Chapter Three
"So what do we do now?" Riku asked, his voice breaking through the thick silence which had fallen over the group. He had unconsciously inched closer to Sora when the demon girl disappeared and now had one arm tightly wrapped around the younger man's waist.
Leon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He suddenly looked older, his grey eyes dull and tired. "We split up, I suppose." He held up his hand to hush the protesting grumbles from the group. "Quiet. One group will look for a safe place where we can set up camp; the other group will head back to the gummi ship and make sure everything is in working order. I want a transmission to Radiant Garden out as soon as possible."
"What if we can't send the transmission?" Tifa asked, placing one hand on her hip. "We don't know if the radio waves are being disrupted."
"We got their message, didn't we?" Sora pointed out. "It should work for us too."
Leon nodded. "Cloud, I want you to take Tifa and Sora and head back to the ship. Get all the supplies you think will be necessary and send out an SOS to Cid. If the ship is in working order, then prepare it for takeoff as soon as possible.
"Riku, Yuffie, you two come with me to look for a decent campsite. I don't want to have to stay here for too long, but we may have no choice. We'll meet back here in one hour, got that?" The others let out uneasy murmurs of assent. "Good. Get moving and watch your backs."
Gripping his weapon tightly enough to turn his knuckles white, Riku reluctantly followed Leon and Yuffie. The centre of the town was devoid of any movement, not even the wind was present. The small group's footsteps were deafening in the eerie silence and Riku caught himself glancing nervously behind him every few steps. Yuffie had pressed herself close, holding onto the other teen's arm for reassurance; only Leon seemed to keep his confidence.
A small barn sat in the middle of a field at the far edge of town. It would be a tight fit as a campsite, but Riku had the feeling he wasn't the only one who wouldn't mind the closeness. The only problem with the barn was the fact that it was completely exposed; there would be no place to hide in the open fields if they were attacked.
Leon gave the signal to split up and surround the barn. Breaking away from the group, Riku circled to the left, leaving Yuffie to head to the right while Leon chose to stay in the centre. He lay flat on his stomach in the heather, trying to make himself as invisible as possible and wait for the signal to break cover. Glancing to his right, he could barely make out Leon in the field; even Lionheart was almost completely hidden.
The silver-haired man could feel his instinct as a warrior begin to kick in. His former anxiety had been replaced with adrenaline and the thrill of a potential battle. It had been too long since he had the opportunity to unleash his violent side, to let the darkness that continually whispered at the edge of his mind take control. Keeping his fury in check would not be an issue; he wanted to kill whatever was plaguing the doomed world as much as his dark half.
A low whistle from Riku's left brought him abruptly back to reality. It was Leon's signal. Lunging to his feet, he charged toward the barn, Way to the Dawn practically alive in his hand in anticipation for bloodshed. With a savage battle cry, he kicked in the side door and burst into the barn.
Sparks flew as Riku's weapon clashed against the bright blue blade of… Lionheart? Leon's silver eyes darkened to their usual gunmetal grey and he lowered his weapon. "Riku, sorry; I forgot you were coming in that door," he said breathlessly.
Riku nodded, panting slightly from unused adrenaline. He still itched to fight something and glanced around the barn, hoping to find a worthy target. Only Yuffie stood by, warily looking at the two men. Disappointed, Riku sheathed his keyblade.
"Well, that was anticlimactic," Yuffie grumbled, brushing dirt off her shorts. "What do you think, Squall? Is this good for a campsite?"
"Leon," the ex-SeeD corrected automatically. "I'm not too happy about it being so exposed on the outside, but I think it'll work. We should barricade the side door so we only have one entrance to guard. There should be enough supplies in here to make a decent barricade without having to go and search for more."
"I saw some cement blocks out where I was hiding in the field," Yuffie added. "We could use those too."
Leon nodded. "Good idea. You and Riku get to work on that; I'm going back to the centre to meet Cloud's group."
"Is it wise to go alone?" Riku asked, brow furrowing in confusion. "I think it'd be safer if Yuffie and I went with you. The barn was abandoned, so I don't think it's in any danger of being taken over while we're gone."
A faint irritated expression flicked across Leon's scarred face, then was gone and replaced with the man's usual emotionless mask. "I'll be fine by myself, Riku," he said. "I lasted for years on my own after my world was destroyed; walking back to the centre of town isn't that much of a challenge."
