Chapter 3 Everything Changed

Ginny flinched, covering her face with her arms, as he pinned her roughly with his body. He had left his robes on the bed, and Ginny felt the heat radiating off his skin burn through the thin material of her nightgown. What was he going to do to her? Or more importantly what was he capable of?

After her little stunt, she was sure that he would be hell bent on revenge. She sure would have been, but she had neither his strength nor his sadism. A wave of panic suddenly swept through her at the thought of Draco's wrath, and she began fighting violently to escape.

"Will you bloody stop?" the blond bit out as he pressed her painfully into the table.

"You're hurting me!" Ginny cried, still fighting in vain to extricate herself.

"You're lucky I'm not doing more," Draco said, dodging her fist and taking a firm grip on the other. He managed to capture her other hand, and slammed them both on the table behind her back. The redhead gave an involuntary whimper.

She was helpless, and his hold on her rendered him much closer than she was comfortable with, at least when he had that look in his eyes.

"I'm not – going – to hurt – you," he heaved out. Ginny looked at him in disbelief, her own chest constricting painfully from her exertions.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he repeated, looking her in the eye. She nodded, and he released her hands. She tried to move from between the table and the blond, but he kept her firmly pinned.

Rubbing her wrists, she again wondered why the room had failed to do her bidding.

As if reading her thoughts, Draco said, "The room only obeys me."


"Because I was here first," the blond stated knowingly.

"So you did all of it? The nightgown? Dinner? The key?"


"You let me in then?"

"No, I didn't," he replied. "Like I said, we both came looking for the same thing tonight."

Ginny snorted, "Well, it obviously wasn't solitude."

Draco's smirk broadened and lowered his lips to hers again. She broke it abruptly a split second later, and sputtered, "I did not come looking for a good snog!"

"Didn't you?" the Slytherin asked, with a playful gleam in his eye.

"I couldn't have expected someone to be in here to snog, so no! Of course not!"

"Geez, girl! Didn't you feel it?" he asked in exasperation, a hint of anger tingeing his voice.

"Feel what?"

"Don't lie!"

"Well maybe if I knew what the hell you were talking about, I might be able to determine whether I bloody felt it or not," she replied hotly.

"You've been around the block a few times - " Draco began.

"Excuse me!" Ginny interrupted, blushing instantly.

"Didn't I just tell you not to lie? I can tell that you have experience."

"Alright, so I'm not a bloody virgin! What does that have to do with this?"

"Hell, Ginevra, when you were kissing me it made me feel more…I can't explain it, but I also can't believe that you're standing there saying you didn't feel it too!" He looked as if he'd regretted what he'd said; as if he'd revealed too much.

Ginny averted her eyes. Yes, she had lost her virginity to Dean, and yes, the feelings Draco elicited were more intense than anything she'd yet experienced.

"It's just lust," she muttered. "You're just saying that to get into my pants."

"The last time I checked," the blond replied, running his hands up her bare thighs and causing her to draw in a sharp shuddering breath, "You weren't wearing any pants."

"You know what I meant, smart ass," she managed between heavy breaths as he ran his hands higher.

"You know, you've really got a mouth," he said before bringing his lips down to hers. She shuddered as his hands swiftly slid the nightdress hem up, exposing her hips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Ginny gave in to the powerful emotions that claimed her senses whenever he kissed her so sweetly.

The redhead began to lightly draw her fingers along his back, his chest, and his arms, feeling as though she already knew the contours that met her touch. Her efforts spurred Draco to redouble his, moving his lips to her neck and causing tingling waves to shiver through her from head to toe. Suddenly lifting her, he sat her on the table and deposited his body between her legs.

Ginny smiled and pulled him ever closer when she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing a longing groan. In earnest, he caressed her legs and hips, teasing the waistband of her panties, while worshipping her neck with his lips. Every sigh urged him, and he smiled devilishly as he touched the place between her legs, eliciting an urgent gasp from her lips.

Pushing him back slightly, she met his troubled gaze with her own mischievous grin before removing the silky silver negligee in one deft motion. His troubled expression did not fade however, not even when he swept his eyes over her nearly bare body and she saw them darken with desire.

"What's the matter?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious.

Reaching out to caress her face, but looking away from her, the blond said, "You take the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa."

The redhead felt like crying. Draco picked up her nightie and handed it back to her, still refusing to meet her eyes. She covered herself, feeling self-conscious and ashamed. He left her perched on the table, walking towards the sofa near the fireplace. Ginny hopped down, throwing the nightie on as she stalked after him; she noticed it was several feet longer.

"If that was an act of vengeance, then you did a hell of a job! You've…"

"It wasn't vengeance, Ginevra," he interrupted.

"So you're just going to ignore these feelings that you can't explain, that I can't even explain - "

"If I don't feel them, then I won't have to remember them!" he interrupted again.

