"You know, you should have just written whatever came to mind."


"And you should have typed. Yo waste time when you copy stuff from paper."


"Plus it would have probably helped if you had a schedule."

"Otto!" Sprx yelled, stopping in his tracks. The two were walking through the hallway towards the dining area for breakfast. Sprx turned to his friend walking behind him. "I get it! Give me a break, will ya? Besides, who died and made you the expert on this?"

Otto simply blinked, his expression remaining neutral. He opened the compartment in his helmet and pulled out a certificate, holding it out in front of Sprx. It only took a few seconds of the red monkey reading it to get his jaw to drop.


Nanowrimo 2006


Sprx was, once again, left dumbfounded as Otto walked away. This time he shook it off more quickly and ran after his friend. "Hey, Otto! How about we team up next year?"

"Nah, I'm not sure I even wanna do that thing again. My fingers hurt from all the typing, and I didn't have as much time for building stuff."

"Oh, come on!"

"I'm not sure..."




"...Yeah, maybe."

And that ends this bizarre little parody fic. Took me long enough. Like the certificate shows, I started this thing for nano 2006. That's writers block for you, yet I ironically ended up doing the idea I was waiting to be replaced with a better one anyway. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!