This story is supposed to be a spinoff of a oneshot I did a year ago. Pretty much making fun of OC pairings, specifically KakaOC. We're going to have tons of stuff you'll see in OC fics and lots of stuff you probably have in your own story.

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, would I be on here?

This is the story of a girl named Luka, an OC who was about to be transported to a far off land to meet ninja's and fall in love… "Really?" No. "Damn." Anyway, let's get onto the story…

Luka was walking around her neighborhood, when she was attacked by hobos with magical powers. She, being a blackbelt in Ju jitsu, Krav maga, go geru and Yaoi, avoided their attacks and continued home. As she got home she was met with her mother, yelling at her, and her father threatening her. She quickly ran out the door, with her bag in hand and ran away. Why does my life have to suck? She asked herself as she kicked a stone in her way. She came to a puddle that was as wide as the street that she'd have to wade through if she wanted to get across. A few questions come to mind, such as: 1. why would she have to wade through a puddle, and 2. she lives in Las Vegas, and it hasn't rained for months, where'd the puddle come from? (A/N: well those are all very good questions) She began to walk through the puddle when suddenly she fell through a plot hole!

"Aieee! I'm gonna die!" How nice for you. "Hey, aren't you going to help me?" Nope, I'm just the narrator, and while I am all powerful, the story would end too quickly if I did. "So it won't end fast if I DIE?!?" Nope. Just watch. "Right now where was I?" Screaming for your life. "Thanks! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She braced herself for impact, and waited, but nothing happened. As she opened her eyes, she saw a rooftop, getting closer. She made impact and passed out.

As Luka woke up she noticed something silver she closed her eyes, and rolled over, before coming to a realization and shooting up in the bed again. OMFG It's…It's Luka stuttered, at a loss for words Kakashi! Her inner self, named Klau screamed in her head. Hmm, what should we do first? Take his mask off? Hide anything that isn't either pink or purple? Rape him? Klau ranted excitedly KLAU! You can't say stuff like that! Think about the flamers! Luka shuddered at the thought.

Kakashi woke up at this time, to find a blond haired, blue eyed girl in his bed. Naruto playing a dumb prank again. Is it happy red circle day? He asked himself, deciding to play along, he hugged the girl in bed with him "Good morning honey." He smirked beneath his mask.

Luka immediately freaked out "You perverted freak!" she yelled and tossed him off the bed No, no! Don't beat him up! Hug him back, take his mask off! Get out the pink socks! Klau yelled as Luka punched him in the gut.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to fall in love with him, huh? Not if the fangirls have anything to say about it. They don't, do they? We'll see…

Kakashi by now had figured out that this girl was not Naruto but who is she? He asked himself furthermore, who is this voice narrating? Oh, don't mind me, I'll only show up in the plot to annoy the OC. OC? Don't ask. Concentrate on the girl in your bed, the voice in your head will shut up for a while. That sounds promising. It shouldn't. I was being sarcastic. Uhh, girl in your room. Focus on HER. Right. Kakashi said turning to the girl, who seemed lost in thought. "Who are you?"

GOTM: So, that's the first chapter. Ooh, cliffy! Tell me what you think about it. And remember, everytime you flame, god kills a kitten.