So I took the chapter, copied it straight from FF and re-did the entire thing. It now has the whole battle scene re-done and all the grammar has been corrected.. Or at least most has that I saw.

In the middle of a forest there was a boy with bright blond hair that was put up into 'neat' spikes laying under a tree looking up at the boy was the hero of this story this boy's name was Naruto 'boy' in question was actually waiting for the second part of the Chunin exam to had been waiting for about 30 minutes and got bored so he went to rest in the forest.

'How troublesome' thought Naruto.'Geez now I'm sounding like Shikamaru'

Little did he know about a silver haired spy in the trees in front of him.

'Why is Orochimaru-Sama so interested in this boy' thought the spy

'Hmm there's no one out here so I guess I could practice a bit before I go to the real thing' Naruto thought as he got up and started to form a few he finished the seals..nothing happened at least to untrained Shinobi's eyes nothing did if you were a trained Shinobi you could see chakra come out of Naruto's 's eyes then changed the normal electric blue was now a light red with a dark slit the red seemed to have a purple tint to it along with a yellow line surrounding the boarder of the eye.

"Chingon (Repose of souls)" The red in Naruto's eyes disappeared and was replaced with a white creamy color the slit in Naruto's eye also disappeared but the purple tint and yellow outline was still put up a few more seals and then his eyes were the same but gained 2 coma like marks inside of them."Byakuugan and Sharingan. not much but I'll work on that"


I couldn't believe it I felt that chakra come from his eyes I thought it would mean just another useful bloodline for Orochimaru-Sama's forces but...I had not expected the bloodline to be so be able to copy the two most power full bloodlines in Konoha. smiled oh yes Orochimaru-Sama will get a very very good asset to his 'll be more happy then the time we found question is what is Naruto's drive what will make him seek question was just answered,


Naruto had not seen Kabuto for as soon as he activated the Byakuugan part of the Chingon fully he shut it off and punched a tree.

"Why...should I even by here" Naruto was giving the tree he punched a look that could make Kyuubi head for the hills."Why should I come to this weak pathetic village where everyone hates me...hell I'm sure even the Hokage and Iruka hate me" When Naruto said that he didn't look sad just ...angry."GAH forget it I guess I'm stuck here for now at least" he chuckled then heard the one who was the examiner for the second part of the churning exam yell.


"ABOUT DAMN TIME" yelled Naruto as he walked toward the 'Forest of Death'

Kabuto jumped from his tree and how Orochimaru was going to like this.

---15 Minutes later---

After a fight with a stupid mist Nin team 7 was sitting around in a small was going on about how they needed a pass wasn't was then that everyone felt a dark and evil chakra approach there was a HUGE explosion and Naruto was sent flying away while the others got hit into a tree.

Where Naruto is a few minutes later

"Ugh i feel like I just get hit by Sakura fifty times in a row" Said Naruto standing up and rubbing his head."Geez now where am I wheres the bitch and bastard(Sakura and Sasuke) hmm" Naruto then started to look around when he felt something coming his way."HOLY S..." he never got to finish for he was eaten by a Giant snake.

Naruto was punching and kicking in side of the snake trying to get out."Gah! fuck this" he put up a cross seal and then 100 Naurto's appeared and busted through the snake's felt a dark chakra coming from where he once was before the blast hit him."DAMN IT" he started to run after the chakra.

A few minutes ago

Sasuke got up slowly hitting a tree was not one of the most brightest things to looked at where the blast had come from and saw a...figure coming out of looked at the man coming out of the blast was a tall man with a white robe and a purple sash but it looked like his face was peeling off or wasted no time he could care less what happened to his teammates but he had to use them to pass this started to preform seals and when he was finished he sent a large fire ball out of his mouth at the man.

"Kukukuku... now now Sasuke no need to be so hasty"

(I'm going to skip the fight its just the same as the fight in the anime only Naruto never came)

"SASUKE-KUN" yelled Sakura as Sasuke fell to the ground holding his neck."WHAT DID YOU DO TO SASUKE-KUN YOU BASTARD"

"Kukukuku...I just gave him a special present"said the man standing on a near by tree over the two.'Now where is that other one'

The next thing the man knew he was being hit with 5 fire balls, causing the skin-mask he was wearing to slowly melt off until only pieces were left on his face.