"What?" she asked confusedly, but still angry. "What does that mean?"

"If I were to be with you tonight, which believe me I really want to be, I would never be able to forget it. These feelings…I've never…what have you done to me?" he tumbled over his words, thinking aloud.

"What have I done to you? What have you done to me!?" Ginny replied. "When has a Gryffindor ever asked a Slytherin to be with her, and in what universe would a Slytherin refuse? If someone had told me I'd be in this situation an hour ago I would have told them to go check into St. Mungo's for a round of shock spells."

Draco laughed at her remark, and she saw that a true smile was on his down-turned face. When he looked up to speak again, however, Ginny saw sadness in his eyes. "You've just stated the problem entirely. I am Draco Malfoy, Ginevra Weasley," he said. "Malfoy. People fear my name, and for good reason. My name means fear and darkness; yours means goodness and light."

"Your father's name means fear and darkness," Ginny replied.

"I am to be a deatheater too!"

Ginny was silent for a long while as he surveyed her reaction.

"Do you want to be a deatheater?" she finally asked softly.

"I would give anything not to be, but that does not matter. I am powerless to stop it."

The young woman did not reply.

"Would you be capable of giving Tom Riddle's soul to an eleven-year-old girl?" she finally asked.

"What?" Draco asked, and Ginny was shocked at his lack of understanding.

"Your father… he had a diary which contained a piece of Tom Riddle's soul," she said hesitantly. "And he gave it to me..."

"Do you mean - "

"Yes. I helped open the Chamber of Secrets in my first year."

The blond stared at her in utter disbelief for more than a minute, an emotion that wasn't usually evident on his pale face.

"That just proves my point," he finally said bitterly, more than a hint of anger in his voice, but she knew it wasn't for her.


"Do you think my father would let you sully the Malfoy name? He's obviously already tried to kill you once already, and that was without provocation."

Ginny sat brooding, but didn't answer.

"Don't you see, Ginevra?" he said slightly exasperatedly, "If we were together tonight then we would never be together again. I couldn't let us be together again for your safety. Then I would always wonder what could have happened if things were different, and in a few years I'd find out you are married to some prick like Potter- "

"What does it matter who I marry? You'd be lying if you said you weren't arranged to be married to Bulstrode, or Parkinson, or- " she interrupted.

"Parkinson…a week after graduation, at our initiation," he replied tonelessly.

"You're not wasting any time…" Ginny said.

"I have no choice,' Draco answered. "It is my destiny to be a deatheater. You and I are destined to be apart."

"But fate brought us together," Ginny muttered.

Draco was looking at her strangely when she met his gaze again, but she didn't think that he had heard her.

"What if you went to Dumbledore?" the redhead recommended.

"That cracked pot, old- "

"He's not," Ginny said firmly.

"What could he do?" the blond snorted.

"He could put you into hiding," she suggested.

"Yeah…He does that really well," the blond laughed derisively. "Scar-head found that stupid stone when we were eleven."

"That was luck, pure and simple. I'll bet Dumbledore is guarding loads of stuff that we'll never ever know about," she defended.

"I don't want to discuss this further. Just drop it, okay?" he fair snapped.

Ginny glared at him for a moment. "One stupid kiss…" she muttered.

"Yes, one stupid kiss changed everything. Changed me. Changed you. Changed bloody everything," he stated flatly. "Where'd you learn to kiss like that anyway? Please tell me it wasn't Potter…anyone but Potter - "

The redhead laughed, "It wasn't. He's never liked me that way."

"Well that proves it," Draco said.

"Proves what?" Ginny asked, a little wary about the possibly impertinent answer.

"I always knew Potter was a fool."

Ginny smiled to herself, but didn't answer.

"Do you regret it?" she asked softly after a while, hoping he'd say no, but not sure why.

"No," he stated immediately. "I don't, and I never will. Do you?"

"Never will," Ginny replied, hugging her legs to her chest and looking morose.

Draco looked at her with something closer to pity than his eyes had ever expressed. Not only had the redhead somehow sparked passion and gentleness in him, but cascades of other feelings along with it, including empathy and sorrow.

"Please come to bed with me," she said after a while, wearily standing.

"Ginevra, we just finished discussing this- "

"I meant actually sleep," she cut in with a small laugh. "Please?"

He regarded her for a minute and realized with apprehension that he would not refuse her; that he wanted to be near her as well.

I was tempted to title this chapter "the dialogue that wouldn't die", but thought better of it. I tried to keep them from being OOC as much as possible, but I think all DG fics are OOC anyway. I also noticed that I was getting twice as many hits for the first chapter as the second, so I added a small paragraph to the beginning to hook in the reader better. It's nothing major by any means, you don't even have to go back and read it b/c there is no new info. Just a hook, like I said. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story so far!

Please Review.