Crossover: FullMetal Alchemist/DNAngel

Author: Golden Feathers Edward

Notes: Dark and Diasuke are in their own bodies in this story and so are Satoshi and Krad just for you to know it you get confused K! Remember they once were as one but found a way to separate. Oh one more thing I do not own neither DNAngel nor FullMetal Alchemist, if I did they would have been adult rated!!!!!

Black Wings and Golden Feathers

'Why do I continue living? I've already got Al's body back. Sure he would miss me but he'll be happy with Wiry and heal over time, now that they have started dating. I'm happy for them but its just I'm so lonely,' thought the teen to himself molten gold eyes staring blankly ahead of him.

Edward Eric. The FullMetal Alchemist, one of the best and youngest to ever join the high ranks of a State Alchemist. But to his displeasure he was a dog of the military. He hated it, but what could he do, it was all he had to make him feel wanted, useful. He worked case after case to drive out the empty feeling that was slowly forming in himself. Was this how it ends?

'Its been a whole year since then. The sins stopped all activity since the last battle, well, what was left of them anyway. Every thing is back to the way it should be in this world after I returned from the Gate also. Maybe I should just disappear, give up,' Ed thought, pondering on his decision. 'Yeah, I should disappear from this world and finally rest form all this.'

Getting up from his seat on the edge of the cliff Ed over looked the canyon below only to see darkness for miles and miles. Stepping closer to the edge Ed looked forward blankly with his dimming golden eyes. Images passed though his mind, the good along with the bad. First it was when it was just he, Al and their mother in happiness just be around each other. Another when mother got very ill and soon dying after wards. There was also the time when the started their alchemy training form the crazy teacher making them do insane drills that she said would help them if it didn't kill them first. Then the failed transmutation to resurrect their mother. Another was joining the military and meeting all those new people while gaining some of their friendship, to chasing after any leads about the Philosophers Stone. The wild adventure with Al and himself get into in a bunch of trouble from his temper or just being there. Fighting the seven sins. Killing Greed. Finally getting Al's body back and finally meeting the Gate itself going to another world and coming back.


All of this raced through his head before falling forward into the dark canyon.


That was the last of his will to move on and to say he didn't regret it. Not once.

He felt like he was flying, slowly closing his eyes imagining it in his mind the rushing wind blow through his blond locks. Opening his eyes a crack all he could see was darkness all around him. I was endless like a black hole. Thinking to himself he should of hit the bottom by now but he didn't think to hard on it. Moving his head slightly he saw a flash of gold behind him and he could of sworn he saw wings behind him. Glancing over again he gazed with glazed eyes at he extra appendages behind him. Two words left his mouth that would change his life forever.

"Golden wings?"

Then there was a flash of gold light around Ed and when it was gone so was Edward.

"Hey Diasuke! Look at this," Dark called to his partner in crime.

"What?" Diasuke asked sitting up from his bed to look over to the older teen sitting on his own bed.

"It says here their is a painting that was found recently rating to the oldest and rarest portraits from the 9th century and one of a saying it was the only one not destroyed when they recovered it in an underground passage way," Dark said holding up the magazine.

"Really?" the red head asked interest perked up, "What's the name of the painting?"

"Lets see . . hmmmm. . . .," Dark scanned the paragraph for the title of their now interest, "A-ha! Its called 'The Golden Angels Sorrow' or 'Golden Feathers' it says."

"Golden angel, huh? I would like to see it sometime," Diasuke said, "maybe we could go see it when it is on display. . . . wait, Dark is it a Hiwatari painting? Is that why your so interested in it?" the young youth looked concerned thinking he had to help in another Phantom Thief scheme that would be dangerous.

"Well, no it's not but think of it this way we would own a really pricey painting and your mom would love to add it to her collection," the purple haired teen argued trying to convince his partner that it was worth stealing even if it wasn't any obligation to any of them.

"I don't know Dark," the other looked doubtful, "why don't we wait till it's on display and take a look at it first. Hey! Are you even listening to me Dark!?"

