I had been some time, a few months really, since the incident in Port Royal, and Jewel was getting bored on the Pearl. So after a bit of persuading, she convinced Jack to let her go on her own adventure! But the places she'll go and the people she'll meet will surprise her in ways she couldn't even imagine.

There will be crossovers with TLM, BaTB, and A. You'll find out what they are soon.

But please read Another's Story and Betwixt and Between Chapter 1 first to understand what's up.

Chapter 1

The day was peaceful in all possible ways. A large black ship was moving through the calm waters of the ocean, while seagulls were flying overhead. The sky had small little clouds and the crew aboard the ship was enjoying the peace, well most of the crew. In the crows nest, there was a fifteen year old girl wearing a long sleeved shirt, yellowed with time and age, with a brown vest on top of it, some dark brown pants with a lighter brown pair of boots, a black fingerless glove covering her right hand and the tattoo on it, and a red bandanna wrapped around her long black hair.

She was looking up at the sky while playing a little song on her flute, and she was bored, big time. There was too much peace, too much calm, too much of everything sweet and serene! She decided to confront her father, the captain of this mighty ship, the Black Pearl. She quickly climbed down the large rope ladder and when she landed on the deck, went straight to the helm. Straight to her father. Straight to Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Dad, I'm bored." she says, leaning on the helm.

"Well then, Jewel, find something to do." her father says, looking at his daughter.

"But that's just it, dad. There's Nothing to do!" Jewel said, raising her voice.

"Did you swab the decks?"

"Yep." she said, crossing her arms.

"All of them?"


"Did you organize the rum?"


"Did you mend the sails?"


"Did ye feed the monkey?"


"Good. Did you polish the cannons?"


"Did you sharpen your sword and knife?" Jewel pulled her sword out of its holster at her side, then her knife out of her right boot. Her sword was sharpened nicely and her knife was shimmering in the sun.

"Yep." She put all her weapons back.

"Did you practice with your knife and sword?"


"Did you practice throwing your knife at the target or at the monkey?"


"Did you clean the crew's hammocks?"


"... Did you clean your cabin?"

"Dad!" she whined, dropping her arms at her sides.

"Well, did you?"

"Twice!" she said, crossing her arms again. "I also cleaned your cabin too, if you don't mind." She then began looking at her fingernails.

"... Oh... Thanks. Well, it seems you have nothing to do then Jewel." Jewel looked up from her nails and glared daggers at her father.

"That's what I was trying to tell you!" she yelled, throwing her arms in the air. Jack took a step back, slightly nervous with his daughter's tone.

"Easy luv. Just go below and have some ru-" Jack said

"I don't want any rum!" Jewel interrupted. "I want adventure! Action! Excitement! Norrington to catch up so I have somebody to fight! Dad, I want to go on an adventure!" Her eyes were big, like she was going to cry, and Jack looked directly in them.

"... But... But what if you're captured?" he finally says. He did his best to make his eyes as big as his daughters to convince her to stay.

Oh no, he's going into overprotective father mode. Jewel thought

"Dad. I've lived in Tortuga for two years, alone. If anyone wanted to capture me, or do anything at all with, they would've already done it. Besides, I've gotten out of those scrapes easily!" Jewel said, smiling. Jack opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, knowing he was beat.

"I'll be fine dad. I promise. It'll only last a month, two months at least! Then I'll meet you at Tortuga to celebrate an early birthday for me!" Jewel said, putting her hands on her hips, smiling proudly.

"Alright then. Tomorrow morning you'll go. 'Ow's that luv?" Jack said

"And another thi- Wait, you mean it?" Jewel said getting excited.

"Of course." Jack placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to talk. "You've always been cooped up in some place, be it Tortuga, the brig, a jail, that... small cage you told me about when you visited Germany..."

"Curse that cage." Jewel said to herself.

"Or anywhere else." Jack continued. "Now that you have freedom, you want take advantage of it. Am I right?"


"Then it's settled. When you're done with your little adventure, we'll meet in Tortuga, and I'll get you a big bottle of rum or whatever trinket I can steal for an early birthday present for you. Savvy?" Jack held out his right hand and spat in it. When Jewel did the same, they both shook hands.

"Savvy dad." Jewel said. She turned to leave and go to her room, when she suddenly spun around and began hugging her father.

"Thank you so much." she said. Jack began to hug her back, when suddenly, they heard an explosion. The blast caused the two to separate and wonder what was going on. Jewel climbed up to the crows nest and brought out a spyglass her father gave her. Unfortunately, Jewel's adventure would have to wait, because right in front of them was what looked like a tornado, and behind them was the navy.

"Huh," she said, "talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place."