Jude was talking to Lex about the new Instant star contest that was coming up in a couple days when her cell went off. Jude look at it to see a picture of Tommy in the screen. Lex look at her and say " are you going to pick it up?"

"yeah" Jude got up from the table and went out side.

"what do you want Quincy?"

"someone is not in a good mood is the date not going well?"

"it was going well still you call" she say in a angry voice

"good for you" Tommy say

"what exactly do you want?"

" well I'm having some trouble with the new song you did and I need your help with it." he quickly lie

"why can't Qwest help you?"

"well he is busy with another artist"

"Fine I'll be there in ten"

"Why so long you just down the block?"

"see you later Tom." she say not answering the question

Jude walk back to the restaurant to see that Lex was talking on the phone. He look at her and turn say bye to the person on the line.

"hey look something had come up at studio and they need me" Jude say looking at him

"Ok lets go" he quickly say

Jude got confused by the way he quickly answer her by going back to the studio.

"Who was that on the phone" she ask as they were walking out the door.

"No one" he answer back without looking at her

"ok" she say letting it go

They got in the car and drove to G-Major

When they got there Jude say bye to Lex as he walk to his studio once again getting his cell phone to talk to someone

Jude walk to the studio where Tommy was at.

She also find him talking to someone on his cell.

She sit in a empty chair and look at Tommy he glance at her and turn back to his call. She wait till he done and ask him who was on the phone.

"I was just talking to my lawyer about my divorce to Ashley"

Jude who never had heard that he was even getting a divorce was surprised. She try to keep the excitement , happiness and surprising out of her voice before she speak to him.

"You getting a divorce"

Tommy who smile at her. And the smile Jude realize that she didn't do a good job at keeping her voice in controls.

"Yeah I'm"

"are you ok about it?"

"I guess I know it would have come to it, we don't even know each other that much"

"ok what did you want help with"

Tommy who didn't think about that part yet. 'ok Quincy think fast but don't lie to her if you do its not going to get you anywhere'

"u-um nothing I guess" the look that Jude have on her face now make Tommy wish that he had told the lie instead.

"Let me get this straight I was having an amazing breakfast with my boyfriend and you interrupt me and make me come here for nothing" she explode

"Girl come down I just didn't like the way that we left things this morning, and want us to talk about it."

"Talk Tommy now you want to talk? Ok lets talk about everything that has been going on for the past five months. You humiliated my boyfriend In national televisions, you got married, you end up in jail, you slept with me after you got out of jail while you were married to that slut. So lets talk about all those things." By the time she was finish she was so angry she wish that she had something that was sharp to throw at him. which there was not since Darius make sure all the studios have no sharp thing since Jude had once threw one of the sharpest vase that Darius had put in the studio at Tommy when she was mad at him.

Tommy look a little scared of her knowing what Jude capable of doing and getting away it. He try put on his bravest face and talk to Jude.

"I know lately that things have not been going right for us lately. But girl believe if I could go back time and stop myself from all those things I would." he say looking in her eyes

Jude shoot him a hurt look by what he had say.

"Everything except for the part of sleeping with you I will never regret that day"

"Tommy I know you trying but things are going to fast for me lets just take it slow ok, you have Ashley and I have Lex so lets just do had say this morning lets forget about everything that has happen" she say with a sad and hurt look on her face as she let go of him and walk out of the studio.

Tommy look at her back and sigh

Jude walk to the kitchen to find Qwest doing a sandwich. She sigh and seat at one of the stool. Qwest look at her but didn't say nothing he turn his back to get the mustard when around he found Jude munching on his sandwich . 'great why is it when ever she is mad at him she take out on my sandwich'

"ok lets hear it what happen this time"

"Why do you think something happen" she answer with a mouth full

"Well lets see when something has happen between you guys you either in a studio where he is not and you writing a song, or you in a studio throwing anything you can at the wall pretending its him since you can't hit him anymore since you threw that vase at him, or you either somewhere driving crazy or you either here eating one of my sandwich"

She sigh when she see there's no point of lying to him.

"I can't take it anymore Qwest a part of me just want to give up of fighting and being with him while the other part just want me to go To him and beat the shit out of him for breaking my heart over and over again."

"You know you can't since Darius say if you even slap him inside of G-major you would lose you contract."

"Uhhh I'm just tired of his crap."

"You worked it out how some how you a strong person Jude Harrison" he say to her.

"My sister is so lucky to have you I swear if she ruined this one I will kill"

"Lets just hope not and she is lucky to have a sister like you common lets go before the big man do something crazy"

They boy laugh and walk out of the kitchen to meet Tommy forgetting all about the sandwich.

A.N. I dedicate this chapter to Katakana thank you for everything. hey everyone I know I did not keep my promise by posting all 3 to 5 chapter by June. A lot of things had not been going on right now and I kind of had a writer block. Any way hope you all enjoy this chapter. I know it was kind of short. If any one have any ideas that you thing might work in this story email and we'll talk about it. Please review and I'll update sooner if I see that I still have readers. My spelling have been sort of bad in the last couples chapters I realized I will sort my spelling from now on.