Disclaimer: I do not own.

A/N: I am so so so so so sorry for making you guys wait so damn long for me to update. A lot has happened since my last update, among them being my mom having a stroke. I just don't have that much time to update, but I will try to. Also special message to Kitty's GotaNewNameI am an adult… if you want to know why I am such a horrible speller and bad at grammar just pm me and I'll tell you. Also please forgive any and all mistakes concerning canon it has been a long time since I read the books or watched the movies (I know in the movie Transfiguration was the first class, I don't remember what it was in the book, so im gonna pretend it was Potions, this is a fanfic after all and I can change what ever I want :P Anyway on the story…

~Chapter-7 Lessons with Daddy~

She woke to the earth shaking, "what?" she asked jolting awake and for a minute not recognizing where she was. She was in the Gryffindor girls dorm, and Hermione was shaking her bed.

"COME ON!" she practically screams at Naomi "we're going to be late for potions class!"

"oh bugger" she says as she climbs out of bed, and hurriedly throws on her school uniform.

A few minutes and a frantic run later they burst into the potions classroom.

"Whew" sighs Hermione "we made it"


"Yes?" she says as she takes a seat

"We are the only ones here…" Naomi growls


"UGGHHH!" the sleep deprived girl lets her head fall forward onto her desk with a THUMP! "I'm soooo tired *yawn*"

Hermione looks over to find her classmate fast asleep on her desk "Naomi!" she gets no response "wake up class will be starting soon!" *snkznk* "NA-O-MI!". The doors burst open and students and a grumpy teacher walks in. Naomi on the other hand misses everything until she hears Snape call her name "Miss Dumbledore is my class so boring that you fall asleep before it has even begun?"

Sleepily she raises her head "I'm sorry daddy, but I'm so Tired, I didn't get much sleep and-…." She sees then strained look on Snape's face. Then she heard the whispers.

"SNAPES HER DAD!" and that would be Ron not even trying to be discrete.

A/N: Sorry guys, I know this was super tiny, but it's the best I could do at 1:03 in the morning and my laptop battery is dying so. Again sorry. I just wanted to give you guys SOMETHING. :( please don't hate me