of oak wood drifting through the town. A small girl , about five or so, sat on a porch step with her head in her hands, and small droplets of tears streaming out of them. A boy with black hair and adorable sapphire eyes walked up to her, trying to smile as she slightly turned her head, but failing when those emerald eyes looked into his sapphire ones. It was love at first site. The boy walked up the creaky stair boards and looked at her sad face, he smiled once again but this time it did not fade away, she wiped her tears away from her tear ridden face and watched him smile at her.

"What is wrong?" The young child asked her, smiling stronger by the moment.

"M-my p-parents just d-died!" She said in-between sobs of misery.

"My parents died too, but when I was just born. I'm sure you'll be ok with your mommy and daddy going away, my guardian told me that there always with you. But I could tell he didn't mean it." The young boy said, slipping his hand into hers, watching her frown turn into a smile.

"If they're here, why can't I see them?" The young girl questioned.

"You can feel it, you don't have to see people to love them, all you have to do is know that they're with you," The boy spoke wisely, almost as if he had been on this planet for 100 years, let alone 4. "My name's Richard, what's yours?"

"Kori, Kori Anders," She paused "I don't have any friends, is it ok if I be your friend?"

"I like that name, it sound like a flower," He said, gripping her hand tighter "You can't be my friend," He said, she frowned and looked down "But you can be my best friend."

They both smiled at each other, and throughout the years the smile never faded one shade lower. Until death do thee part.


I know it's short, but it's a new story and I am going to update tomorrow, and as you guys have noticed I DO NOT update my stories unless I get a fair amount of reviews. I am going to CANCELL any of my stories that don't get very many reviews. I am going to give a special thanks to 'rEd RoSe-StArFiRe-RoSeFiRe'. You have reviewed EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER in EVERY SINGLE STORY I have ever written (well nearly) you really brighten up my day, thanks very much!