Your Granddaughter

Chapter 5

Author's Note: I'm sorry that it took a few days to get another chapter out. I had my cousin's wedding this past weekend, and then my apartment's electricity was turned off on Monday morning, and we were power-less until Wednesday morning.

Here's another chapter, loves.


August 13, 2007


Hello there, tutorwife. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed you a whole hell of a lot. I can't tell you how many times I picked up the phone to call you, but I couldn't. I'm ready to talk now. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left without telling you why. I was petrified, you have to understand that. I didn't leave to spite anyone. I just needed to get out of there so I could concentrate on myself without being entangled in so much drama.

I had a baby, Haley. I was nine weeks pregnant when I left. I took a home pregnancy test the day of your wedding. I didn't want to burden anyone with my problems, especially after the accident. I couldn't believe that I actually got pregnant. I'd been so much safer, especially after having had at least two scares in the last three years. But pregnancy was my reality. I was very close to getting an abortion because seriously, I wasn't the mothering type. Anyone with eyes could see that. But I went through with the pregnancy and kept the baby. Her name is Cadence and she's about to turn eight months old. She looks a lot like Lucas, probably because she has blonde hair. But she has my eyes, dimples, and my mood swings! She's an incredible baby and she has changed my life. I'm a different person now. I'm a better person now.

I haven't told Lucas about Cady. I am planning on telling him soon, I promise. I've spent a year trying to find the right words to say to him, but I've come up empty. How do you tell your ex-boyfriend that you ran away because you were pregnant with his kid and didn't want him to find out? Ugh. I've got to stop digging myself further into a hole. I'll tell him soon. Please don't tell him. I trust you, Haley.

Please write back and tell me how you are. And how Nathan is, too. Where are you going to school? Do you like it? I'm taking classes at a community college for now. I guess I like it. But I like summer more. I like having more time to spend with Cady. My goodness, who would've thought I'd be the first of us to have a kid?

Alright, I'll let you go now. I really hope that you're doing well.

Love always,



Haley's response is next, and then I'm probably switching to dialogue. You'll see. I have another story in the works. Which is hilarious because I now have about 5 or 6 stories on this site that are all still works in progress. This next one is called "You Can't Rescue Me" and is very Brooke-centric. She's clearly my favorite character.