Title Temperature
Author Uozumi
Genre General
Rating PG
Summmary Cold and warmth. DouWata.


Watanuki is warm. Even if he gets cold outside, he warms up eventually. When the heater broke one time at school he was not the first to notice, and when he forgot his gloves one day he did not notice until he had to have a snowball fight.

Dômeki is cold. His circulation is poor and purple spider veins are ever present in the winter months. Sometimes his lips get very pale or even look white, but he does not shiver. Through training when he was young, he keeps the cold away from his mind.

Watanuki likes to sit in the outdoor stairwell all times of the year. Even Himawari enjoys the chilly weather since they are shielded from the wind in their corner. Dômeki always stays oddly quiet, especially when it looks like snow might fall. Himawari always skips school on Valentine's Day. Even though the boys accept her curse, they understand she is protecting others from it.

"We should go and see Himawari today," Watanuki suggests. A while ago he would have told Dômeki that he was going to see Himawari and the taller boy could live with it and stay far away.

Dômeki reaches over to steal something out of Watanuki's open lunch box. Twitching, Watanuki swats the hand. "Can't you just – " Giving pause, Watanuki asks, "Are you cold?"

"No." Dômeki evades, putting food into his mouth. He knows he just gave Watanuki a bone.

Watanuki's eyes narrow and he scrutinizes the other boy. He watches for a stray shiver, tugging his coat sleeves around his fingers, some indication of lying. "Your lips are white."

Dômeki decides he does not want to know why Watanuki is looking at his lips. He starts packing up his empty lunch box. Preparing to hand it over to Watanuki, Dômeki feels two hands cover his on the box.

Watanuki almost pulls away. Dômeki's fingers zap all of Watanuki's warmth, sending a shiver through him. The younger boy forces his hands to stay put though, keeping Dômeki's from pulling away.

Dômeki can feel his fingers growing warmer slightly, his thumbs staying frozen. However, he frees them from Watanuki's grasp and stands up. They have to go back to class.

The End