In fact Dark was distracted to hear the red head thinking of stealing something that valuable thrilled him to no end. Diasuke just sighed and frowned at his counter part then shrugged going down stairs. Walking to the front door he sat down and grabbed his shoes ready to go out. He did promise to go buy the groceries for his mother while she went out to lunch his dad so he left Dark behind with his own thoughts and devices. And leave he did.

The older teen looked up from his musings when he the front door open then close leaving him alone in the house only with Wiz to keep him company. Frowning he guessed he was on his own with this getting the painting this time. Going into thinking mode Dark pondered what he should do then he got it ten minutes later. First he knew he had three days before it was on display and another when it would be shown to the public. So he would steal it before anyone saw it making him known as the thief with amazing surprises. All he had to do now was start his plan by writing the out the warning note. Once written he looked it over.

Tonight at 11 o'clock I'm going to

steal the 'Golden Angels Sorrow'


-Phantom Thief Dark

"Perfect, now all I have to do is send it and wait for three days," the young thief smirked, "Soon it will belong to the Niwas."

Three Days Later . . . . . . .

It was already ten thirty and Dark got Diasuke's mom to send out the warning early that day explaining to her that it was a valuable painting. She would defiantly want it even though they don't know what it looks like yet since it was still covered when she went to see it but hey if Dark said it was worth it then it was. Now Dark was overlooking the building that was housing said painting. The place was surrounded by police forces and lots of civilians littered the streets beyond the blockage along with the media.

"Look at all my admirers. Well her we go," he said, "Wiz!"

Wiz as usual became Dark's jet-black wings. They waited till the clock struck eleven and took off into the dark star spotted sky. Soaring thought the air and made his appearance to the crowds then did his specialty. He disappeared. That was when all hell broke loose. While the crowds were in chaos distracting the police guards Dark was strolling through the museums halls stealthily with a smug grin on his face.

"Just to easy," the thief chuckled dark violet eyes shining in victory.

Finding his way to the right room he deactivated the alarms and walked up to the still covered painting. A tiny flash of light caught his attention, just below the painting on the ground. Looking closer he picked it up with a bewildered expression on his face.

"A golden feather?" he said in disbelief holding the long glowing gold feather up to the moonlight that seemed to be the reason it was glowing. All it was doing was reflecting the light of the moon within the silky strands of the feather.

Frowning he tucked the feather in his pocket to ponder about it later, right now he had an art piece to steal. He reached to uncover the art but was halted by movement to the left of him swiftly Dark dodged a binding barrier that was meant for him. Smirk plastered on his face when it missed him.

"Hiwatari -san it's nice to see you even care for art that doesn't even belong to your own clan. How noble of you," Dark taunted.

Said boy stepped out of the shadows.

"Why are you after this art piece?" What do you gain from this Dark," Satoshi asked coldly in his same emotionless tone not even a flinch from the taunting.

"Hump. No reason thought it would help to have a valuable painting on my wall to admire. Besides its intriguing how the people would talk about how the Great Phantom Thief Dark stole the most prized painting yet in this time and day," the purple haired teen answered casually. "It was nice chatting with you but I got to go. See ya Commander Hiwatari."

With that he lunged for the intended target, the painting of course. Grabbing it he took to the halls at sprint wanting to get as far away form the Hiwatari boy. But sadly and routinely said boy gave chase determined to catch the thief this time.

"Dark!" the blue haired teen shouted after the fleeing thief.

Looking over his shoulder at the young commander he smirked then turned the corner disappearing form the others sight. Not one to give up when lose sight he dashed around the same corner only to see nothing by a empty hall way. It seemed Dark was gone. He got away.

Deep violet eyes watched the Hiwatari boy look around himself in frustration taking amusement out of the others own self anger then turned around thinking was a way to leaving the building. He was quit satisfied with his new trick he pulled the young commander once again escaping without a sweat. Hiding above your enemy was a brilliant idea. Who would look up of all places? After deciding to wait for the other teen to leave he waited. And it paid off he left, jumping down from his perch Dark went the opposite was from the blue haired teen to look for a window big enough for him to fit through while watching out for Satoshi. Finding one he called out to Wiz and took to the air towards home where he would get a good look at what he stole without having any interruptions.

