Thank you for all the reviews and i'm sorry for the long wait - i had exams and even worse Writers Block But it's finally here, thank you all.

Chase didn't register what was being said. In all truthfulness, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

Latrommi was telling him something about 'being a prince?'

He wasn't sure what Latrommi was trying to say, in fact if it was any other situation he would have laughed at the idea of himself being a prince of anything, but this was a dangerous situation he was in.

He knew that now, Latrommi may not have wanted him dead at the beginning but he knew that if he didn't find a way to escape then he was done for.

He would die and become a vampire and that was something he definitely had no wish to be.

Latrommi looked down at Robert and smiled, he was most definitely one of the most beautiful souls he had ever met.

He could feel it, Robert's soul letting out small pulses every so often, warming his own cold blood for a millisecond, not enough to actually warm him, but it was an interesting feeling all in itself.

Latrommi could smell Roberts fear and felt an overwhelming protectiveness towards him.

He gently started rubbing circles over his stomach, hoping to comfort, but he didn't get the response he thought he would.

He could no longer smell fear from Robert, but he couldn't smell anything else either.

He looked into Roberts eyes and saw his confusion, "Don't worry, Robert, it will all be over soon" Latrommi whispered before placing a small kiss on his forehead.

When Chase felt Latrommi's kiss his mind went into overdrive, he felt disconnected from his body, like he was floating.

He couldn't seem to focus, he just knew he had to escape, his basic instincts were kicking in and he didn't want to be here.

Latrommi gasped as Robert started to glow, just slightly, like a murky haze.

The glow didn't increase but the hand Latrommi was rubbing Chase's stomach with started to tingle.

Just slightly at first but as the glowing went on, Latrommi pulled his hand back and realised it had been burnt.

Nursing his hand, Latrommi stepped off the bed and backed away from Chase, he had never seen something like this in his many years, but he had heard something like it.

Robert was a pure soul, and because of this possessed certain innate defences, his survival instinct kicked in, and now he is protecting himself.

Latrommi gave a small sigh, this was getting frustrating, his people needed Robert, he WANTED Robert, and if this kept happening, he wouldn't get him and Latrommi hated not getting his own way.

Chase opened his eyes as his mind came back to him, and with a gasp realised he was glowing slightly, he quickly pushed himself up and off the bed, to see Latrommi standing across the room.

He was unnerving Chase with the gaze he was throwing his way, "What… what have you done to me?" Chase whispered, gazing down at himself, shocked and scared by the glowing.

"I did not do anything, this is all you" Latrommi almost growled out. Chase gulped, Latrommi seemed really angry, and it was scaring the hell out of him.

"What do you mean? How…?"

Chase's confusion grew on his face and Latrommi was suddenly even more enraged, why did he have to ask so many stupid pointless questions?

Latrommi looked down at his burnt hand, noticing it had already started to heal.

Maybe he could just go for it, ignore the burning pain and just change Robert, if he did it quickly…

Latrommi's thoughts trailed off.

There was a risk, if he drunk Roberts blood and died before feeding him some of his, then they were both dead.

Latrommi looked back at Chase and came to his decision…

Chase looked up at Latrommi, he seemed to be thinking, but he wasn't quite sure, he couldn't seem to ever work out what was going on with Latrommi, but that was when he noticed it.

A sudden change, he was almost sure he felt it, a change in the atmosphere.

Chase took an uncomfortable step back, all his senses on high alert, it was about to happen, of what, he was unsure, but he knew he wouldn't like it.

With speed Chase had never seen the Vampire harbour, he shot across the room grabbing Chase by the next and forcing him powerfully against the wall.

The force of the push knocking all the air out of Chase, who coughed to try and regain as much lost air as possible.

Panicking, Chase grabbed at the hands holding him around the neck, pushing, clawing, and trying to allow some air into his tortured lungs.

Latrommi gasped in pain, his hands were starting to burn, the pain moving up his arms slowly, but the pain growing tenfold with every second.

Reaching in, he moved his mouth to Chase's neck, his hot breath causing shivers to run down Chase's spine.

He them moved his mouth up to Chase's ear before whispering ever so gently, "If it's the last thing I do, I will turn you, you may kill me but I am old, I WILL return!"

With that, Latrommi pulled back and then quickly plunged his fangs into Chase's neck.

Chase gasped and his eyes opened wide, arching his back he struggled to move away from the pain.

He could feel Latrommi, sucking his blood, draining him slowly from his fingers and toes.

The light in Chase grew brighter, it would not allow this.

Latrommi could feel the pain everywhere now, his fingers, stomach, even his teeth felt as if they were on fire, yet he could still enjoy the sweetness and purity of Chase's blood.

It felt refreshing as it made its way down his throat, but even before this thought had been completed, Latrommi started to crack.

His body literally started to separate, turning black like newspaper that has been set on fire, before turning to ash, Latrommi made one finally shout of agony, before all that was left was a pile of black soot at the foot of Chase.

Chase who was in shock from everything that he had just seen slid slowly to the floor and cried.

House awoke from a deep slumber, or that's what he thought until he noticed he was actually standing in a corner in what appeared to be Chase's place.

'Okay… now how the heck did I end up here?' House turned to what appeared to be Chase's bedroom as he heard a sob from within.

Limping slowly he made his way over to where, as his suspicions were confirmed, Chase was huddled in a corner, crying.

House kneeled down, out of the way from a suspicious looking pile of dust, that's when he remembered. 'Right, Vampires, dust, okay, Chase made evil man go dusty.'

Putting his hand around Chase's shoulders, he pulled the crying man towards him.

Chase resisted at first but then clung to House like his life depended on it.

Silence rained in the house for what seemed like days before anyone spoke.

House lifted Chase's chin so he could look him in the eyes once his crying had ceased, "You know it's over now, don't you? You're safe, he's dead." Chase nodded, "I know" he whispered.

Several miles away, in a darkened cave, littered with candles Latrommi reformed, 'You will be mine Robert, I'll see you again' he thought.

Okay so thats this story, although i may be tempted to write a sequal, lol