Chapter Eight

It was now hours later, they had all just returned from the Hospital after Max had been taken. He was still unconscious and had showed no real signs of waking up any time soon. They gathered at the Valenti's and they were all just sitting there, staring at each other.

"Are any of you going to talk?" Kyle asked. He'd watched as his girlfriend had been stabbed, and then she was fine. Perfectly fine, all that she had was a glowing handprint on her stomach.

"We... are aliens." Maria said softly and the two just stared at her. "The crash in '47, it was real. We were on it."


"We were in pods, like incubators, remember that month about thirteen years ago where they found the four kids wandering in the desert? That was us."

"What was up with Max? Why did he go all psycho?" None of the aliens had an answer.

"Call Serena." Michael said softly, nudging Maria.

"Serena? Who is that?" Isabel asked confused.

"My sister."

"She's like us?" Maria nodded. "How come you didn't tell us sooner?"

"I just found out about her myself. She was living in Arizona." Not much later Serena arrived and they told her about what had happened.

"We'll go to the hospital. Maria, you'll have to hide me. I may be able to help him."

The group gathered back at the hospital. Michael and Isabel stood guard in the doorway, and Maria stood beside Michael, eyes clenched shut as she concentrated on hiding Serena from anyones sight. Serena stood beside Max and gently rested her hands on either side of his head. She closed her eyes tightly and concentrated, trying to find any damage, trying to heal him.

She broke the connection several moments later, her breathing labored. "Serena? You okay?" Maria asked softly hurrying to her sister's side.

"The seal." She whispered.


"That's why he did what he did... it was the Seal, it... it activated itself... finding you. And they messed up. It was to make him remember, to want to follow his destiny, but it was too powerful."

"Can you help him?" Isabel asked in a panic.

"I think I did... but we won't know until he wakes up."

They all waited anxiously for what seemed like hours, for Max to wake up. Michael had taken up residence on the floor, near the door, with Maria resting against his chest.

"Liz." Max's voice was just barely above a whisper, but everyone heard it. They all quickly scrambled to their feet.

"Max?" Isabel whispered.

"Iz? What happened?" Max shook his head.

Isabel sighed and gently took his hand. "Are you okay?"

"I... Where is Liz?"

"Max, she's dead."

"What?!" Max tried to sit up, but his head was spinning. "No!"

"She was shot, at the Crashdown, a month ago."

"No! We had a date last night."

"No, you didn't Max." Isabel told him and quickly looked around the room, asking anyone for help. Michael walked over to the bed and looked down at Max.

"Maxwell. She's dead. I'm sorry... but she is. You tried to kill Maria too. Almost killed Tess in the process."

"What? No, you're... you're lying!"

"No, he's not." Kyle spoke up.

"They know what we are." Maria told him quietly.

Tess lifted the hem of her shirt a little to show the silver handprint. "You stabbed me."

"No." Max whispered.

"Get in a circle you guys." Serena said closing the door, she waved her hand over it and melted the lock.

"What? We going to sing Kumbaya?" Kyle asked.

"Just do it. And hold hands."

"Oh, touchy feely." Alex remarked.

"Shut up, both of you." Serena rolled her eyes and stood beside Maria and grasped her hand. "Just do it." Slowly they began to move closer, cautiously grabbing each other's hands. Alex and Kyle refused to hold hands so Tess and Isabel had rolled their eyes and switched places with the boys.

Finally they were all arranged, holding hands. Isabel held Max's hand, and Alex's, Tess was beside him, and Kyle beside her. Then was Serena, and Maria, and Michael, who had grabbed onto Max's hand.

"Close your eyes." They all did and a moment later a calm feeling washed over the group.

The first thing they all saw was Serena, a young child, stumbling from her pod, confused and scared.

Then Michael, Isabel and Max breaking free from their own pods. Michael stopped to look at the other one still in her pod.

The trio being found near the side of the road by the Evans'.

Maria being found by Sheriff Valenti.

Michael, Isabel, and Max at school, meeting Alex, Tess and Kyle, instantly becoming friends.

Kyle's mom leaving.

Michael beating up a boy for making fun of Tess.

The first time Alex found Maria. Taking her in, taking care of her.

Flash after flash. Different stages of their lives. More recently Liz being shot. Michael felt Maria shake and tightened his grip on her hand.

And then Max. Being overcome by the seal, and nearly killing his friends.

The flashes ended and they all slowly opened their eyes and looked at each other. Maria was crying softly and she threw her arms around Michael and held him tightly.

"I'm sorry." Max whispered. "I'm sorry." He knew that didn't even begin to make up for what he had done. "Maria, I am sorry." She nodded slowly pulling back a little from Michael.

The door opened a moment later. "What are you kids doing?" Diane Evans stood in the doorway, and then she saw Max was awake and gasped softly. "Oh my baby." She rushed to his side and hugged him tightly.

Slowly the group began to leave. "Maria?" Serena said as they walked out of the hospital. "I've been looking at apartments..."

"You're staying?"


"Good." Maria smiled.