Dark snuck in the house of the Niwas wanting to avoid them till he got a good look at the painting before actually handing it over. He just wanted to savoir this a little long. So he slipped in through Diasuke's and his window with a heaving sigh thanking Lady Luck that he got in without alerting the family just yet. Setting his burden from his arms down against the wall, the thief pulled the cover off to reveal what was underneath. Dark gasped with awe from what he saw, it was a painting for a person with golden wings folded around the figure like a cocoon. The person had gold blond hair reaching past said person's shoulders to mid back flying freely in the wind in the painting. It seemed the person was male by the flat chest beneath the black jacket he wore with a long overcoat in red. His wings were hiding parts of his face only leaving features that stuck out in plain view. What was intriguing to Dark at that same time was person's eyes that where not hidden by the wings. Purple met molten gold and looked like said eyes had emotions in them for a painting. All he saw in those eyes were deep sadness and sorrow. Now he knew why it was called 'The Golden Angel's Sorrow' because the emotion was all over the painting. Who would of painted such a heart-breaking picture of so much pain?

Soon Dark remembered the golden feather that was in his pocket. Pulling it out he examined it closely wondering where it came from. With his attention on the on the feather he missed the scene that was going on before him. The painting was giving off a glowing gold light and gold feathers were bursting from it as well in slow movements, it was a wonder sight to see, that it was. Suddenly he snapped his sight back on the painting and gaped in disbelief. The painting was gone.

He felt like he was flying but not at the same time. Everything was so calm to him at that moment nothing could hurt him here.

Then Edward felt a violent jerk in a random direction knocking him unconscious.

Dark was panicking, the painting was missing and he went through so much trouble of getting it . . . . . ok not that much trouble but hey he did all the planning and waited for three whole days! To say that was a miracle for he wasn't a very patient person. Don't for get Mrs. Niwa was also expecting him to have it for her to admire and put on the wall with pride for another successful job. During his panicking he felt a large burst of energy gathering at a certain area. Thinking deeply he came up that it could be the reason why the painting disappeared. Dark swiftly jumped out the window and created his own wings for now because he didn't have time to find Wiz after letting him go in the room when they returned. His destination was soaring towards said energy, unfortunately fro Dark he wasn't the only one who felt the burst of energy.

When he first woke up Edward felt like he was hit by one of Armstrong's stone fists, meaning he hurt a hell of a lot all over his body. Cracking open a bit to see the clear night sky. Groaning in pain the blond sat up griping his automail arm to his head whimpering in pain from the pounding headache.

"Shit! I thought jumping was a good idea but I'm having second thoughts now!" Ed ranted in his pain, wanting to let off some steam before checking the damage upon himself. "Who would of thought I would survive."

Searching for injuries on himself and no surprise he found the side of his forehead had a big gash going all the way from the side of his temple to his jaw line. He started cursing to himself for being so stupid knowing it was going to leave a nasty scar.

"Well damn," he muttered staring at his bloody gloved hand, "this can't get any worse."

Suddenly crackling of leaves and branches started to sound from his left and soon to after it was the sound of voices.

"Damn. Spoke to soon."

to be continued. . . . . . . .

I felt like leaving it here so till I get at least 10 reviews I won't put up the next chapter that I'm in progress of writing: )

Vote for pairings and it's only yaoi! I might consider a Ed/Riku hints here and there because I like Riku!






Ed/Riku(might consider)

Or ya want a threesome!!! MHAHAHAHAHA!!





you can make suggestions for a pairing that might sound good to you K! It could be Elliot, Keiji Saga, Funabashi, Takeshi Saehara you name it! Oh and Keiji and Funabashi are from the manga if you don't know them because they aren't on the anime series.