"Now now Naruto-Kun no need to be so violent" said the Nin as he faced a blond Shinobi that was standing on a near by tree branch."You wouldn't want me to hurt your teammates would you" He was about to attack when Naruto burst out laughing one that sent a chill down Sakura's spine. 'Why is he laughing like that..' She thought to herself, cradling Sasuke near her body.

Naruto disappeared, reappearing behind Sakura and hit her on the neck, causing her to fall unconscious against Sasuke's prone form.

"I could care less about what happens to them" Naruto formed a bunch of seals and sent a large flame went around his arm like a snake and formed into a sword."Hebi kouen subeta" said Naruto has he ran forward at the Nin with the sword in front of was about to dodge when the sword came close but as soon as it got close it formed into a snake and wrapped around Orochimaru just as 'Orochimaru' turned into a large pile of mud.

Naruto backed off slowly from where Orochimaru once turned around when he felt chakra near him as Orochimaru's head came and bit him on the neck as a seal appeared it looked like chains formed into a X. Naruto felt pain course through his body and when he thought it was over Orochimaru picked Naruto up by the waist with his tongue and lifted up Naruto's shirt to see the seal as he slammed his hand into Naruto's seal of the Kyuubi and 5 spiraled circles appeared around the Naruto did not yell out in pain for either seal but he was barely hanging on to consciousness.

"So Naruto-Kun you want power correct"Naruto just floated their still wrapped in the air by the snake's tongue, unable to speak due to the pain that ran through his body."Come to me with Sasuke and I'll give you more power then you can imagine even with the Kyuubi...But do let the Jutsu down if you do come to me." Orochimaru had to stifle a laugh has he heard Naruto mumble.'Damn Hokage making me wear that'. "Its okay Naruto-Kun or should I say...chan" said Orochimaru as he lowed 'Naruto' to the ground and watched as 'he' changed.

Naruto's hair became longer and seemed to reach about to 'his' waist as the Konoha head band fell off also 'his' face changed it's shape into a heart shape and the whisker marks on the cheeks became seemed to get tall as well now from Orochimaru's point of view 'Naruto' was about that pink haired girl's most noticeable thing though was the 'mounds' that appeared on Naruto's meant one thing 'he' was..not a male, but female..

"Kukukuku so whats your real name hmm?" Orochimaru said with a kindest voice he could muster to the girl still laying on the ground conscious but dazed.

He heard a very quiet reply of "Kuro Hebi"(black snake)

This name interested Orochimaru but he shrugged it off like a fly and knelt beside Kuro's ear."If you want power Kuro-chan come with me and if you can bring me Sasuke as well you shall achieve great power and destroy the ones that made you feel so sad. Goodbye for now Kuro-chan my name is something you should remember.. my name is Orochimaru" said Orochimaru as he disappeared but he reactivated Kuro's Jutsu so she looked like Naruto again.

'Power' thought Kuro.'Should I go with Orochimaru' She heard groaning from Sakura as she let her self fall asleep.'Maybe'


"Are we ready?" asked a sound Nin with spiky brown hair and tubes sticking out of his palms as if they were inside his very arms.

"In a minute Zaku" said a another sound Nin with bandages all over his face only showing one eye, a strange device on his left arm."We'll kill the Uchiha then the blond kid while you have your fun on the girl okay kin?"

"I got it" said another sound Nin with long black hair, this one obviously female and the most normal looking of the three.

"Ready.."Dozu's eyes narrowed."Set..." he went into a ready stance along with his team."GO!"

They disappeared.

--later AGAIN--

The place where Sakura had put her teammates (witch was just a tree with a hole under it) was complete ruins Lee lay unconscious on the ground, Shikamaru was holding Ino up as she took over the sound Nin named Kin while Chouji was laying on the ground with minor chakra loss from his constant onslaught of his clan's Jutsu.

Sakura was laying on the ground panting with her hair's remains behind her, as she had cut it off in order to escape certain death from the sound ninja.

Then, in the tree tops, is a tall Hyuuga standing beside a girl with buns in her hair. He was glaring down at the scene with his arms crossed and leaning against the tree he stood on. The girl beside him was holding a Kunai, about to throw it towards one of the sound Nin only to stop as Neji held a hand out to her.


The Hyuuga's eyes were bulging now, veins coming up the sides of his head and causing his pale eyes to darken. "It appears I am not needed.

