Let me be your wings...

Ginny Weasley stuck out her tongue in a vain attempt to reach her nose. Oh, she knew it wasn't going to happen, but she would continue to try until some one provided some entertainment.

Seeing as she was trapped in a closet with Draco Malfoy, she didn't see that happening anytime soon.

Yes, you heard me right. Ginny was trapped in a closet with the sex symbol of Slytherin. Why were said individuals not making out? That's right, they hated each other.

Ginny was actually taking this rather well. Her watch said it was almost noon. At precisely ten after noon, like clock work, Filch sent what ever poor student he had for detention that weekend, to the closet to fetch a mop and bucket and they cleaned the Great Hall.

Ginny had never had occasion with anyone other than Snape and that was just once. Since then he avoided her like the plague and even if she happened to blow up half the potions lab (Like she had once last year, on purpose, Mum said she was getting more and more like Fred and George every day), he let her slide.

Hermione and Harry didn't understand it but Ron did and now so did Malfoy.

Ginny had a strategy. She had often employed it as a child. As a result, her brother's avoided upsetting her and Malfoy was currently trying to gnaw a way through the door.

What did she do? She smiled. When Ron broke her favorite toy broom she had given him the Smile. When Snape admitted the twelve year old red head, she gave him the Smile. And when Draco Malfoy said he would rather eat his own feces than listen to her, she gave him the Smile.

In Snape's case, all that had been required was the Smile. He had taken one look at her and paled. Then he told her she could leave.

In Ron's case the Smile had been followed up with gratuitous violence.

And in Draco's case it had been preceeded by a kiss.

It was quite simple. She had kissed him long and hard then smiled as he stood there, a mix between stunned and horrified.

"Now Malfoy, I realize we're stuck in a closet together. But let's look on the bright side. You have just been contaminated."

She held up a hand for silence. "I'm aware that isn't exactly the bright side, but here's the silver linning, as soon as we get out of this rat infested little room, you can wash out your mouth as often as you like. Now isn't that an incentive?"

Draco was still trying to claw his way through the door.

(A/N: Happy Halloween Everyone! I told my self I wasn't going to start this fic for another couple of months but I wanted to do something special for Halloween. I refuse to divulge the ships for this fic until after chapter five is up. By then you'll probably be able to guess them anyway.