Riku mentally cursed the older man's stubborn nature. "The last time you ran off alone, you suddenly couldn't touch Cloud without being frostbitten. Face it, Leon; this world isn't normal. We need to stick together." The silver-haired youth braced himself for Leon's inevitable anger at having his weak point mentioned.
The anger never came. Leon's grey eyes looked hollow at the mention of Cloud's name. "Do what you want then," he said tiredly. "Just don't leave your kits here." He adjusted the shoulder strap on his pack and opened the barn door.
Riku and Yuffie exchanged worried glances. Leon never gave in without a fight; the man's stubbornness was legendary. Yuffie shook her head and followed their leader out the door, a shurikan gripped tightly in each hand. Figuring out what was wrong with Leon would have to wait; Riku lengthened his stride to catch up with his two companions and shut the door tightly behind him.
"I don't get it. I know we came this way!"
Cloud stopped and turned to look at Tifa. The dark-haired woman was staring at her scanner in complete confusion. "What's wrong?" Cloud asked, moving to peer over her shoulder at the readout.
"According to this," Tifa shook the scanner, "we should be standing about six feet away from the ship. Do you see the ship anywhere?"
With a muttered oath, Tifa stuffed the scanner in her pack. "Fine time for it to malfunction. Cid and I are going to have a long conversation when we get back about making sure our equipment is in full working order," she grumbled.
"I'm sure we're close," Cloud reassured her, rubbing her back awkwardly. He glanced over at Sora, who seemed to be off in his own world. "Sora? You okay?"
Pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead, Sora nodded weakly. "Yeah…. Roxas is throwing a fit for some reason though."
Cloud blinked in surprise. "Roxas?" he repeated. He hadn't heard any mention of Sora's Nobody since they joined nearly two years earlier. "Can he help?"
Abruptly, Sora's demeanour changed; he stood straighter and lowered his hand. Cold blue eyes stared balefully at Cloud, and the blond knew instantly he was now looking at Roxas. Sora's normally cheerful face was twisted into a sneer as he regarded Cloud with disdain. "Funny. I thought the famous Cloud Strife would be taller," Roxas commented, his rough voice sounding strange coming out of Sora's mouth.
"Roxas! What are you doing here?" Tifa asked, crossing her arms firmly across her chest. "I thought you had merged completely with Sora."
Roxas snorted contemptuously. "I may be a part of him now, but I was never Sora," he spat.
Cloud returned Roxas' glare with one of his own. Two could play that game. "I guess Riku was right; you really are Sora's asshole side," he said casually. "Once a Nobody, always a Nobody, I suppose…"
Arctic blue eyes flashed in rage. The keyblades Oathkeeper and Oblivion appeared in the youth's hands and he brandished them at Cloud. "Riku knows nothing about darkness," Roxas hissed. "He thinks just because he was Maleficent's bitch for a year makes him the expert on tormented souls." His eyes narrowed and Cloud suddenly was aware of how unstable Roxas really was. "He knows nothing. He wasn't the one trapped as a Nobody for a year and a half! Being unable to feel even the slightest emotion, to be able to kill and still feel nothing, that is hell, Strife. Imagine not even being able to truly feel your lover's touch; it wasn't love I shared with Axel, it was fucking."
Roxas took a step forward and pressed the flat of Oblivion's blade firmly against Cloud's chest. "Contrary to your belief, I can feel now, thanks to Sora. I wanted nothing more than to tell Axel I loved him, but now it's too late. So if I hear any more of your complaints about my attitude, you can find your way out of here on your own."
Tifa put a hand on Roxas' arm. "Roxas…. I'm sorry, we didn't-"
"Save it. I don't want or need your pity." He shook off Tifa's hand and looked around. "My best guess is that you guys are on the right track to your ship and that all this is just an illusion."
"So none of this is real?" Tifa asked, looking quizzically at Cloud. The blond shrugged, scratching an itch on the juncture of his shoulder blade and wing.
Roxas shut his eyes and frowned. "It's… more complicated than that. It's real if you believe that what you're seeing is real." He opened his eyes again. "There's some sort of spell covering this world, but it's far stronger than anything I've encountered."
Cloud crossed his arms over his chest. He still didn't completely trust Roxas, though anything that would hurt Sora would also end up hurting the Nobody. "So we just need to find the spell caster and destroy it?" He drew the First Tsurugi from the scabbard on his back. "Lead the way then."