"But, I wanted to know, if you wanted to move in with me. I know you're with the Valenti's right now... and if you want to stay with them then that is fine, but... if I should look for a bigger apartment, let me know."

Slowly Maria nodded. "I would really like that."

Over the next few weeks Serena found an apartment, and Maria told Sheriff Valenti that she was moving in with her sister. Jim had been sad, but encouraged them to come over often, letting Maria know she was still part of their family. Max had drifted apart from the group since the incident, depressed about Liz, and about hurting his friends. And no one really objected. He went through the motions of his normal life, and just didn't hang out with them anymore.

It was early Christmas morning. Maria was tiredly leaning against Michael's side. Serena was sitting on the floor in front of the tree. Kyle and Tess were at the other end of the couch, and Isabel and Alex hadn't arrived yet. There was wrapping paper strewn about the room, and Tess had a bow stuck to the top of her head. "The perfect present for me." Kyle had laughed as he stuck it in her hair.

Maria and Tess had grown much closer in the wake of Max's attack. And Maria was genuinely happy. She had a family. Her sister, her boyfriend, her friends, and Jim. Who Maria had noticed had disappeared into the kitchen with Amy over half an hour ago. She was afraid to go in there.

"Hey." Michael kissed her temple and handed her a small box. "Merry Christmas."

Maria tilted her head back and looked up at him. "What did you get me?" She asked softly sitting up a little straighter to open the box. She gasped softly at what she saw inside. A pair of pearl earrings. "Michael." She whispered softly.

"Isabel helped me pick them out...and Tess... and my mom." He rolled his eyes. "They apparently think I can't manage to buy you something nice."

Maria smiled and touched the nameplate necklace he had gotten her for her birthday. "I know you can. Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. "I don't know how to... thank you. I ..." She sighed. "What I got you doesn't really compare." She sighed again and picked up the box.

Michael took the box and dug into it quickly. Then promptly gaped at the contents. "Maria..."

"I know... it's stupid." Maria shook her head. "I just thought that... since you liked them that. It might be something cool, but... I know. It really isn't." Michael grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her firmly on the lips.

"Thank you." He looked back into the box and pulled out the stack of Metallica records that were inside. Each and every single one was autographed. "This is... amazing." He was in awe of her.

"You mean it?" She'd never really gotten anything for anyone before.

"I love it." He told her and hugged her close. "I love you." He whispered against her ear. Maria froze for a moment. He loved her? They had been dating for several months, and they were very close. She'd been helping him remember more about their past life. About their time together. Their love. But he had told her he wasn't sure if he could be that same man she loved.

And she knew he wasn't the same. But he was in so many ways. And he loved her. "I love you." She murmured back and kissed him softly.

"Hey guys!" Isabel and Alex exclaimed as they came through the door gifts in arms. Maria got up and hugged Alex tightly.

"Nice earrings." Isabel smiled.

"Thanks." Maria laughed softly.

Michael got up off the couch, carefully setting his box aside. "You guys have to try this thing my mom made." Michael said heading for the kitchen.

"No Michael don't!" Maria exclaimed but it was too late. He walked into the kitchen and a second later was yelling and walking back out. Followed by a disheveled Amy and Jim.

"Michael! Honey!"

"Oh my god!" Kyle shook his head. "I can't believe you two!"

"Son, now we are the adults here-"

"Exactly! You're the adults! We're not supposed to find you making out in every dark corner of the house!" Kyle ran his hands over his face. "You're worse than any of us!"

"We're getting married!" Amy exclaimed suddenly holding out her hand.

Everyones jaws dropped.

"What?!" Michael shook his head. "Mom..."


Maria covered her mouth with her hand, shocked. Isabel and Alex turned to conceal their laughter.

"Congratulations!" Serena yelled from her spot on the floor.

"Thank you sweetie." Amy smiled.

Maria looked at Michael and then Kyle. It was twisted. If Jim was her 'father' and Amy was going to be his wife, what did that make Michael to her? Aside from her boyfriend. "Congratulations you guys." Maria told them and walked over to give Jim a hug.

"The ring is beautiful." Tess smiled.

Alex and Isabel calmed their laughter and chimed in with their congratulations.

Then everyone looked at Kyle and Michael. "Does this mean we won't catch you two making out in the pantry anymore?" Michael asked scratching his eyebrow.

"Or on the couch?" Kyle asked.

"The kitchen table." Michael shook his head.

"So we're eating dinner in here right?" Serena asked slightly alarmed.

Michael walked over and hugged Amy finally. "I'm happy for you mom." He said quietly and she smiled.

"Thank you sweetie." Amy kissed his cheek.

Maria joined Michael again and slid her hand into his. "This wasn't exactly the family I had dreams about as a child."

"No?" Michael asked surveying the room. Jim and Amy had sat down, more presents were being passed out as Alex and Isabel joined the group around the tree.

"No." Maria laughed softly. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything." Michael kissed her forehead and hugged her close.

"Maria sweetie! Come on, there are gifts to open." Amy smiled holding a box out to her. Maria nodded and tugged Michael back into the circle around the tree and thanked Amy.

Finally, she had the family she had always wanted. It was just a little different than she had expected.