A/N: OH MY GOD!! SOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! School has been really time consuming and I've had a lot of stuff going on… you know, not going in to that! It's ok! Because no I have the post up and oh geez::hides from angry mob of readers that's rushing me:: I've got the update! Don't kill me!

It's kinda short and I hope it's not to unsatisfying of an end! If you don't like it I could make an alternate ending I guess… but that one would be sad! VERY SAD! BWAHAHAHAHAHA… ::coughcough:: anyway… read on!

Chapter Three My Heart Could be Beating…

The woman smiled cheerfully and handed them to sea-salt ice creams. "Here you go, two sweets free of charge for you and your sweetie." Roxas felt heat rush to his face and shyly took the ice creams, passing one to Namine.

"Er… thank you…"

Namine's eyes were huge. "That was really nice of her…"

Roxas put his free arm around her thin shoulders and hugged her. "Where do you want to go?" He asked, wanting to make her last hours of life happy.

She smiled, all traces of her leaving this life gone… aside from the fact that she was looking weaker and weaker… grayer and grayer. He forced a smile and tried to be as cheerful as she was. "Anywhere is fine. I've never really been able to walk around the town before…"

"The beach! You have to go the beach!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in the direction of the train station.

Laughing she said, "Sounds like fun!" and followed.

When he reached the station he pulled some money out of his pocket. "Two tickets please!"

The day at the beach was so amazing that Roxas forgot Namine's condition in the blinding sun, but when the light began to fade the gray tint to her fair skin was darker. It was like the night that was approaching was trying to swallow her.

They stood watching the sunset, tears streaming down both of their faces. Namine broke the silence. "Roxas… this is… goodby-"

Before she could finish Roxas pulled her toward him; his lips landed on hers in a passionate kiss. His arms engulfed her small body and for once she felt protected. Suddenly his arms began to slip through her and he couldn't touch her. She was completely transparent, only outlines of her features visible. She placed a translucent hand on his cheek, but he couldn't feel it. Tears glistened in her ghostly eyes. "Goodbye Roxas. I…" Suddenly she put her hand to where her heart would be as if in pain and fell to the ground writhing. Roxas tried to comfort her but his hand just slipped through. He growled in anguish.

Without warning….

… she stopped.

Her eyes were closed, her breath shallow, if there at all. "Oh, God, don't be dead!" He tried again to pull her to him and this time his hands touched her. He pulled her close, not connecting the fact that she had a physical form with anything; his mind was to filled with pain.

She groaned, lifting shining eyes to his. "Namine!"

"Roxas…" she moaned, her voice weak, "My heart… is… beating."

"What? Heart… but…" He asked confused.

She smiled feebly, still tired from the pain. "I… have a… heart, Roxas. Someone… gave me a heart…"

"But who…?" Namine fainted. He looked around. In the distance Sora was walking away, keyblade over his shoulder, a slain heartless lying in the sand. When their eyes met Sora winked and held up a peace sign before turning and walking away. Roxas remembered the hearts that floated up from heartless when they were destroyed. He felt tears of joy prick his eyes.

"Thanks, Sora. Thanks a million." He stood, carrying Namine, and walked toward the station and the safety of the mansion: home.


A/N: This depicts Sora a little differently than I think of him in the game ::coughcough:heissuchadork::coughcough:: I actually like this side of Sora though. I think is cute that he saw Namine fading and gave her a heart… but the question is why didn't he give Roxas one too? Why didn't he just do this a long time ago and stop the whole problem from happening? I smell a sequel fic! Tell me what you think of the idea of a sequel fic. If I get some positive feedback I MAY make one. ;D peace out, dudes!