Raising a dark eyebrow mockingly, Roxas smirked. "Do I look like a bloodhound to you, Strife? I may be able to sense the darkness, but I can't track it. If we get close enough to the source, I think I'll be able to pinpoint it; there's nothing I can do at the moment though." He looked around curiously once more, sharp eyes taking in every detail of his surroundings. "Your ship should be about twenty paces to your immediate left. No guarantees it'll actually work though.
"I'm giving Sora back control. You know where to find me if you need me." With that, the icy blue eyes softened and fluttered shut as Sora collapsed to the ground.
Cloud leaped forward and caught the youth in his arms before he hit the ground. "Sora? You okay?"
Opening his eyes with substantial effort, Sora blinked owlishly at Cloud. He shook his head to clear it and smiled weakly. "I'm all right. Roxas just tends to drain me of my energy when he takes over." Rubbing his eyes wearily with his free hand, the dark-haired teen stumbled to his feet, still clinging to Cloud's arm for support. "Roxas is right though; I can see the ship now. You have to look at the spot where he told us it is and concentrate on it being there." He pointed with a wavering hand to Cloud's left.
At first glance, there was nothing but swamp to be seen. Cloud concentrated harder and squinted at the spot Sora had indicated, trying to see past the dead cattails and other marsh plants. The air around the area seemed to ripple, light shimmering off something unseen. Slowly, the outline of the gummi ship became visible, and with it came the immediate knowledge that something was wrong.
"There's something in the ship!" Tifa gasped, seeing the same thing as Cloud.
Releasing Sora, Cloud tightened his grip on the First Tsurugi and bounded toward the ship, using his wing to carry him over less solid patches of the swamp. He landed lightly in front of the hatch and swore when he saw the gaping hole ripped into the side of the hull. Not bothering to wait for Sora and Tifa, the blond charged into the ship, sword at the ready.
An emaciated figure screeched in terror as Cloud burst into the ship. Sparks flew from severed wires, coming dangerously close to the garbage that had spilled onto the floor. The man, as far as Cloud could tell, had once been human, though now oozing sores covered his flaking skin, making him appear more demonic than human.
Bone-thin fingers latched onto Cloud's pant leg. "Please," the creature said hoarsely. Desperation showed in his oddly normal green eyes and his other hand reached for the hem of Cloud's shirt. "Please," he repeated.
A quiet yelp came from the doorway, signalling Tifa and Sora's arrival. The Keyblade wielder whispered a spell under his breath, first ridding the exposed wires of electricity then extinguishing the small flames that had erupted from the sparks. Tifa cautiously approached Cloud and the tortured man, one hand immediately going to Cloud's shoulder for comfort.
Fighting back his own revulsion at the sight of the man, Cloud lowered his blade and knelt in front of the pitiful creature. "How did this happen?" he asked quietly.
A raspy laugh echoed from the man's ruined chest. "You can't fight it, SOLDIER," he said. "You must return to your world. This one is gone." A rattling cough took him, shaking his frail frame with the force of it. Blood spattered onto the floor.
"We're here to save your people. What is it that we need to fight? Who is controlling the darkness?"
Reaching into the pocket of the remains of his jacket, the man pressed something into Cloud's palm. "This may keep you safe," he said. "If nothing else, it will let you feel the touch of those you love." Another cough shook him, more violently this time. When it passed, he met Cloud's eyes again. "Please. Make it stop."
Cloud nodded, tucking the smooth stone into his pocket. He gingerly touched the man's cheek, one of the few spots that weren't exposed to the bone. "Thank you. Rest well, friend; you've fought long enough."
The man's eyes lit up and he nodded. Cloud stood, gesturing for Tifa and Sora to stand back. The man's eyes closed as the blond raised his sword. Calmly, Cloud slew the man, severing his head from his body cleanly in one slash. A quiet cry came from Tifa and she looked away.
"Let's get back to the town; Squall should be waiting for us by now," Cloud said, suddenly sounding much older than his twenty-five years. He put an arm around Tifa's shoulders and held her close. "I had to do it, Tifa. No one should have to suffer like that," he said quietly. She nodded, resting her head on Cloud's shoulder.
"If we can board up that hole, shouldn't we be able to camp here?" Sora asked as he came back from exploring the rest of the ship.
Cloud shook his head. "We don't have anything to board that up with and the security systems are offline. Whatever Squall's team has found will have to work." He released Tifa and gestured for her and Sora to follow. "Let's head back and report. We'll come back here in the morning."
