Thanks for waiting for this. I know this chapter is crappy, but I've gotta introduce 4 OC's who are each really different, and will be bugging different people. Bear with me.

"Itachi, you must retrieve the item I'd asked for" Leader-sama ordered, from the couch.

"Hai, Leader-sama." Itachi nodded. I still don't understand why he can't get his own cocoa-puffs. He grumbled to himself, while walking outside.

Leila always dreamed about going into her favorite anime, and manga. She never thought it would come true, but she would always dream. Then, one day, she came across an enormous mud puddle, because the author can't think of anything else! "hmm, well better step through i-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she fell through the clouds, and somehow landed safely in a tree.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She looked up to see none other then the great Uchiha Itachi standing before her. Did she just fall from the sky?

"Hey!" At last her dream was realized! She was in her favorite anime "I wanted to go to Dragonball Z! They have limitless amounts of food, and you can never die!" or not "Well, whatever this'll have to do." She stood up and dusted herself off, then looked at Itachi.

"Did you just fall from the sky?"

"Mhmm! It was fun." She noticed the box in his hand "Are you coocoo for cocoa puffs?"

Itachi glared at her "these are for leader-sama." He answered.

"Why did you just tell me that?"

Damn. She got him there will you please shut up? I make no promises "Because, you're coming with me." He replied, and knocked her out.


"You did WHAT?" The leader roared.

"She was in my way." Itachi answered.

"So you brought her home? Why couldn't you have killed her?"

"She fell from the sky."

This stopped him "She what?"

He sighed "Fell from the sky."

Leader paused for a moment in deep thought. This girl may be worth a lot of money. "Very well, you will tend to her, and keep her away from Zetsu. There's no telling what he may think if he sees a girl alone here. Probably that he can eat her."

Itachi nodded and took her away.

When Leila woke up she was in a dark room. Itachi sat on a chair nearby, painting his nails, and Kisame was feeding some fish "Oh my god! Itachi!" she shrieked, causing both men to look up.

"What?" he demanded. She made him smear his nail polish.

"I'm alive!" she sat up "I thought I'd be fish food once I saw you, if you know what I mean." Was there something wrong with this girl?

"I convinced leader-sama to let you live. Why did you fall from the sky?"

"She fell from the sky?" Kisame asked.

She scratched her head "Not sure, I was walking and I fell through this mud puddle, and then I was falling through the sky."

"That's it?" she nodded "How boring. Hey, Itachi, can we feed her to Zetsu now?"

"No Kisame, we may not." He got up and walked out of the room.

"Hey, Kisame….why are you blue?"

"Well, my dad was a shark and my mom was a woman, but I'm okay with that now."

"Oh. Why does Itachi have those lines under his eyes?"

"Permanent marker." He replied, walking back in.

"Are you coocoo for cocoa puffs?"


"cool! Can you do the cocoa puff thing?"


"Aww! But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!" she whined. "Why why why why why!!!!!!?!"

"Is there something wrong with you?" Kisame asked.

"I ate a bowl of raw sugar for breakfast." Kisame nodded.