Disclaimer: I don't own FF7.

AN: LAST CHAPTER! YAY! also, sorry for the delay. I've been playing Red Ninja woot woot! (and going to school... eek!)

Chapter 9


Tifa sighed and leaned in the doorway, watching the rain in a white silk slip. She shivered and hugged her shoulders, closing her eyes to think. A finger gently tapped her shoulder and she slowly turned her head to see who was there.

"Are you going to bed or are you going to stand there all night?" red eyes glaring down at her with the question. Cloud and Aeris' wedding was exhausting, not to mention that Vincent had taken Tifa to the graveyard and swapped spit with her. She almost laughed at him, but shook her head. "No, I'll be right there." He nodded in response and went to lay in Tifa's bed.

Her gaze went back out into the rain, wishing she could wash away with it. "Hey, Vincent?" her voice said over her shoulder. He opened an eye and stared at her, "Hmm?" she sighed, causing fog to form on the glass surface, "Have you ever wished... you could disappear?" she turned to look at him, and was suprised that he wasn't the least bit startled.

"Many times; Why?" both of his eyes were fixed on her now in complete interest. Tifa only sighed and shook her head, gazing out into the rain once more, "Just thought I'd ask."

She returned to the bed and sat next to Vincent, whom now had sat upright to look at her. "I sometimes feel that way." she told him. Vincent held back a stinging in his eyes and lifted her chin to look at him, kissing her softly before laying back in the pillows. He never took his eyes from her as she held her knees to her chest with another heavy sigh.

"How come?" he finally decided to ask just to break the silence. Tifa shrugged, "Dunno. I've felt that way a lot lately..." she looked over her shoulder down at Vincent, who was frowning up at her. "I mean, uh--- It's not because of you! It's just--" before she could finish her sentence, Vincent grabbed her arm and pulled her down until their lips were nearly together. "Good."

Vincent kissed her again passionately before holding her until she fell asleep. She felt a bit cold and unwelcoming to his touch, so he pulled up the blankets around them and held her tightly. Tifa stirred and mumbled his name, causing him to look down at her. "I have to tell you something... but--"

There suddenly was a crash downstairs, and both figures shot up. "You heard that, right?" Tifa asked, kicking off the sheets and peeking out the door. Vincent crept up behind her, "I'd be deaf if I didn't." he passed her and went down the hall, Tifa frowning with a cold glare after him. A few seconds later she followed him down the hall and down the stairs and outside.

Vincent stopped, eyes widened. Tifa put a hand on his shoulder and looked at his face, "What is it?" Vincent blinked ,"Um..." then her eyes looked to where his was, and gasped, "My motor-" Vincent shushed her again and spun around, "Common, we need to get out of here so the other's won't get hurt." Tifa was confused, "What?" but Vincent said nothing and tugged her to an open space, soaked by the rain.

The ex-turk froze when Tifa gave a shriek and took her hand away and held her now bleeding arm, "What the hell?" she said to mainly herself, but then another river of blood ran down her leg from her calf and made her fall to her knees. Vincent quickly knelt beside her and held her shoulders, "Tifa?"

A loud cackle came from behind them, and they both looked up until they were staring at a pair of emerald eyes. "Hello, Tifa." he growled, licking her blood off of his blade. Vincent reached for his gun but couldn't seem to find it, and gritted his teeth at Sephiroth. He quickly ran up to him and engulfed his neck with his hand, his long silver hair brushing his skin, "I will distroy you!" he spat.

Sephiroth smirked, "You c-can't kill me!" Vincent' tightened his grip, "And why the hell would I take your word for it?" Sephiroth only smiled and held up the snake charm and squeezed it tightly. Tifa yelped and grabbed her chest, falling over onto the ground. "Stop it!" Vincent growled, and the silver-haired man obliged.

Tifa lay gasping for breath for a moment and sat up, trembling. "So, you kill me, you kill the woman carrying your child." Vincent's eyes widened and he looked over at Tifa, who was crying by now, "I'm sorry Vincent, I- I was gonna tell you..." she hid her face in her hands. "You see? Even SHE is as cowardly as you!" Sephiroth smirked.

