A CARS/Transformers crossover story

Summary: I really think that a crossover between CARS and Transformers would work. Transformers as you may already know are robots from planet Cybertron who can assume disguises as Vehicles (not all but most) and these vehicular disguises worked well in the human world. So I thought that they would be even better disguised if they were living among a world populated and ruled by vehicles, they would have more freedom among the CARS world. But don't worry CARS fans I'm aiming this fanfic to be a 50/50 story between the two franchises. Somebody was also doing a CARS/Transformers story but I think that's gone dead so I set out to do my own. This story will start in Radiator Springs and is set after the game (the game was a sort of sequel taking place after the film) so no changes were made to the original story of the film and game in this story. During the story I imagined King and his Wife moving to Radiator Springs after King's retirement just on the thought that RS is where King's inspiration Doc lives and I imagined the nice little town being a suitable place for them to live.

As for the story of the Transformers you'll have to read on ;) but I will tell you that this story is sort of inspired by IDW's comics, and that when the Transformers meet McQueen and Friends, McQueen's life will never be the same again. So without more delay let's roll out!

Cars and all its characters are © to Pixar/Disney,

Transformers is © to Hasbro/Takara.

Chapter 1: The News

It was another busy day at Flo's café. Thirsty customers who needed their petrol tanks refilling were queuing en masse around the café like VW Bugs to a headlight.

"Tia, Mia the Chevrolet is still waiting for his order at pump #5!" shouted Flo.

The two female twin Mazda MX-5's worked at Flos's nowadays and they were struggling to keep up with the orders.

"Hey Queen Momma looks like the customers are enjoying your Dinoco just as much as I'm enjoying looking into your eyes" said Ramone, husband of Flo.

"Ah you old lowrider you I still feel young when you talk to me like that. Wish my eyes were as colorful as they used to be."

Ramone was about to dish out another (almost argumentatively as these two said nothing to each other than compliments to counter the other) compliment when Sheriff appeared looking rather excited which was unusual as he was always in a serious mood when on duty and never showed much emotion (it comes with the job of policeman).

"Hey homes you look like you won the lottery or something" exclaimed Ramone.

"I just got off the phone. He's coming back!"

"Who is coming back?" queried Flo.

"Oh come on you know who I mean. HE is coming back Lighting McQueen!" Suddenly Flo and Ramone's faces shot with glee. Apparently Sheriff's news was also heard by Tia & Mia who dropped their trays and ran over screaming and laughing hysterically.

"OH MY GOSH HE'S COMING BACK" They screamed while the other cars waiting for service looked grumpily at the twins wondering why Tia & Mia aren't serving them.

"When does he get here?" asked Flo.

"Tonight, around seven thrity" replied Sheriff.

"Ah well honey we better get ready for him. The Kid has been gone forever with Sally and Mater."

"What did you have in mind snookums" Ramone asked.

"Well Honey we have to show that we missed them all and we have to repay Lightning for what he did to our town about a year ago so how about we throw him, Mater and Sally a little welcoming party?" (During the movie when McQueen finally found his place in Radiator Springs he bought back the fame and fortune to Radiator Springs when it was on the verge of being a ghost town with no income)

"That's a great idea Flo, I'll go tell Doc and the others right away."

Sheriff drove away to give the good news to the other residents, meanwhile Tia & Mia also rushed off to get changed back into their Lightning McQueen paint job at Ramone's place arguing who would impress McQueen more when he comes home. Flo was happy but then realized that she still had to attend to all the customers waiting to be served. She had a lot to do to prepare her place for tonight's party and a lot of customers to serve (especially when Tia & Mia ran off from work).

Later than night at seven thirty the visiting hours to Radiator Springs had thankfully died down so the party was going to be just between the residents. Right on time the Red Stock racing car and his tow truck friend and Porsche girlfriend were heading down the road back to Radiator Springs with the town in sight.

"Man that trip was sure fun I sure wished I bought a Di-gee-tel Cemera to show to the folks back home!"

"It's Camera Mater" said Lightning with a smile.

"HeHe Riiiiigghhht"

"So stickers what was the highlight of the trip for you?" said Sally.

"Oh that's easy, the race at Daytona Beach with those East Coast wannabes, they said I was a 'West Coast Weakling' but I showed them I was a 'East coast Destroyer, KACHOW!!" replied McQueen Triumphantly.

Sally giggled she thought he looked cute when he acted all macho. Suddenly Mater blurted out;

"Hey we're finally home……but err where is everybody?"

"Hey you're right Mater, maybe they're in bed?" replied Lightning.

"No that couldn't be its only seven thirty" replied Sally.

McQueen suggested they try Flo's at this time they all usually met up there after a hard day's work for a drink. The gang rounded the corner to Flo's when suddenly they were all taken aback with shock from bright lights & the loud sound of;


"What the?" said the three cars.

When they recovered from their initial shellshock, they saw banners all over the café which had 'Welcome home' written all over them. Their faces turned from awe to smiles when they saw the whole town had come out to greet them and throwing a party for their homecoming.