The first Riku knew of the return of Cloud's team was his name being called and suddenly finding himself with an armful of Sora. Relief flooded through him and he kissed the younger man fiercely. "You're all right," he whispered as they parted, pressing his forehead against Sora's.
Sora flashed his trademark carefree grin and kissed him again. "Yeah, we're fine. Good to see nothing ate you either."
"Nope, I'm still in one piece, though Leon and I nearly hacked each other to bits by mistake."
Sora raised an eyebrow. "Do tell."
"We surrounded a prospective campsite and attacked. There was nothing inside, though Riku and I thought the other was the enemy," Leon said dryly. He looked at Cloud with a small nod. "We'll save the debriefing for when we get to the barn. It's too exposed out here and we don't know who may be listening in."
Riku took Sora's hand as they followed Leon back to the barn, everyone keeping their eyes open for any sign of danger. With a sigh, Sora pressed himself against Riku's side, enjoying the warmth of their shared body heat. Riku ran a hand through his lover's messy brown spikes and kissed his temple gently, his world once again complete now that Sora was with him.
Leon stopped and held up one hand as the approached the barn. "Watch the side door and attack should anything try to escape," he ordered. "Cloud and I will charge the front; if nothing tries to escape, wait here until I let you know it's safe to come in." With a nod to Cloud, the two warriors jogged swiftly toward the barn. Kicking in the door, the pair disappeared into the building.
Sora shifted restlessly at Riku's side, the older youth absently stroking his hair in attempt to relax him. Tifa and Yuffie exchanged glances and looked back at the barn door. Leon poked his head out and waved, signalling that everything was clear.
Once everyone was settled inside the barn, Cloud explained how they had found the gummi ship with the help of Roxas and of the deformed man they had found inside. Leon was silent until Cloud had finished, his chin propped up on his clasped hands. "So nothing is functional at the moment?" he asked after a moment's silence.
"The lights work, but that's it," Sora said. "Security system is shot to hell, and I can't get anything to boot up."
"So we're stuck here for the time being. Do you think it's even a possibility that we can get the ship space worthy again?"
Sora shook his head. "I might be able to get the transmitters back online, but the engines are fried. Our best bet is Cid receiving our message and coming to get us."
"Provided he doesn't get stuck here too," Riku muttered. Sora squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"We'll take this one step at a time," Leon said, glaring at Riku. "In the morning, we'll head to the ship and see what can be salvaged. Two of us will remain here to guard our gear, understood?" Quiet affirmations and nods responded to his statement. "Good. Let's get some sleep then; Cloud and I will take first watch, then Riku and Sora. Yuffie and Tifa will have the last."
Riku unrolled his sleeping pallet next to Sora's as he watched Cloud and Leon talking quietly at the other end of the barn. Sora tugged his hand, urging him to lie next to him. Shaking his head, the silver-haired youth lay down, pressing himself as close to his lover as possible.
"What's wrong?" Sora asked.
Pressing a kiss to Sora's neck, Riku wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer. "I just feel bad for them," he replied. "I'd be going insane if I couldn't touch you, couldn't hold you. You're what's keeping me calm right now."
Sora nestled his head in the juncture of Riku's neck and shoulder. "Is it bad that I want you really badly right now?"
Laughing, Riku kissed him gently. "Trust me, I'm the same way. I don't think the others would like it too much though."
"I know, it's just difficult." He licked a hot trail up Riku's throat before nipping at the underside of his chin. "I want you to make me forget about what's going on."
Riku pulled the blanket over them before glancing at Leon. The ex-SeeD met his gaze and nodded slightly, understanding the position the younger men were in. Tifa and Yuffie were already asleep in the opposite corner. Turning his attention back to Sora, he nipped his earlobe before whispering "We need to be very quiet."
Nodding, Sora pulled Riku down on top of him, shuddering as the older teen ran his hands up his shirt, exploring his chest. "I can be quiet," he replied, voice deepening in desire. He gasped as Riku's mouth latched onto a nipple. "Make me forget, Riku."
A/N Sorry about the delay. Classes and EverQuest kinda made me slack off on my writing. As you probably guessed, I used Org!Roxas as a basis for this Roxas. If he's a bit OOC, I apologize. Comments and constructive criticism is always welcome, flames will be used to heat my current 40 degree dorm room. -Kayne