Tifa's head lifted and she glared at him, "WHAT?!" and stood. Sephiroth shoved Vincent off while he was looking at Tifa, and backed away from his reach. "I said your a scared, weak, stupid bi-" Tifa started running at him adn punched him in the jaw, "YOUR GONNA REGRET THOSE WORDS WHEN I MAKE YOU CHOKE ON THEM!" her mahogany eyes flashed red at Sephiroth as he got up, squeezing the charm again. The martial artist screamed in pain and held her chest again, falling back into Vincent's arms.

Vincent glared at Sephiroth and set Tifa down. Sephiroth smiled and they ran head on twards eachother. The two men lashed at eachother, and it didn't take long for Tifa to run inside then back out carrying something. "Vincent!" and threw it in the air. His crimson eyes glanced at the item and it took only that for Sephiroth to slash his chest. Tifa gasped and ran to Vincent backed agenst a tree holding his bleeding chest.

Sephiroth cought the gun and pointed it at Vincent's heart, "Now, die." and pulled the trigger. Vincent clenched his eyes shut and heard someone scream, "NO!" and hold onto him. His eyes opened when he heard the person grunt, to see Tifa staring wide-eyed up at him. Blood trickled down her mouth and her knees gave out, making her slide down to her knees and fall over on the ground.

Vincent kneeled beside her and cradled her body, "Tifa! Damnit, your so stupid! Why'd you do that?!" she opened her eyes long enough to answer him with a tiny smile, "Because I- I-" she lifted her head with her last bit of strength and kissed him before falling back into his arms. That was the very first time a tear left Vincent's eyes. The snake charm turned into dust and blew to the ground in Sephiroth's hands.

Vincent lay Tifa on the ground and bared his fangs at Sephiroth, "DIE!!" and with amasing speed Sephiroth had never seen before, Vincent ran up and punched Sephiroth so hard in the chest, he ripped his still beating heart out. Sephiroth gave a gasp and fell to the ground, now dead. Vincent retreaved his gun and shot Sephiroth in the head until it seemed he didn't have a face anymore, and threw his heart up agenst the rain and shot it into a million pieces.


Vincent sighed in his sleep, his forehead resting in his arms. Someone suddenly shook his shouder and he lifted his head from the bed and stared into a familiar pair of eyes. She smiled at him and kissed his forehead, "Have a nice sleep?" Vincent sat up, bewildered, to see Tifa smiling at him and Yuffie shaking her head, "You've become a very heavy sleeper, that's not like you at all, Vinny."

It was two weeks since that night and Tifa had finally woken up, Yuffie had gotten the bullet out and Vincent had to tell them everything. Every single thing. Okay, maybe not the private stuff, but it was a short and simple explination that everyone understood. Aeris walked in and hugged Tifa, "I'm so glad your awake!" Tifa patted her friend's shoulder and waved her hands arround.

"Uhm, Aeris? I don't think she cam breathe with you hugging her like that..." Yuffie suggested. Aeris let go and giggled, "Sorry." and left with Yuffie, "We're gonna get you something to eat, the others are getting some stuff for your wounds." and shut the door. When she was sure they were gone, she held up her hands and stared at them, "Is it finally over?"

Vincent nodded. She looked at him and smiled, he smirked back and crawled on top of her giving a passionate kiss. Tifa broke it when Vincent slipped something on her left hand finger. She stared at it and gasped, looking back up at Vincent and violently nodded. He gave her another small smile and kissed her again, running his hands down her sides to her hips.

But she broke the kiss again. "Vincent! They should be back any moment!" she hissed, he chuckled and nipped her collarbone, "But Tifa, I haven't had any playtime with you for two weeks." his fake whining caused her to make a face at him, then laughed when he attempted a puppy pout. She bit his lower lip and whispered, "Okay, but I'm not locking the door this time."



OMG! I had some trouble with extending this chappy but it's still very very very short. I'm sorry if it was a disappointment cuz it was totally opposite of my hipothesis. Anyway, cookies for all who read! thankies!
