-1Disclaimer: I do not own The Power Rangers.

Bridge Carson is lonely. He has no one special. Sky Tate has Sydney Drew while Jack Landors (who now works in an orphanage after breaking up with Ally Samuels) has Z Delgado. Plus, his mother keeps on calling and asking if he had found a girlfriend.

"Don't worry man," Jack assured. "Be patient."

"Yeah, you'll find her," Sky agreed. "She'll come at the time you least expect."

Bridge is alone today. Cruger gave them a day off and Sky and Syd went to the mall while Z visited Jack at the orphanage. He walked around the base, feeling gloomy. He was too preoccupied in his misery that he didn't notice a young cadet running in his direction. Like Bridge, she wasn't paying intention where she is going while looking among some files in her hand. The next thing Bridge knew, he was on the floor and papers were falling around him.

"I am so sorry Mr. Carson. I didn't see you," the cadet apologized as she gathered the files. "It will not happen again. I am so sorry."

She apologized again and again as Bridge helped her gather the papers but every now and then looked at her. He has to admit, she looked rather pretty.

"Here you go cadet," he said, handing her the last file.

"Thank you. Again, I'm really sorry Mr. Carson."

"That's okay cadet."

She saluted and walked away.

Sky waved a hand in front of the Blue Ranger's face. Bridge didn't even blink. He was staring at something- more like someone. Syd grabbed her boyfriend's hand away from Bridge's face.

"Leave him alone," she said.

"Yeah. First time he ever drooled on a girl," Z added, smirking.

They observed the girl. She's about fifteen, has long, brown, curly hair that's curly at the end and blue eyes.

After the Troobian war, Doggie had been less strict than before. Syd suggested a Fall dance for the academy and he agreed. Yes. Space Patrol Delta is having a dance. And Sydney and Z are in charge of preparing it.

"Cadets!" Sky called.

The girl Bridge has a crush on and her friend turned around and saluted.

"Are you two going to the ballroom to help Ms. Drew prepare for the dance?" he asked.

"Yes sir," they answered.

"Then please give these to her. They're decorations for the dance."

Sky handed the Korean girl the box he is holding and Bridge gave his box to his crush.

"I want to know your names," Sky said, smiling knowingly at Bridge.

"Cadet Lisa Cho," the Korean girl said.

"Cadet Jennifer Brooks," Bridge's crush followed.

"Well then Lisa, Jennifer-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt sir but I prefer to be called Jenny."

"Very well then Lisa and Jenny, thank you."

"Our pleasure sir."

The two girls saluted and walked away. As soon as they were gone, Sky turned to Bridge.


"Shut up."


"Someone's blushing…" Lisa teased.

"Who?" Jenny asked innocently.

"Why bother to ask? Just admit that you have a crush on Mr. Carson."

"I don't okay?"

"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."


Jenny paused and faced her friend. "I'll confess so that you'll drop the subject. I. Have .A. HUGE. Crush. On. Mr. Carson. Since the day I stepped into this academy I fell in love with him."

She breathed heavily. She expected to see her friend smirking but instead, she saw a look of horror. At first, Jenny was confused but then she felt a strange feeling behind her. She knew that feeling.

"He's behind me isn't he?" she whispered.

Lisa nodded.

Jenny bit her lip and slowly turned around. There stood Sky with an amused look on his face and Bridge looked shocked.

"Um… I… I mean… We were just on our way to the ballroom," she stuttered.

Not waiting to be dismissed, she saluted and grabbed her friend's arm and ran. She doesn't care f she got into trouble for disrespecting high officials. She just wants to get out of humiliation.

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