Summary: You could say I was a pretty average girl. I live in a nice, big ol' mansion filled with teenage mutants, my best friend is a player constantly being attacked by a blond assassin, I go to gym every day at four o'clock with a nice buff trainer, Logan, oh, and I can bend time and space. Not to mention I used to work for a psychotic preaching mutant with a bucket on his head. Yup, lifes pretty normal for me. Rated mainly for language.

DISCLAIMER: I own none of this, except for the OC I just made up, otherwise I'd be rich and I wouldn't be writing this all down on instead selling it for millions.

"Johnny!" A girl with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes ran up to a boy with bright orange spiked hair wearing torn jeans and a black misfits shirt.

"Kira!" They both hugged tightly, Kira gasping for air.

"How's my fellow pyromaniac/favorite Aussie?" Kira asked once they let go, a hint of a Baltimore accent hidden in her voice.

"As good as evah, sheila!" He replied enthusiastically.

"How was Hawaii?"

"Alroight, although I miss havin' moi favorite sheila with me."

"You lost sheila?" Kira asked, horror-struck.

"Second favorite girl then, moi baby is in me pocket, as always." He said, bringing out the most sacred inanimate object known to those two maniacs: the Zippo lighter with the flame on the side.

"I'm touched."

"Of course you are."

"She's more beautiful than I remember." She said in awe.

"Oh please, stop droolin' over deh damn t'ing 'fore Remy blows it up." A grumbling mutant said, trudging in with his brown hair hanging in his eyes.

"Remy! How you doin'?" She gave him a quick hug, bouncy from the ice cream she just ate.

"As good as can be wit'is idiot runnin' wild over everyt'ing." He said, glaring at Johnny a bit.

"Hey, he only goes wild over fire."

"And bunnies, 'sheilas' dat t'ink he's a creep, writin' love stories wit' fire related titles, dare Remy go on?"

"Fine, he's a little over the edge, but why do you think he likes Wanda so much?"

"She-I mean, Wanda's heah?" John said with an expression that could be compared to a love sick puppy, not daring to call her sheila because he knew she'd kill him.

"Rogue's room."

"Roguey?" Remy asked with the same expression as John.

"With Wanda, in Rogue's room. Where's Petey? I bet he'll be looking for Kitty and will grow slightly jealous yet still trusting when he finds out that she's with Kurt by the pool."

"Carryin' deh luggage." Remy said.

"I'll help him, since you two lazy men obviously can't handle a couple suitcases." She said, beginning to walk out the door.

"You calling us weak, pidgeon?" John asked, calling Kira by his nickname for her. Sighing, she turned back around to face them.

"No, I'm calling you two the strongest men on the planet." She rolled her eyes.

"Works for me."

"S'long as Remy don't have to carry not'in'."

"Men." She mumbled, walking to their car.