Everyone felt a dark chakra wash over them and all eyes went to the tree where Sasuke was getting up with a dark purple chakra whipping around him. When his eyes came into view everyone got a good look at the blood red Sharingan and strange black marks shaped like flames on his skin."Sakura...who did this to you" Sakura just stood there, too surprised by Sasuke's transformation to answer.

The ever foolish Zaku spoke up, answering for her despite the lie, since Kin did most of the damage to Sakura. "I did, what are YOU going to do about it fool?

Sasuke looked at him then at the blond sleeping on the ground."Hey dobe this guy hurt Sakura and your just going to lay there? Don't wanna help your teammate eh?" Everyone thought he was crazy at that point, due to the blonde on the ground being unconscious, but that was washed away when Kuro got up it was even more frightening then Sasuke because it seemed red chakra was whipping around her with the black purple chakra and when she turned to face all of them she had creamy white eyes with two black comas around her eye with purple tint and yellow outline and she had black chains coming from her neck and going across her face and arms.

Both Sasuke and Kuro smiled insanely and burst out laughing, their laughs going across the entire field, causing many of the animals, even the most powerful of predators, to flee in terror.

"Whats so funny, scum?"yelled Zaku

"Nothing" said Sasuke and Kuro in unison."We were just thinking at how much blood we will spill!" They said in their creepy voices, causing several of the Ninjas to cringe, even the Hyuuga seemed distressed.

"Oh yeah? Think you can spill my blood huh? Well take this!" yelled Zaku again as a huge wave of air erupted from his arms and made a trail of destruction that ripped across the ground, leaving a large portion of the ground destroyed. When the debris cleared, the three Nins that were once in front of him were gone."HA got you"

"Got who?" said two voices behind him as he turned around he saw Kuro,Sasuke,and Sakura behind him, Sasuke having one hand on Sakura who seemed to be shocked she was there in the first place.

Zaku was suddenly being grabbed from behind by both of the 'Cursed' ninja by his arms, both of them pulling on one arm causing Zaku to scream in agony before two loud pops were heard and he fell down with his arms uselessly hanging down.

Kuro and Sasuke grinned, moving backwards now and doing seals as they did, Sasuke using his foot to push Sakura to the side so she wasn't in range as they finished their seals, both ending in a different seal of Dragon and Tiger.

"Katon:Shakaku-Doragon" yelled Sasuke (Angel of fire- Dragon)

"Katon:Shakaku-Tora" yelled Kuro (Angel of fire- Tiger)

Then both yelled out."KATON:SHAKAKU-RYUUKO" (Angel of fire- Dragon Tiger) suddenly a large tiger jumped out of Kuro that was made of flames and a large dragon came from fire creatures fused together, the Dragon coiling around the Tiger with its head beside the Tiger's maw, giving it a fearsome appearance as it destroyed everything in its path. Ino barely made it out of the sound ninja Kin before the wave of flames washed over her and the mummy-Sound Nin, along with Zaku, causing them to be obliterated.

Kuro and Sasuke were about to go kick the ashes, just for fun, when Sakura grabbed them by the arms, shaking her head slowly. "Don't.." She said softly, and they both looked at her with confused eyes before suddenly cringing and falling against her. Sakura used her chakra to enhance her stength to keep the two up.. She noticed the seals going into their necks and narrowed her eyes slightly before picking them up, slinging them over her shoulder.

She ignored the shocked looks one everyones faces from the scene that just happened. She sighed and thanked everyone, even Lee who actually got a peck on the cheek for helping and saving her from almost certain death, and along with everyone else. No one really knew what happened but they would worry about it later. Sakura straightened Kuro and Sasuke on her shoulders and made her way to the tower noticing the group of Konoha Nin following her and protecting her along with the 'two' boys on her shoulders.

---End of Chapter--

Chingon (Repose of souls): A wild Bloodline that causes the user to be able to copy and Eye-based Bloodline He/She sees first hand, despite whatever level the Bloodline is. However, the powers of the copied Bloodlines are never as strong or potent as the original, and the Bloodline can not evolve. However, it is possible to copy the evolved form of the Bloodline.

(i.e. Kuro cannot use Mangekyou Sharingan from Sasuke's Sharingan. She would have to see Itachi's Mangekyou and copy it, but it wouldn't be as potent or powerful [Meaning that the Black Flames would probably only last a day or the power behind Tsukiyomi isn't as damaging])