Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter book series they are owned by J.K. By the way if some one who knows her personally or if she is reading this tell her I like her books, the first, second, and third ones best the others were to depressing and I would like her to know that her killing off S. Black and Dumbledore realy was sad and I beg her not to kill off Remus J. Lupin I love him, well as much as you can love a made up person. Any way read and review please.

Synopsis: this is about a girl named Naomi who is an orphan like Harry (I know but just wait you will see) who is adopted by Dumbledore, she grows up at Hogwarts and comes to be known as the Daughter of Hogwarts every adult she grows up around she calls her mom or dad and yes even Snape but she calls Dumbledore Father.

Chapter-1 The Child

The Order of the Phoenix was gathered in front of Dumbledore waiting for him to tell them what was going on, "I have grave news. A fellow member and good friend of mine has been attacked, and killed along with his wife Nicole, his daughter has lived though, she was playing hide and seek and avoided detection" said Dumbledore.

Molly Weasly stood up and spoke "She has no family, now who will take care of her?"

Dumbledore looked at her and said "I know for a fact that most of you have more then you can handle right now, so I will take care of her, I will adopt her"

Molly looked surprised "But we could take care of her!"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No you could not you have children of your own, six and one on the way to be exact"

Molly hung her head in defeat "What is her name and how old is she?" asked Tonks

"Her name is Naomi and shes three and a half years old" Dumbledore answered. After the Order had finished the meeting Molly and the rest of the Order asked to see little Naomi.

"Aww" cooed Lupin "Shes so tiny"

"Ye'" agreed Hagrid "But she sure needs to have her diaper changed"

"I'll do it" offered Molly

"I had a feeling she would be the one to do it" laughed Tonks

"Hmm...What is this?" asked Molly.

"What is what?" asked Dumbeldore

"This mark on the back of her shoulder"

"Let me see" said everyone at once

"It looks like a Birthmark"

"It's in th' shape of sumth'n"

"Yes" said Dumbeldore "The shape of a centaur"

"A centaur?" asked Artur Weasly.

"Does it mean something?" Snape wondered out loud.

"It may" said Dumbeldore "It may mean nothing"

"Well shes asleep now" said Molly "are you sure you don't want us to take care of her?"

"I am sure" said Dumbeldore "She will be better off with someone who will have more time for her"

After a short while everyone had left and Dumbledore sat down with little Naomi in his arms, he picked up a piece of paper after he had read it he looked at her. "Well it looks like I'm going to have to start calling you Daughter"