"You've been gone too long you three. I should lock you all up and throw away the key for being gone so long" said Sheriff, his lights flashing but these were only a light display for the party.

"Nice to see you've finally grown a sense of humor Sheriff. Then again you looked better when you were a grumpy police car" joked McQueen.

Sheriff snorted while muttering 'no good hot-rodder' under his breath but then laughed with McQueen's joke. Lightning then noticed a big red truck to his left, it was his good friend Mack.

"Mack you came too? Oh I'm so glad to see you made it too. I'm sorry I haven't been around to see you sooner"

"Aw don't mention it buddy-oh I've been busy working with Rust-eze if anything it should've been me that tried to come see you when I heard you were staying near my working place" Mack was very modest and a gentle giant at that. McQueen begged to differ with Mack but eventually started talking about how Mack was doing when the town's sole Doctor came up.

"Hey kid, it's been a long time" It was Doc Hudson, a racing legend who is now Radiator Springs Mayor/Judge/Doctor. This car has lead a very successful life.

"Hey Doc I'm glad you made it too. Why don't you tell me what happened here while I was away?"

"Oh Not much" replied the old car "Except that Radiator Springs has some new residents"

"Yeah I can see that" replied McQueen who noticed Tia & Mia waving and shouting his name frantically towards him. Sally rolled her eyes and giggled a little.

"Yeah them too but I was referring to someone who you already know quite well" Doc reversed a little to reveal a blue Plymouth superbird and his 1972 Chrysler wife who McQueen knew only too well.

"King you moved here?" he said with glee.

"You betcha kid" replied the King, like Doc he too was a legendary race car. McQueen replied;

"That's awesome, but why did you both move here from your big house in California?"

"Well Lightning to tell you the truth when we first visited here a year ago, me and Mrs. Weathers felt that this was our place y'know? A real 'find your own patch of ground and live there' thing. The people are so kind, the place is quiet and peaceful with a great view and so full of History…" the King was about to continue when his wife butted in.

"And he wanted to meet his childhood hero Doc Hudson" she smiled and so did King, while blushing slightly. Doc laughed as well and continued the conversation.

"Yep me and King have become the best of friends. He was even so kind to donate one of his own Piston Cup championships to the racing museum and we now have a gallery devoted to him as well."

"Yeah you two must be like peas in a pod talking about your accomplishments in racing and all that" replied McQueen, the King and Doc Smiled obviously hinting that McQueen was spot on the mark.

"Anyway enough of what's happened here, everyone is waiting for you three to tell them what happened on your travels, come on Flo's got Drinks waiting for you all" and with that McQueen, Mater and Sally joined all the other Cars waiting around Flo's eagerly awaiting the home comers to tell them of their adventures around America.

Much later that night when the party was all finished and everyone had called it a night, McQueen and Sally decided to take a drive up to their favorite viewing spot on Tailfin Pass (a large, forest covered mountain that overlooked Radiator Springs)

"I sure have missed this place Sally" sighed McQueen.

"Reminds me of when we first met, when you were still a big hot head" joked Sally

"Yeah but you also forgot to say 'handsome', 'charming' and 'athletic" McQueen said in his usual boastful tone.

"Tell you what stickers how about a race"

"Oh you're on Sally! Where to?"

"The top of the waterfall where the river meets the chasm and if you win I'll give you a special something" said Sally in a flirting tone finished with a wink. McQueen knew all too well that the reward would be a kiss.

And with that the two cars whizzed off up Tailfin pass. It was a close race but about six minutes later with the finish line in sight Sally was ahead by a second, her better handling allowed her to navigate the tight turns of the mountain better than the fast McQueen, however as the two cars turned towards the finish line they failed to notice a sign on the road warning of falling rocks.

"Too bad Stickers look like you're going to lose that kiss"

"Not on your life Sally. I still have my secret weapons, my boost tanks!" and with that McQueen roared up his booster tanks (known as 'noz' in the underground racing world of tuned up cars)

However the noise being generated by the booster tanks had caused rocks above them to give way. The two Cars braked to a sudden stop.

"What's happening?" said McQueen as more rocks fell.

"I think we started an avalanche!" shouted Sally.

"Don't shout you'll only make more fall!" shouted back McQueen but then realized he too was shouting.

It didn't take long for them to start driving for their lives when the whole side of the chasm they were driving on seemed to try and eat them alive. The two cars finally reached safety as they watched the avalanche pour into the river. After the dust had settled the cars looked at each other and Sally said;

"Jeez stickers you haven't been home a day and you're already causing trouble"

"Me? It was you who wanted to race and how would I know the whole mountain was going to collapse on top of us?" they looked at each other for a while but then laughed not because of their jokes but that they got out alive and thankfully, the avalanche did not seem to pose any danger to the nearby town.

They drove off to return home to turn in for the night laughing and yawning as they went. However they were totally unaware that life was beginning to stir in the mountain and not life as they know it today.

For, unwittingly they had just resumed a nine million year old alien war and Earth was going to become the new frontline.